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Тема 3 (2011). Економіка. Основні економічні пи....doc
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II. Find the following words and word-combinations in English in the text:

складатися з, гирло річки, високорозвинутий, кораблебудування, вугледобування, металур­гійний,текстильний, авіація, автомобільний, хімічний, електронна техніка, парламентська монархія, глава держави, керувати, Палата громад (об­щин), Палата лордів, прем 'єр-міністр, уряд, ВНП (валовий нацiональний продукт), змiшана економiка, що ґрунтується на приватному та державному пiдприємництвi, робоча сила, промислова держава, зумовленo, плiч-о-плiч.

III. Answer the following questions:

  1. What islands do the British Isles consist of?

  2. What oceans are the British Isles washed by?

  3. How many parts does the island of Great Britain consist of?

  4. What country does Northern Ireland border on?

  5. What are the main mountain ranges situated in Great Britain?

  6. What is the population of Great Britain?

  1. What are the main industrial towns and cities in Great Britain?

  1. What kind of state is Great Britain?

IV. Find equivalents:

1. coal-mining a. змiшана економiка

2. GNP б. авiаракетна промисловiсть

3. hand in hand в. приватне пiдприємство

4. industrial nation г. енергетична промисловiсть

5. private enterprise д. суднобудування

6. power industry е. промислова держава

7. public transport є. плiч-о-плiч

8. workforce ж.чорна металургія

9. shipbuilding з. громадський транспорт

10. mixed economy и. ВНП (валовий нацiональний продукт)

11. cotton industry і. робоча сила

12. aeromissile industry ї. бавовництво

13. ferrous metallurgy й. вугледобувна промисловiсть

V. Translate into English:

1. Великобританiя є дуже розвинутою морською iндустрiальною державою. 2. Вона має змiшану економiку, що ґрунтується на при­ватному та державному пiдприємництві. 3. Держава контролює вугле­добувну та електроенергетичну галузі, чорну металургiю та суднобу­дування. 4. Промисловiсть, послуги та сiльське господарство є го­ловними секторами британської економiки. 5. Розквіт Великобританiї як iндустрiальної держави зумовлювався наявнiстю значної кiлькостi мiнеральних ресурсiв. 6. Вугледобувна, металургiйна, текстильна та суднобудiвна — це найстарiші галузі промисловостi. 7. Новими галу­зями промисловостi є хiмiчна, електротехнiчна, автомобiльна та авiара­кетна. 8. Лондон, Глазго, Манчестер, Лiверпуль, Шеффiлд та Бiрмiнгем є основними промисловими центрами Великобританiї.

Тема 3: економіка. Основні економічні питання. Типи економічних систем.

CPC: Географічні, демографічні, економічні та політичні дані про США

The united states of'america

The United States of America is one of the largest countries in the world. It is the most powerful and highly developed country of the world. The USA is situated in the central part of the North American Continent. Its western coast is washed by the Pacific Ocean and eastern one — by the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf Stream. The USA is separated from Canada in the north by the 49th parallel and the Great Lakes, and from Mexico in the south by a line following The Rio Grande River and continuing across the highlands to the Pacific Ocean.

The total area of the USA is over 9 million square kilometres. The USA consists of three separate parts. They are the Hawaiian Islands, situated in central part of the Pacific Ocean, Alaska, separated by the Canadian territory and the rest major part of the USA.

The Great Rocky mountains run north and south. Some of them form a divide between rivers that flow westward and those that flow towards the Atlantic or the Gulf of Mexico. The continental part of the USA consists of the highland regions and two lowland regions. The highland regions are the Appalachian mountains in the east and the Cordillera in the west. The lowlands are situated between the Cordillera and the Appalachian mountains and are usually called the prairie. Eastern lowlands are called Mississippi valley.

The main rivers of the USA are the Mississippi, the longest river in the world, and the Hudson river.

The population of the US is about 250 million people. The USA is a highly developed industrial country. It has a highly developed motor-car industry which is concentrated in and around Detroit. Electric and electronic engineering, transport, commu­nication, ship-building, textile industry are very powerful. Ship­building is developed along the Atlantic coast and in San Francisco. The textile industry is to be found in the north-east and in the south of the country. There are coal-mines in the Cordillera Mountains and the Kansas City region. Iron is mined near the Great Lakes. The rich oil fields are in California, Texas and some other regions.

The United States of America is one of the largest countries in the world. It has a developed free enterprise economy. It means that people are able to own capital and property and to run their own businesses for making profit. Most economic decisions in the country are made in the marketplace. Nearly 90 per cent of the goods and services produced in the country each year come from privately owned companies and firms.

Despite the fact that the United States has a free enterprise system, government’s role in the economy is so important that economists describe it as a mixed economy. It is an economic system that combines elements of public ownership of the means of production with private ownership, and elements of free enterprise with government participation and control.

The USA is a country with a highly developed economy. With only 5 per cent of the world’s population and about 6 per cent of its land area the USA produces 25 per cent of the world’s industrial products, agricultural goods, and services. It leads the capitalist world in industrial and agricultural production, leaving the other capitalist countries far behind.

The United States owes its high level of economic development to its great wealth of minerals and fertile farm soil, together with a moderate climate. The territory is extremely rich in such minerals as coal, oil, natural gas, iron ore and non-ferrous metals. They provide a solid base for modern industry.

The country has very powerful industries, advanced technologies, and science. The structural composition of the US industry shows a marked predominance of heavy industry, namely mining, chemical, metallurgy, machine-building, nuclear power and aeromissile industries. Electronic and electric engineering, transport, communication and machine-tool industries can be found almost in all large cities of the USA.

The capital of the United States is Washington. Among other big cities and towns are New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Los Angeles and others.

The USA has a highly, developed railway system, and also has the best network of roads in the world.

The USA is a federation of states. It consists of 50 states and the district of Columbia. The President is the head of the government, he is elected for four years. The US Congress consists of two Houses — the Senate and the House of Representatives.

The head of the Senate is the Vice-President, the head of the House of Representatives is the Speaker. The Republican and the Democratic Parties are the main parties in the country. At the election time they contest presidency and the majority of seats in the Congress.

І. Copy the underlined words and word-combinations, translate them into Ukrainian and learn them.