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Учебное пособие Английский для бакалавров. Часть 2

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Åсли бы ты послушàлся меня, ты бы добился успехà.

1. Had you told him, he would have known about the meeting of the staff. 2. Had the equipment been provided in time, we could have introduced the new technology. 3. Were I you, I should discuss this problem again. 4. Had I had this information before, I should have acted differently. 5. Were the air composed only of nitrogen, burning would be impossible. 6. Had the students been more careful, they wouldn’t have broken the new apparatus. 7. Had he known the subject better, he wouldn’t have failed in his exam.

III. Transform the sentences according to the model.

Model: If I had more time, I should read this book.

Had I more time, I should read this book.

1. If you had asked him, he would have helped you. 2. If I were you, I should consider this matter again. 3. If it were not so late, we should stay a little longer. 4. If the manager had been at the office yesterday, I should have spoken to him. 5. If you were allowed to visit the laboratory, you would see much interesting. 6. I could have finished my work if it had not been so late. 7. If the engineer had been informed of the results before, he would have allowed you to repeat the test. 8. If we had used new methods, we would have saved a lot of time.

IV. Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the forms of the verbs in the subordinate clauses.

A.1. It is necessary that she should come in time. 2. It is important that this substance should remain liquid at the lowest temperature. 3. It is required that many new alloys (should) be developed. 4. It is desirable that the engine should combine high efficiency and lightness. 5. It is essential that he (should) inform us about the results of his research.

B.1. We suggested that his project be discussed in details. 2. The engineer demanded the construction materials (should) be carefully tested. 3. We insist that the results of this research be published. 4. They proposed that his report be illustrated in diagrams. 5. The manager demanded that the engineer accomplish the design by next month.

C.1. The man spoke as though he were an expert on this subject. 2. You must be careful with this device so that it should operate without failure. 3. The driver examined the car in order that the engine should run properly. 4. You must put down this rule lest you should forget it. 5. This woman behaves as if she were a child.

V.Read and translate the following sentences. Mind the different meanings of the word “provide”:

provide, v

снàбжàть, обеспечивàть; предостàвлять, дàвàть



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provide for, v


provided, cj

при условии;

providing, cj

в том случàе, если

1. Provided we use the necessary instruments, the measurement will always be correct. 2. Automation provided the control of whole shops and even factories. 3. Our plant is provided with the best up-to-date machinery. 4. Safety measures must be provided for at every plant. 5. Provided this complex mechanism were applied, the problem under investigation would be solved. 6. We could use that apparatus for various kinds of tests provided it were in our laboratory. 7. Ohm’s law gives the possibility of determining resistance provided the voltage and current are known. 8. The electrical properties of this substance may be changed provided the latter is exposed to light.

VI. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the Subjunctive Mood.

1.You would play better bridge if you (not talk) so much.

2.If you (read) the instructions carefully, you wouldn't have answered the wrong question.

3.I could repair the roof myself if I (have) a long ladder.

4.Unless they turn that radio off, I (go) mad.

5.If you were made redundant, what you (do)?

6.I'll probably get lost unless he (come) with me.

7.You (not have) so many accidents if you drove more slowly.

8.Unless they leave a lamp beside that hole in the road, somebody (fall) into it.

9.You'll get pneumonia if you (not change) your wet clothes.

10.If they (hang) that picture lower, we would be able to see it.

VII. Finish the sentences in writing.



If only...........

you wouldn't now be in such a difficult position.



tell him I'm out.




I can't understand why...........

unless he thinks we are Gods.


Is there any point in your coming with us if...............




, if you didn't know the address?




, I shall blame you for it.



If you know the answer, why......................





supposing we left immediately?


9.How I wish.......................

10.If you really have been studying English for so long, it's about time




Transform the sentences using if construction.

Model: You didn't tell me we had run out of bread, so I didn't buy any.


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If you had told me we had run out of bread I'd have bought some.

1.We got a lift, so we reached the station in time.

2.You washed it in boiling water; that's why it shrank.

3.We missed the train because we were using an out-of-date timetable.

4.They were driving very quickly. That's why the accident was so terrible.

5.It was raining. That's the only reason I didn't take the children to the beach.

6.It rained all the time. Perhaps that's why he didn't enjoy his visit.

7.I didn’t work hard at school, so I didn’t get a good job when I left.

8.They asked him to leave the dining-room because he wasn't wearing a shirt.

9.It took us a long time to find his house because the streets were not clearly marked.

10.We didn't go by air only because we hadn't enough money.

IX. Translate into English.

1.Åсли бы вы ложились спàть рàньше, вы не чувствовàли бы себя тàким устàлым.

2.Åсли бы я хорошо её знàл, я позвонил бы ей домой.

3.Åсли бы у меня было 50 000 доллàров, я смог бы совершить кругосветное путешествие.

4.Åсли бы Áорис лучше знàл àнглийский, он смог бы получить хорошую рàботу.

5.Åсли бы Áорис хорошо знàл àнглийский, он получил бы хорошую


6.Åсли бы я был нà вàшем месте, я стàл бы изучàть компьютерное дело.

7.Åсли бы Ñмиты меня приглàсили, я пошел бы нà вчерàшнюю вечеринку.

8.Åсли бы мне был известен вàш àдрес, я бы вàм нàписàл.

9.Åсли бы вчерà вечером не шел дождь, мы пошли бы к нàшим друзьям.

10.Åсли бы Äжордж пришел вовремя, он смог бы мне помочь.

11.Åсли бы вы знàли, что пойдет дождь, вàм следовàло бы взять с собой


X.Fill in the blanks and finish the following sentences.


Did you go to the company picnic last Saturday? Yes, I did, and it was

terrible. I wish I

................There were a lot of things I could have done that day. I

wish I

something else.


2. I wish more people from our department

............... at the picnic. I didn't know

very many people at all. If I ...........................................

more people at the picnic last

Saturday I ................................

so lonely and I...........................

so out of place.


Why weren't the employees from the Greenville office at the picnic? I

expected them

to come. If they.....................

invited to the picnic, it


much livelier.


4. ......................

forget people's names all the times. Can you believe it?

At the picnic last Saturday, I couldn't remember Harry's wife's name, and I had met


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her a dozen times before! I wish I


her name. After all, if


forgotten my name, I................

liked it.


XI. Open the brackets using Conditionals.

1.I wish I (can) speak several languages.

2.I wish I (have) a car.

3.She wishes her parents (approve) of her boy friend.

4.I wish I (be) older.

5.I wish you (like) pop music.

XII. Finish the sentences.

1.Her life might have been saved if.................................

2.The grass would look better if.....................................

3.Unless it is a nice day...............................................

4.He would lend it to you if.......................................

5.If the storm becomes worse....................................

6.If your uncle sees you.............................................

7.If you didn't shake the camera so much, your photographs

8.If you don't like the picture...................................................

9.If the fire had been noticed earlier...............................................

10.You would have been angry if...............................................

ÐÀ Á Î Ò À Ñ Ò Å Ê Ñ Ò Î Ì ..........


Traditionally, engineering activities have been grouped into certain areas of specialization. These originated as civil and military engineering, catering to man's early needs. Scientific discoveries and their development gave birth to a variety of fields of application such as mechanical, chemical, and electrical engineering. Several of the more commonly accepted categories are described below.

Aerospace Engineering combines two fields, aeronautical and astronautical engineering. The former is concerned with the aerodynamics, structure and propulsion of vehicles designed for flight in the Earth's atmosphere. The latter relates to flight above the Earth's atmosphere and involves the design of rockets and space vehicles incorporating sophisticated propulsion, guidance, and life support systems.

Agricultural Engineering is one of the earliest forms of engineering practiced by man. It uses agricultural machinery, irrigation, and surveying and deals with the many associated problems of crop raising and animal husbandry. Not only are the fundamental engineering subjects such as hydraulics, metallurgy, and structures of


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importance, but soil conservation, biology, and zoology are also necessary components. It is here that machines interface with the animal and plant kingdoms.

Chemical Engineering encompasses the broad field of raw material and food processing and the operation of associated facilities. It is mainly connected with the manufacture and properties of materials such as fuels, plastics, rubber, explosives, paints, and cleaners. It would be hard to select the most suitable material if the chemical engineer didn’t know basic and engineering chemistry.

Civil Engineering is one of the oldest branches of the engineering profession. It covers a wide field, and many subsidiary branches have grown from it. The civil engineer is mainly employed in the creation of structures such as buildings, bridges, dams, highways, harbors, and tunnels. He is usually knowledgeable in hydraulics, structures, building

materials, surveying, and soil mechanics. One important area

comprises water supply, drainage, and sewage disposal. It is necessary that the civil engineer should know the properties of engineering materials. A complete knowledge of these

properties would be required by engineers to prevent failure of structures and machines.

Electrical Engineering, in general, deals with the creation, storage, transmission, and utilization of electrical energy and information. Most of its activities may be identified with power or communications. The field encompasses information systems, computer technology, energy conversion, automatic control, instrumentation, and many other specialities.

Industrial Engineering is mainly concerned with the manufacture of useful commodities from raw materials.

Since most of the other engineering fields have a bearing

on this activity, the industrial engineer requires a

particularly broad view. The management of men, materials, machines, and money are all within his endeavor in achieving effective production. Plant layout,

automation, work methods, and quality control are included, and, more than in most of the other traditional branches of engineering, the industrial engineer needs to have some grounding in psychology and dealing with personnel.

Mechanical Engineering develops machines for the generation and utilization of power. Mechanical engineers design turbines, engines, pumps, and their ancillary mechanisms and structures. Heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, transportation, manufacturing, and vibration, are some areas falling within their domain. The art of mechanical engineering would not have received its greatest boost in the 18th century unless there had been no invention of the steam engine.

Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, the production and use of metals, has two distinct branches. One deals with the location, extraction, and treatment of ores to obtain base metals, and the other with the transformation of these metals into


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useful forms and with the study of techniques for improving their performance in specific applications.

In addition to the fields identified above, other categories of engineering are often encountered. These include architectural, ceramic, geological, naval and marine, nuclear, petroleum, sanitary, and textile engineering.


realm, n

облàсть, сферà; перен. цàрство

originate, v

происходить, возникàть


cater, v

здесь: соответствовàть


application, n




rise, n

подъем, рост



accepted, p.p.

общепринятый, общепризнàнный

designation, n

обознàчение, укàзàние; преднàзнàчение

commonly, adv




former, adj

здесь: первый (из нàзвàнных)

concerned with, p.p.

связàнный с.., имеющий отношение к

propulsion, n

толчок, движение вперед; движущàя силà

vehicle, n

средство передвижения, трàнспорт

latter, adj

второй (из нàзвàнных)


relate (to), v

иметь отношение (к), кàсàться

incorporate, v


объединяться; включàть;


вводить в состàв


sophisticated, adj

здесь: опытный


guidance, n




support, n




machinery, n








irrigation, n

ирригàция, осушение (земель)

survey, n

обследовàние, изыскàние


crop raising

рост/подъем (урожàя) зерновых (культур)

husbandry, n

рàзведение, вырàщивàние


soil, n




interface, v







encompass, v

окружàть; содержàть, зàключàть (в себе)

raw materials




processing, n




facilities, n

возможности; оборудовàние


fuel, n




rubber, n

резинà, кàучук


explosive, n, adj

взрывчàтое вещество; взрывчàтый

paint, n






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cleaner, n

очиститель, чистящее средство

cover, v

здесь: охвàтывàть, включàть

subsidiary, adj

здесь: вспомогàтельный, дополнительный

harbor, n


comprise, v

включàть, зàключàть в себе; содержàть,



supply, n


sewage, n

сточные воды

disposal, n

передàчà; рàсположение, рàзмещение

storage, n

хрàнение, хрàнилище

transmission, n


instrumentation, n

àппàрàтурà; оснàщение àппàрàтурой, ин-



commodity, n

товàр, предмет широкого потребления

bearing, n

здесь: отношение

grounding (in), n

обрàзовàние (в сфере...)

pump, n


ancillary, adj


fall, v

здесь: попàдàть

domain, n

облàсть, сферà; перен. цàрство

mining, n

горное дело; горнàя промышленность

distinct, adj

отчетливый, определенный, явный

extraction, n


treatment, n


ore, n


performance, n

исполнение, выполнение

encounter, v

стàлкивàться, неожидàнно встречàться


I. Read and translate the following international words. Consult the dictionary if necessary.

Technology, specialist, category, aerodynamics, atmosphere, rocket, system, practice, machinery, problems, fundamental, metallurgy, biology, zoology, operation, material, plastics, profession, tunnel, mechanics, information, computer, energy, automatic, control, industrial, production, method, traditional, psychology, personnel, vibration, metal, textile.

II. Translate the words of the same root. Define speech part.

Tradition – traditional – traditionally

Active – activity

Special – speciality – specialize – specialization

Science – scientist – scientific


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Discover – discovery

Develop – development - developer

Apply – application - applied

Electrical – electrically - electricity

Technology – technological

Machine – machinery

Main – mainly

Create – creative – creation - creativity

Build – builder – building

Know – knowledge – knowledgeable

Transmit – transmission - transmitter

Inform – informative – information

Use – useful – useless

Manage – management - manager

Extract – extraction – extractive

III. Read and translate the following phrases.

Engineering activities; civil engineering; military engineering; aerospace engineering; agricultural engineering; chemical engineering; electrical engineering; industrial engineering; mechanical engineering; mining and metallurgical engineering; architectural, ceramic, geological, naval and marine, nuclear, petroleum, sanitary, textile engineering; widely accepted designations; fundamental engineering subject; structures of importance; food processing; save conservation; particularly, broad view; base methods; useful commodities; the management of men; effective production; plant layout.

IV. Read the text ‘Realms of Engineering’. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following Russian phrases:

общепринятые кàтегории; рост зерновых культур; сырье; строительные мàтериàлы; водоснàбжение; кàнàлизàция; обрàботкà сырья и продуктов питàния; упрàвление мàшинàми; методы рàботы; контроль кàчествà; извлечение и обрàботкà руды; нàучные открытия; облàсть применения; системы жизнеобеспечения; преврàщение энергии; вспомогàтельные отрàсли; вспомогàтельные мехàнизмы.

V. Translate the words given in brackets.

1.The chemical engineer (должен знàть основы) of both basic and engineering chemistry.

2.Many (вспомогàтельные) branches have grown from civil engineering.

3.Chemical engineering (зàключàет в себе) the broad field of raw material and food processing and the operation of associated facilities.


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4.Industrial engineering is mainly concerned with the manufacture of useful commodities from (сырье).

5.(Óпрàвление) of men, materials, machines and money are all within the industrial engineer endeavor in achieving effective production.

6.Mining engineering deals with the location, (извлечением и обрàботкой руд) to obtain base metals.

VI. Answer the following questions:

1.What categories of engineering do you know?

2.What fields does aerospace engineering combine?

3.What is aeronautical engineering concerned with?

4.What does astronautical engineering relate to?

5.What does agricultural engineering deal with?

6.What does chemical engineering encompass?

7.What does civil engineering cover?

8.What does electrical engineering deal with?

9.What do you know about industrial engineering?

10.What does mechanical engineering develop?

11.What does mining and metallurgy engineering deal with?

VII. Write out of the text ‘Realms of Engineering’ the sentences:

a)with the Subjunctive Mood;

b)with emphatic construction. Translate them.

VIII. Translate the text ‘Realms of Engineering’.

IX. Put questions to the underlined parts of the sentences.

1.Scientific discoveries gave birth to many categories of engineering.

2.The chemical engineer is well grounded in both basic and engineering chemistry.

3.Civil engineering comprises water supply and sewage disposal.

4.The civil engineer is employed in the creation of structures such as buildings, bridges, dams, highways and tunnels.

5.Electrical engineering is of recent origin.

6.The industrial engineer needs to have some grounding in psychology and dealing with personnel.

7.Mechanical engineers design turbines, engines, pumps and their ancillary mechanisms and structures.

8.Other categories of engineering are often encountered.


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9.Metallurgical engineering deals with the transformation of metals into useful


10.Agricultural engineering is one of the earliest forms of engineering practiced

by man.

X.Make up sentences of your own with the following word combinations:

the management of men; the manufacture of useful commodities; raw materials; work methods; traditional branches of engineering; distinct branches; treatment of ores; base metals; categories of engineering; engineering activities; the rapid use of technology; sophisticated propulsion; crop raising; save conservation; food processing; air and water pollution; subsidiary branches.

XI. Make up the plan of the text ‘The Realms of Engineering’. Retell the text according to your plan.

Text B.

Civil engineering did not develop until the rise of Rome. The Cloaca Maxima, the great drain of Rome, was built in the sixth century Â. Ñ. It is in existence today, but the oldest part still standing probably dates from the third century Â. Ñ. Like most ancient drains and sewers, it was at first open, but was later enclosed. The original purpose of Rome's sewers was to drain off waste waters. For efficiency, the sewers were built along the lines of the natural streams.

Lead or clay pipes were used to conduct water to the houses. The lead pipes (4 1/4 inch in diameter), were made from sheet-lead, bent around a core. Walls were 1/4 inch thick.

The Romans, although they did not invent paved roads, advanced road building to a new height. The total length of the roads built by the Romans in Britain is estimated at over 47,000 miles. They were constructed to last forever and many are in use today; some have simply been resurfaced.

In the construction of their road network, the Romans aimed at the shortest route, regardless of obstacles. Rocks were cleared away, tunnels were dug through hills, and swamps were drained. At first the Romans built timber roads, then somewhat later, a timber road mounted on stakes, many having a covering of pavement.

Roman bridges, at first made of wood, were later built of stone. Typical Roman style was a semicircular arch and short span. The bridge builders' chief problem was to provide solid foundations.

Town building was based on camp tradition, and some towns arose out of army camps. A typical town built this way was Manchester, England.

Fusion of Roman and North European traditions was reflected in many ways. Buildings combined the Roman arch and the steep peaked roof of Northern Europe. Roman traditions were continued in an architectural form known as Romanesque.