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3 Answer the following questions:

1. Will the hardware and software be very different from what is in use today?

2. May videophones, electronic pets, and robots become more common in the future?

3. Is it already necessary ho have some computing skills for most jobs?

4. What makes it easier for computers to be used in more situations?

5. Is use of machines in education a good thing? What is your opinion of all this?

6. What systems can be used on the Internet to make shopping and electronic money system easier?

Unit 25

1 Words to know

vacuum tube, n

(электро) вакуумная лампа, электронная лампа, (электро) вакуумный прибор

transistor, n


integrated circuit (IC), n

интегральная микросхема, ИС, микросхема

develop, v

разрабатывать, проектировать, создавать

introduce, v

1) вводить; вносить; внедрять

2) знакомить, представлять

invent, v

изобретать, создавать, выдвигать что-л. новое

punched card, n


paper tape, n


megawatt, n


distributed computing, n

распределённые вычисления

air-conditioning, n

кондиционирование воздуха

pick, n, v

выбор; отбор; выделение,

выбирать; отбирать; выделять

reliable, adj.

надёжный, безотказный

unreliable, adj.


grow, v

расти; вырастать; увеличиваться; развиваться

growth, n

рост; увеличение; развитие

drop, v

падать, ниспадать, опускаться, спускаться; выпадать; вываливаться

lift off, v

стартовать, взлетать

mushroomed, n


enormous, adj.

громадный; гигантский, обширный, огромный

staggering changes, n

ошеломляющие, потрясающие изменения

certain, adj.

точный, определённый

fairly certain, n

(довольно, в некоторой степени) точный, определённый

uncertain, n

неопределённый; неясный, точно не известный

Cray, n

фирменное название серии суперкомпьютеров корпорации Cray Research

IBM, n

корпорация International Business Machines, корпорация IBM

Apple Macintosh, n

компьютер (серии) Мак(интош), компьютер Mac(intosh) (корпорации Apple Computer)

2 Read the text

Interview: it Manager

The IT Manager being interviewed in this unit has seen a lot of developments in computing and expresses his views about future developments.

Electronc computers have only been around for a relatively short time. They started out as very big mainfame systems that consumed a lot of power, were unreliable, and needed a team of professionals to operate and maintain them.Mainframes are still in use however and have continued to be developed.

Supercomputer such as the Cray computers are the most powerful type of mainframe available today.Smaller personal computers that consume a modest amount of power, are fairly reliable, and can be controlled and maintained by the user are now very common.The development of network systems using personal computers has encouraged the move away from centalized systems, controlled by a large mainframe, to the development of distributed systems, where various smaler computers share the workload and control the system. Computers are likely to continue to become faster, cheaper, and more efficient.

Some of the views expressed by the IT Manager include the following:

1 Speech recognition requires the use of very powerful systems that are only now becoming possible to produce. They will make a big change in computing and will inevitably encourage a lot more people to use computers in everyday situations.

2 Hyperlinked webpages are likely to be the type of computing interface that will become the standard for the future.

3 As networking develops, video conferencing is likely to become more common, although people will prefer to meet face-to-face where possible.

4 Although there is always some resistance to change, it is likeky that computers will play a bigger role in teaching in the fuuture. Teaching, however, requires human skills and is unlikely to be done entirely by computers.

5 It is difficult to find a good time to buy a computer because they are always being improved. Having a home computer entices you to continue working at home.