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5.Fill in the gaps with the given words and read about the digestive process. The Digestive Process

the mouth / the digestive tract / bile / esophagus / the salivary glands / the stomach / many microbes / the rectum

The digestive system consists of (1)______________and digestive glands. The digestive tract is some 8-10m long and is divided into the following parts: oral cavity, (2)____________, stomach, small intestine and large intestine.

The digestive process begins in (3)___________. The food is chewed by the teeth in the oral cavity. (4)______________secrete saliva which helps break down food’s carbohydrates.

After that the food enters the esophagus. Peristaltic movements in the walls of the esophagus push the food into (5)________________.

Food in the stomach is partly digested and converted into a semi liquid (полужидкий) state.

After being in the stomach, food enters the small intestine. There (6) ___________, pancreatic enzymes, and other digestive enzymes help in the breakdown of food.

Then food passes into the large intestine where some of the water and electrolytes are removed from the food. (7) _______________in the large intestine help in the digestion process. Solid waste products are stored in (8) ____________and then, eliminated from the body.

6.Translate into English using the text “The Digestive Process”

1)пищеварительные железы; 2) делиться на части; 3)пережевывать зубами; 4)выделять слюну; 5)расщеплять углеводы; 6)проникать в пищевод; 7) стенки пищевода; 8) проталкивать пищу; 9) превращаться в полужидкое состояние; 10) твёрдые остаточные продукты; 11) удалять из организма.

7.Choose the best ending for each sentence.

  1. The digestive system consists of …

  2. The digestive process begins in the mouth where …

  3. Saliva helps …

  4. Peristaltic movements in the walls of the esophagus …

  5. In the stomach food is …

  6. Food enters …

  7. In the large intestine water and electrolytes are …

  1. … partly digested.

  2. … break down food carbohydrates.

  3. … the small intestine.

  4. … the digestive tract and digestive glands.

  5. … food is chewed by the teeth.

  6. … removed from the food.

  7. … push food into the stomach.

8 .Speak about the digestive system


1.Review the given words

kidneys / bladder / to consist of / spine / cover / lumber region / fluid / to make up / the cavity of the pelvis / to form / muscular / smooth muscles / capacity / connective tissue / apex

2.Study the new words

  1. urinary system – выделительная система

  2. waste (end) products of the body – остаточные (конечные) продукты тела

  3. ureter – мочеточник

  4. urethra – уретра

  5. urine – моча

  6. pass out of the body – выходитьизтела

  7. place – располагаться

  8. membrane – оболочка

  9. bean-shaped – бобовидный

  10. inner margin – внутренний край

  11. hilus – ворота органа

  12. convey – проводить

  13. fundus – дно органа

  14. coat – оболочка

  15. mucous – слизистый

  16. coating – слой, покров

  17. folds – складки

  18. layer – слой, пласт

  19. extend – растягиваться

  20. different directions – разные направления