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3. Виберіть вірний варіант з виділених курсивом слів. Речення перекладіть.

  1. If the management tell / told us what they wanted, we’d know what to aim at.

  2. What would you do if you are / were made redundant?

  3. If someone offered you a job in Saudi Arabia at twice your present salary will / would you take the job?

  4. If we search / searched people’s bags, we might create bad feeling among the staff.

  5. If I will hear / hear any more news, I will tell you.

  6. If I don’t finish / won’t finish this tonight, I will miss the deadline.

  7. If we have / had the finance, we could expand much more rapidly.

  8. If I are / were you, I would have another look through those figures.

  9. If the investment grows / will grow at 6% a year, it will be worth 20,000$ in ten years.

  10. If I have / had as much money as Bill Gates of Microsoft, I would retire.

4. Заповніть пропуски, використовуючи слова, подані в рамці.

ideal criteria crash dominant vagueness

depression determine niche drawback theoretical

  1. Computer science combines both _____ and practical aspects of engineering, electronics, information theory, mathematics, logic, and human behaviour.

  2. The theoretical _____ that describes the conditions under which competition would achieve maximum effectiveness is known as perfect competition.

  3. The Roman numeral system’s one _____, however, is that it is not suitable for rapid written calculations.

  4. Greek philosopher Plato stated that only abstract reasoning yields genuine knowledge, whereas reliance on sense perception produces opinions which are characterized by _____ and inconsistency.

  5. Linguists subdivide Indo-European group in various ways, using geographic as much as linguistic _____.

  6. Productivity is difficult to calculate because it is hard to _____ what the contribution of individual inputs is when output changes.

  7. _____ a relatively small, specialized group or sector identified as a market for a particular range of products or services

  8. Most of the 1920s were a time of prosperity, but in 1929 there was a stock market _____, facilitating the start of the Great Depression that spread worldwide.

  9. A condition of reduced trade activity and prosperity is called d____ .

  10. Depending on the electoral system, a multi-party system may produce governments where no one political party is clearly _____, in which parties have to compromise on policies and majorities may be unreliable.

5. Завершіть діалог, використовуючи слова, подані в рамці.

bargaining extend suppliers fee signed

procedure negotiation contract deal idea

Bob : I have a contact negotiation coming up this week, Linda. It might be a good 1)_____ for you to see the 2)_____.

Linda: That sounds very interesting. Who is the other party in this 3)_____ ?

Bob: One of the 4)______. The company wants to renegotiate the 5)______ we initially 6)_____ with them.

Linda: What kind of 7)______ are they looking for?

Bob: I was informed that the company will only 8)_____ their contract with us if we agree to pay them a higher 9)_____. They didn’t specify how much, so the agenda of the negotiation will include 10)_____ on the new fee.