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VI. A) Fill in the gaps using the given words. How does 'mechanochemistry' work?

Bond, controllable, flexibility, variety, precise, favorable, surface

It's a bit like enzymes (if you know your chemistry): you fix onto a molecule or two, then twist or pull or push in a (_____) way until a chemical reaction happens right where you want it. This happens in a vacuum, so you don't have water molecules bumping around. It's a lot more (_____) that way.

So, if you want to add an atom to a( _____), you start with that atom bound to a molecule called a "tool tip" at the end of a mechanical manipulator. You move the atom to the point where you want it to end up. You move the atom next to the surface, and make sure that it has a weaker (____) to the tool tip than to the surface. When you bring them close enough, the bond will transfer. This is ordinary chemistry: an atom moving from one molecule to another when they come close enough to each other, and when the movement is energetically (____). What's different about mechanochemistry is that the tool tip molecule can be positioned by direct computer control, so you can do this one reaction at a wide (____) of sites on the surface. Just a few reactions give you a lot of (____) in what you make.

B) Correspond the given words to the gaps

Why do some scientists dismiss this stuff as science fiction?

Contradicted, advanced, familiar, confused, dismiss, published

The whole concept of (_____) nanotechnology — molecular manufacturing (MM) — is so complex and unfamiliar, and so staggering in its implications, that a few scientists, engineers, and other pundits have flatly declared it to be impossible. The debate is further (______) by science-fictional hype and media misconceptions.

It should be noted that none of those who (____) MM are experts in the field. They may work in chemistry, biotechnology, or other nanoscale sciences or technologies, but are not sufficiently (____) with MM theory to critique it meaningfully.

Many of the objections, including those of the late Richard Smalley, do not address the actual (_____) proposals for MM. The rest are unfounded and incorrect assertions, (____) by detailed calculations based on the relevant physical laws.

VII. Find in the text the sentence with adjective in the comparative degree and translate it into Russian.

VIII. Choose the right form: Participle I or Participle II.

1. This happens in a vacuum, so you don't have water molecules (bumped / being bumped / bumping) around.

2. This is ordinary chemistry: an atom (moving / moved) from one molecule to another when they come close enough to each other, and when the movement is energetically favorable.

3. Some works (including / included) those of R. Feynman are not mentioned in this paper.

4. The results of the experiment (conducted / conducting / being conducted) now will be discussed tomorrow.

IX. Find synonyms and antonyms among these words:

Advanced, expert, significant, a bit, transfer, flexibility, pundit, meaningful, drop behind, unfounded, remain, reasonable, elasticity, a little.

X. Complete the table with the correct word form.















  1. UNIT 8

I. Match the columns.


а. риск



3. relinquishment


4. hazard


5. flaw


  1. What do these abbreviations mean?

  1. MM

  2. CRN

  3. R&D

  4. MEMS

  1. Correspond the words to the gaps.

Is nanotechnology bad or good?

Breakthroughs, malicious, benefit, ban, scanning-probe, allowed, thriving

Nanotechnology offers great potential for (____) to humankind, and also brings severe dangers. While it is appropriate to examine carefully the risks and possible toxicity of nanoparticles and other products of nanoscale technology, the greatest hazards are posed by (____) or unwise use of molecular manufacturing. CRN's focus is on designing and promoting mechanisms for safe development and effective administration of MM.

If MM is so dangerous, why not just completely (____) all research and development?

Viewed with pessimism, molecular manufacturing could appear far too risky to be (____) to develop to anywhere near its full potential. However, a naive approach to limiting R&D, such as relinquishment, is flawed for at least two reasons. First, it will almost certainly be impossible to prevent the development of MM somewhere in the world. China, Japan, and other Asian nations have (____) nanotechnology programs, and the rapid advance of enabling technologies such as biotechnology, MEMS, and (_____) microscopy ensures that R&D efforts will be far easier in the near future than they are today. Second, MM will provide benefits that are simply too good to pass up, including environmental repair; clean, cheap, and efficient manufacturing; medical (_____); immensely powerful computers; and easier access to space.

  1. Find the synonyms.


a. hazard


b. let


c. attitude

4. access

d. flourish


e. successful

  1. Complete the table with the correct word form.








