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Учебное пособие Английский для бакалавров. Часть 2

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2.Why does the analogy become a little fuzzy when you examine some of the main sources of job stress?

3.What are the basic sources of job stress?

4.What are the possible forms of the job-related strain?

5.What causes most industrial accidents?

6.What are the major components to cope and manage job stress?

7.Does success depend on good health?

8.Have you ever suffered from work stress? Did you manage to cope with it?

9.Do you think that physical exercises and a balanced program for eating and drinking can help humans to cope with work stress?

X.Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your reasons. Use the phrases below.

For agreement: That’s just what I thought…

Yes, that’s exactly what I think… I also think that…

I agree entirely… That’s a good point…

I quite agree (with, that)… I accept that…

You are right in saying that…

For disagreement: Yes, that’s quite true, but… I’m not sure I quite agree…

Perhaps, but don’t you think that… I see what you mean, but…

I just can’t accept that… I very much doubt that…

It’s completely wrong to say that… Well, I don’t really see your point.

1.There is a slight analogy between work stress and the engineering characterization of stress.

2.Overstress is acceptable and it is not potentially dangerous to humans.

3.A fall off in work performance is one of several forms of job-related strain.

4.If you are in a responsible production position you can’t ignore the effects of overstress.

5.If you want to cope with work stress, you must control your physical and intellectual activity.

6.Your success does not depend on your physical and psychological activity.

XI. Make up the summary of the text ‘A Healthy You Can Cope with Work Stress’.



The nutritional aspects of stress management are straightforward: you should be concerned with not only what you eat but also how much you eat.

Doing a better job of selecting what foods to eat doesn’t mean you must become a health-food faddist. You must be


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aware, though, that the quality of food bears directly on your health and the energy available for work. If your nutritional education needs sharpening, here is a reminder of the types of useful guidance you can find by studying nutritional literature:

Fresh foods are the healthiest, frozen are the next best thing, and canned foods the least nutritious.

Whole grains in breads, flour, and pastries contain all the natural nourishment of the grain. White flour is stripped of its food value when it is bleached.

Sugar gives a burst of energy to the nervous system and then it takes a long time to replenish the energy. The result is quick up and long down.

Dairy products have a congestive effect. They are mucus forming, which means they produce a substance to coat and protect areas of the body. This mucus layer can be useful in keeping the body warm in winter, but may be unnecessary in the warmer seasons. Pay attention to what dairy products do for you.

A balanced diet contains a little bit of every food group. Don’t forget fresh fruits and vegetables. They are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals which are absolutely necessary for the proper functioning of your body.

Some of the most nutritious foods of all are little known in our society. They include nutritional yeast, soy beans, miso, bean curd, sprouts, and seaweed. Consult your health food store for information as to their applications and benefits.

Most important, remember everybody is different. So eat what feels good to you, not what you think, read, or hear should be good. Learn to trust your healthy self.

Before you eat, first consider whether or not you are hungry. If you are not hungry, chances are that your body does not need any food – don’t waste your time eating. If you are hungry, determine how much food it will take to satisfy your hunger. You must develop the ability to eat only until you know that you are no longer hungry. In short, as you eat, “think healthy” and ask yourself if you really need that food.

Include a program for food health in your life and you will notice differences in your being that affect work. You’ll be more aware of what’s going on around you. You’ll have a more consistent level of energy as you go through the day. You’ll have a greater sense of control over your life and more confidence in your work. You’ll be able to concentrate on those intellectual activities that will help you cope with the stresses of your job.

One more general thought. Use your time advantageously. “Balance” is all important. Balance work and relaxation for a truly healthier, less stressful life.


be aware of

знàть, сознàвàть

faddist, n


bear on, v

кàсàться, иметь отношение к

canned food

консервировàнные продукты





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grain, n


flour, n


pastry, n

кондитерские изделия

strip of, v

лишàть (чего-либо), отнимàть

food value

питàтельнàя ценность

bleach, v


replenish, v


dairy products

молочные продукты

congestive effect

эффект перегрузки (зàстоя)

mucus, n


nutritional yeast

пищевые дрожжи

soy beans

соевые бобы

bean curd

соевый творог

sprouts, n

брюссельскàя кàпустà

seaweed, n

морскàя водоросль

nourishment, n

питàние, пищà, поддержкà


I. Read the text ‘A Nutritional Aspects of Stress Management’. Find the answers to the questions below:

1.What are the nutritional aspects of stress management?

2.What should you know to select what foods to eat?

3.What foods are the healthiest?

4.What is the role of sugar?

5.How do dairy products affect the human organism?

6.What does a balanced diet consist of?

7.What are the most nutritious foods?

8.What must one do in order to feel healthy and strong? Give recommendations.

9.What are your eating habits? Do you balance your food?

II. Read the text ‘The Nutritional Aspects of Stress Management’ again. Find the English equivalents for the following words and phrases:

àспекты питàния – простые; выбирàя, кàкие продукты есть; чудàк, помешàнный нà здоровой пище; окàзывàет непосредственное влияние нà вàше здоровье; пàмяткà (нàпоминàние); полезное руководство; литерàтурà о питàнии; естественное питàние (нàтурàльное питàние); быстрый подъем (взлет) и быстрый спуск (пàдение); согревàя тело зимой; сбàлàнсировàннàя диетà; кàждàя группà продуктов питàния; для прàвильного функционировàния вàшего


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телà; не трàть попусту свое время; вы больше не голодны; вы зàметите рàзницу в своем состоянии; что происходит вокруг вàс; более постоянный уровень энергии; в течение дня; уверенность в своей рàботе; используйте свое время рàционàльно (с пользой);

III. Name at least 5 nutritious foods and 3 - 5 dairy products.

IV. Look through texts A and B. Write your recommendations how to cope with work stress.

V. Give a presentation of the problems posed in texts A and B.


Since most of us eat their meals with a family, suppose we talk about family meals.

There are first the foods which are rich in animal protein, like milk, meat, eggs, fish and cheese. It is easy to build an adequate diet for growth when we can use liberal amounts of the protein foods which come from animals. Milk and milk products form a special class of foods because in addition to the excellent protein

they contain, they also are rich in calcium, which is one of the important minerals used in building bones.

Next, suppose we discuss the foods which come from plants. This is a very large group which includes fruits, vegetables and cereals. In fact, a large number of people in the world have to depend on plants rather than meats to give them protein because this kind of food can be produced most cheaply. It also provides vitamins and minerals for our diet.

Have you ever thought of all the kinds of foods which come from cereals? Think first of bread — made from wheat, from rye, from oats, from corn. You would probably name next the many, many kinds and forms of cereal products such as oatmeal or cornflakes. Then there are the so called "pastes" like macaroni,

spaghetti, vermicelli and the many other forms of paste. Barley is used in delicious hearty soups. Buckwheat is used in griddle-cakes. Man has learned to strip grains of the highly nutritious outer brown coats, but many of these elements have been put back into the "enriched" cereal products. Bread, breakfast cereals and corn meal can all be purchased now in the enriched form.

Let us talk next about fruits and vegetables. Can you imagine how drab our meals would be if suddenly we had no gardens or orchards? We would miss most of the color in our meals — the color of a ripe tomato, a bright orange, the greenness of fresh peas, the golden glow of squash, the rosiness of red apples! We would also miss much flavor in our meals - the tartness of a crisp apple, the sweet sour of grapefruit or fresh lemon. Children too


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would miss fruits and vegetables.

Nutritionists know that besides the satisfactions to eye and tongue which fruits and vegetables give, their very color and tartness are related to their nutritive value.

Yellow, orange and green are important colors when we consider nutritive value. Associated with these colors in fruits and vegetables is the important vitamin A. The yellow food pigment carotene is changed in our bodies to the real vitamin A. Although carotene is a yellow pigment, it is also found along with the green pigment of plants. The darker the green color in a vegetable or the brighter the yellow, the more carotene the food contains. Perhaps you have heard or read that green, unbleached celery and green cabbage are more nutritious than the white varieties. Now you know why. This is a useful fact to remember when you shop at the greengrocer's.

The tartness of grapefruit, oranges and lemons which makes our mouths water when we smell them, leads us to another necessary vitamin. This one is called vitamin C, or ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is also found in vegetables like those of the cabbage family, which includes also Brussels sprouts. Turnips, onions and white potatoes also contain valuable amounts of this vitamin. Vitamin C does not like the heat of cooking, so you are advised to serve one raw fruit and one raw vegetable each day.

Sugars and fats furnish extra calories for our diet. Fats also have another important function in nutrition. Many of our natural foods like meat, milk, eggs, cheese, nuts and even some vegetables contain fat. Fat in a meal has the property of making us feel satisfied. Children and most adults like some extra fat, for example butter or margarine on bread or fat used in cooking.

Now sugar is another matter. We have become sugar-eaters. We eat ten times as much as our great-grandmothers did. But sugar in moderation is a good energy food. Fruits and the sweeter vegetables contain sugar which should be considered. Sugar is also capable of making us feel satisfied at the end of a meal. There are lots of sweet foods everywhere, and doctors, nutritionists and dentists keep saying "Don't use too much!"

From “Feeding Your Baby and Child” by

B. M. Spock and M. E. Lowenberg (Adapted)


cereals, n

хлебные злàки

wheat, n


rye, n


oats, n

овес, овсянàя крупà (кàшà)

corn, n

кукурузà, мàис; зерно, хлебà



paste(s), n

мàкàронные изделия, итàльянские


блюдà из мàкàрон

barley, n


delicious, a


hearty, a

обильный (о еде)



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buckwheat, n

гречихà, гречневый

griddle-cakes, n

олàдьи, лепешки

breakfast cereals

кàшà из круп нà зàвтрàк

drab, a

бесцветный, однообрàзный

ripe, a


squash, n

кàбàчок, тыквà

flavor, n

вкус, букет, àромàт, зàпàх

tart, a

кислый, едкий, терпкий

crisp, a


celery, n


turnip, n


onion, n


cabbage, n


fats, n



I. Learn the words to text C. Make sure you can translate them both from English into Russian and from Russian into English.

II. Read the text ‘There Are Many Kinds of Food’. Answer the questions below.

1.What foods are rich in animal protein?

2.What foods come from plants?

3.What foods come from cereals?

4.What is the value of fruits and vegetables?

5.What vitamins can we get from fruits and vegetables?

6.What are important colours in fruits and vegetables? Why?

7.What is the function of fats?

8.What foods can contain fats?

9.Is sugar a good energy food?

10.What foods produce vitamins and minerals for our diet?

III. Underline the suffixes in the following words. Translate the words:

growth, cheaply, highly, greenness, suddenly, tartness, rosiness, brighter, important, moderation, nutritionist, satisfaction.

IV. Divide the following sentence into sense groups. Translate.

Milk and milk products form a special class of foods because in addition to the excellent protein they contain, they also are rich in calcium, which is one of the important minerals used in building bones.

V. Read the text ‘There Are Many Kinds of Food’ carefully. Find the sentences with subordinate clauses. Define what types they belong to. Translate the sentences.


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VI. Name 5 – 10 things which are

rich in animal proteins;

rich in vitamins and minerals;

rich in fats;




VII. Match up the color with the appropriate foods:

1. green

a) orange

2. yellow

b) tomato

3. orange

c) squash

4. red

d) apple


e) grapefruit


f) celery


g) turnip

VIII. Match up the vitamins with the appropriate foods:


Vitamin A

a) oranges


Vitamin C

b) cabbage



c) celery



d) brussels sprouts



e) turnips



f) onions



g) lemons

IX. Exclude foods that don’t contain fats:

cheese, meat, eggs, apples, milk, turnip, cabbage, nuts, macaroni, wheat, squash.

X. Make up short reports on the following topics:

1.The foods which come from plants.

2.The foods which come from animals.




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Since time immemorial scientists have dreamed about eliminating disease. Medieval alchemists believed that doing so would result in human immortality. But it was only in 1912 that Austrian scientist Nager introduced the term "geriatrics", marking the beginning of the science of aging.

The works of Botkin and Mechnikov confirmed the assumption of ancient physicians. By the middle of the 20th century scientists established that the coordinated work of all internal organs depends on the hypothalamus — a special part of brain. It processes the information, and sends signals to organs. It became known that these driving pulses are of electric nature, and interruptions in this system have catastrophic consequences. Never did medicine have the means to influence this system.

Late in the 1970s Soviet military electronics made fantastic progress. No wonder that it was in this sphere that the discovery at the junction of electronics and medicine was made. Having investigated the characteristics of signals sent from the brain to all

the organs of a healthy organism, electronics experts made a tiny microprocessor which can imitate such impulses. Their underlying idea was very simple: if there are some failures in the organism control system, the microprocessor would compensate.

The electronic pill, once it is in the stomach, comes into contact with nerve endings and begins to send pulses through them.

These pulses get into the central nervous system and arouse reciprocal reaction. The organism begins to look younger. After 25-30 hours the pill is released naturally. One pill is sufficient for several months.

In 1984 the security bodies stamped the discovery as classified. Hundreds of experiments were staged on dogs, after which each of the inventors swallowed several pills and thoroughly recorded their observations:

"...20-40 minutes after taking the pill a person begins to feel inside his body a self-contained electro-stimulant, and a little later, its movement inside the body...

Women who have given birth to a baby, experience a feeling close to pregnancy, some men note the unusual sensations and a certain state of anxiety..."

Then the stimulant was tested by patients, and only after that the official clinical tests of the autonomous electro-stimulant started in the leading clinics of the country, including the Institute of Surgery, headed by Academician Petrovsky (in those years the USSR Minister of Public Health). It is also known that once these pills saved the life of a cosmonaut after a grave operation.

At this stage the story of the electronic pill comes abruptly to an end. It is known that in ten years this pill was used nearly two million times in the former 4th Main Department of the Ministry of Public Health. It was used to cure the patients of special elite clinics. The pill was produced by the military-industrial complex, in extremely limited numbers.

The pill project was almost lost once the Politburo was dissolved and the unknown military plant underwent conversion. But thank God people came forward to save the unique industry. In November 1991 the management of the Public Health Ministry signed the quality certificate of the self-contained electric stimulant.


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Thereby, a permission was granted for a wide use of such stimulants. The pills were on sale at the chemist's, but even the salesmen could not explain clearly what pains this strange remedy relieves. After that the Soviet Union disintegrated and the economic crisis intensified.

Despite this, scientists go on working on the improvement of the pill. It turned out that if the surface of the capsule is covered with a thin coating of zinc, copper or silver, the atoms of metal will get directly into the blood. This will make it possible to cure with greater success, and in the future to make the pill remote-controlled. Most likely, our children will use such pills for treatment.

Notes on the text:

on short notice

быстро, немедленно

to stamp smth. as classified

присвоить титул секретности

I. Read the text ‘Sensational Discovery Relating to Electronics and Medicine’. Answer the questions that follow.

1.What have scientists dreamed about since time immemorial?

2.What does the coordinated work of all internal organs depend on?

3.How does hypothalmus work?

4.What discovery did Soviet scientists make in 1970s?

5.How does the electronic pill work?

6.How was the electronic pill tested?

7.Did the experiments prove the assumption of scientists?

8.Is electro-stimulant introduced into pharmaceutical production?

9.Do the scientists work on the improvement of the pill? And what do they plan to do?

II.Make up a brief plan how electronic pill was invented and introduced into


III. Make up the summary of the text. The following phrases will help you:

It is described in short…

It is shown that…

It is dealt with…

Data are given about…

Attempts are made to analyze (to formulate)…

is (are) given…

is provided for…

is designed for…

is examined…

is investigated…

is analyzed…

is formulated…


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The need is stressed…

Attention is drawn to…

Conclusions are drawn…

I. Read the dialogue in pairs.


Dr. Jones: Good morning, Mrs. Fat. Sit down, please.

Mrs. Fat: Good morning, Dr. Jones. Do you mind if I sit on the sofa?

Dr. Jones: No, not at all. You can take any seat you like. So you would like to lose weight, wouldn’t you?

Mrs. Fat: Exactly. I’ve been overweight all my life and now I think it’s time I started dieting.

Dr. Jones: Oh, yes. I see. You know… before I can recommend you a particular diet I must learn all about your eating habits. How many meals a day do you normally have?

Mrs. Fat: I usually have only three meals a day. I mean breakfast, lunch and dinner, but unfortunately I very often eat between meals.

Dr. Jones: What do you have for breakfast?

Mrs. Fat: A traditional English breakfast. I have a glass of orange juice, a bowl of cereal and bacon and eggs. And then I drink tea.

Dr. Jones: Do you like milk in your tea?

Mrs. Fat: Well, that depends. On some days I just have a couple of sandwiches for lunch, but sometimes I also have a bowl of soup and cakes or pies to follow.

Dr. Jones: What do you have for dinner and when do you have it?

Mrs. Fat: I normally have dinner at 8 p.m. I know it’s a bit too late, it just happens so. What do I have? You know, I like to have a very substantial dinner – a starter, like a salad or assorted meat, followed by a main course such as beefsteak or fish and chips and then dessert and tea or coffee.

Dr. Jones: What do you have for dessert as a rule? Mrs. Fat: Ice-cream or cakes, or both.

Dr. Jones: And what do you eat between meals?

Mrs. Fat: Peanuts, chocolate, popcorn, crisps and stuff. Sometimes I just like to nibble candies.

Dr. Jones: In fact, many people do the same and yet they have no problem with excess weight. Let me see… Do you fry one or two eggs with your bacon in the morning?