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4. Заповніть пропуски, використовуючи слова, подані в рамці.

feathers political globalisation free swap

trade fiscal exchange marketplace cards

  1. Miniature bronze knives, axes, and other tools, used in place of the real tools which served as items of ______ , were circulating in China as early as 1100 bc.

  2. To survive people need to ______ goods and to exchange goods people have to measure their value.

  3. To be used as means of ______, objects should be rare.

  4. ______ were used as money on some of the islands in the Pacific Ocean because they were beautiful.

  5. From the earliest times when commodities such as tobacco and beaver pelts were used as money, to the present when credit and debit ______ are commonplace, money has always played a central role in the American experience.

  6. Rich countries and large corporations dominate the global _____ and create very unequal relations of power and information.

  7. Critics of _____ trade point out that many of the world’s richest countries sheltered their economies by protection when they were at the start of their own growth.

  8. _____ described as a process by which the people of the world are unified into a single society and functioning together.

  9. A _____ year (or financial year) is a period used for calculating annual ("yearly") financial statements in businesses and other organizations.

  10. _____ globalisation is the creation of a world government which regulates the relationships among nations and guarantees the rights arising from social and economic globalisation.

5. Завершіть діалог, використовуючи слова, подані в рамці.

pay missed speak supply look

agree ring go over think delivered

Purchaser: So, can I just 1)_____ what we’ve agreed? You’re going to 2)_____ us with 1000 bottles of still and 2000 bottles of sparkling water, to be 3)_____ directly to the Hotel Splendid in Milan on the 15th of March. The total cost to us will be €456, which we have agreed to 4)_____ in full within 25 working days of receiving the delivery. Have I 5)_____ anything out?

Supplier: No, I think that’s all. Emily, … oh, one final point we need to 6)_____, I 7)_____, is a suitable delivery time.

Purchaser: Oh, yes, as I said before, the earlier, the better! Shall we 8)_____ on the phone next week?

Supplier: Good idea. I’ll 9)_____ you on Tuesday.

Purchaser: OK. I 10)_____ forward to speaking to you again then. Goodbye!

6. Перекладіть поданий абзац українською мовою.

Globalisation is a relatively recent phenomenon that has an enormous influence on the future of our planet. It elicits contradictory reactions from economists, politicians, scientists and ordinary people. In addition to its benefits, globalisation has dangers and risks. It is responsible for environmental problems, the population explosion, extreme poverty, mass unemployment, etc.

But what does globalisation mean for different countries?  Most commentators agree that two types of globalisation are underway in today’s world. One of them (the only one, according to many) is Westernization or rather the imposition of Western norms, values and advances in science and technology as the only recipe for survival in the modern world.