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6. Заповніть пропуски, якщо це необхідно, прийменниками, що подані у рамці. Речення перекладіть.

for by to (2) at (2) from in (2) on

  1. Export sales have fallen _______ 5%.

  2. Sales _______ cheaper equipment are falling.

  3. Many workers have resigned for personal reasons or retired _______ the age of 60.

  4. How many people were there _______ the meeting?

  5. How many times have you been _______ England?

  6. Sales rose _______ 5500 to 6000 in September.

  7. We invested much money _______ this business.

  8. There was a huge increase _______ sales last year.

  9. We spent much time _______ this project.

  10. The rate of unemployment increased _______ 18% in January.

7. Перекладіть подані нижче речення англійською мовою.

  1. П’ять працівників звільнилися з особистих причин.

  2. Я не збираюся звільняти працівників.

  3. У наступному році я піду на пенсію.

  4. Сьогодні він виконав багато (роботи).

  5. Наша компанія не буде скорочувати робітників (work force).

  6. Ціни на товари зростуть.

  7. Товари прибули не в той день.

  8. Тобі б краще піти завтра до лікаря.

  9. Кейнс – найвідоміший економіст (Keynes).

10. Багато молодих людей хочуть бути економістами, тому що це найпопулярніша професія.

Контрольна робота №1

Варіант 8

1. Заповніть пропуски, використовуючи слова, що подані в рамці.

achieved appointed competition employees postpone

redundant resigned retirement turnover wastage

  1. How many staff have you made because of recession?

  2. Many workers have taken early at the age of 55.

  3. You’d better tomorrow’s meeting. The MD can’t come back from France.

  4. form abroad will increase.

  5. The company has reduced the work force by natural _______.

  6. French company hasn’t the target.

  7. How many workers have because of bad management?

  8. The company is expanding and they are looking for new ________.

  9. This company has the largest . It’s about $2 bln a year.

  10. The Board of Directors _______ a new CEO.

2. Розташуйте фрази діалогу у правильному порядку.

  1. How do you do?

  2. Oh yes?

  3. Then let me introduce you. Signora D’Andre, this is Dietter Nittel, our Sound Technician.

  4. That’s great. We have big plans for developing video support with our reporters.

  5. No, I haven’t.

  6. Mrs. D’Andre is from Italian press office.

  7. Well, Herr Nittel’s the man to speak to.

  8. Pleased to meet you.

  9. Have you met Signora D’Andre?

  10. We plan to install a video suite in Milan and I’d like to see the set-up here.

3. Виберіть вірний варіант з виділених курсивом слів. Речення перекладіть.

  1. Your company makes / does a loss.

  2. Governments are reducing consumption / expenditure on defence.

  3. Our new community / alliance with Federal Express will lead to better information systems.

  4. We are constantly improving the flow of goods within our supply chain / cannel.

  5. Managers should encourage staff / stuff to spend time together outside work to develop a team spirit.

  6. It’s better to motivate workers as a team rather than trying to motivate them personally / individually.

  7. We ought to get larger discounts from our suppliers / buyers.

  8. Guinness is one of the most profitable spirit / spirits companies.

  9. In preparation for the introduction of high-speed trains, British Rail is recruiting / enrolling volunteers for unusual jobs.

  10. The tobacco industry has today hit back at the department of health about cigarette advertising / advertisement.

4. Перекладіть поданий абзац українською мовою.