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Makes Three.doc
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It was time to be sure.


Tom opened the door and smiled at Bill as he threw away the slightly bloody cotton ball. “How are you doing?” Bill sniffed and shrugged as he wiped his face. Tom locked the door behind him and came over to sit on the bed. “Please don’t cry,” he said as he tucked Bill’s hair behind his ears.

“I can’t help it, raging hormones,” Bill sniffed again and sighed. “What if we lose Andi forever?” he asked quietly.

“I don’t think that’s going to happen,” Tom said firmly. He sounded more certain than he felt inside.

“Don’t do that, I know you don’t know,” Bill looked at him and pulled him closer. “You and your temper,” he mused.

“I’m not a coward,” Tom reiterated as he kissed Bill softly. It seemed like it had been forever since their last kiss with the constant threat of being discovered as people moved in and out of the room to check on his twin. “I’m not,” he mumbled against Bill’s mouth.

“I know, and that’s all that matters,” he said as he cupped Tom’s face. “I love you,”

“I love you too,” Tom kissed Bill again and sighed.

“Tomi, why don’t you go home tonight? Sleep in a proper bed?”

“No, I’m going to stay with you,” he shook his head and held on tighter. Bill laughed softly and kissed his cheek.

“We don’t need you to be exhausted too,” he murmured as Tom put his hand on his belly and rubbed softly. “That feels nice,” Bill smiled against his cheek.

“If I stay I’ll do that all night,” Tom wheedled petulantly. He didn’t want to leave his brother’s side, especially for something as stupid as sleep.

“I’m sure you would, but you need your rest. Seriously, I want you to go,” Bill pushed Tom back so he could see his face fully. His eyes were puffy and red and he looked as if he hadn’t slept in a while, which was the truth. “You can sleep in a bed and take a shower and brush your teeth…”

“What are you trying to say?” Tom laughed and stuck his tongue out at Bill. “Are you trying to say my breath stinks?"

“Would I ever do that?” Bill asked innocently.

“Yes,” he nodded.”

“Oh. Well yes,” Bill laughed and kissed Tom before he could retort. “Please, for me Tomi?”

“Ugh, don’t do that,” he frowned and shook his head. “You and that stupid pout.”

“You love this stupid pout,” Bill reminded him.

“True. Fine, but I’ll be back in the morning, I promise.”

“I know. Maybe when you come back you can sneak me some McDonalds in,” he wiggled his eyebrows.

“No. How am I going to sneak you food in?” Tom rolled his eyes and straightened up. Bill looked up at him strangely.

“Says the man in the oversized clothes. You could have the Escalade in there I wouldn’t know any better,” Bill teased.

“Ha ha. I’ll think about it. Get some sleep, okay?” Tom leaned over and kissed Bill again.

“I will. Not like there’s anything else to do in here.”

“Bye little one,” Tom kissed Bill’s stomach gently as he made sure to avoid the bandages. Bill smiled and watched his twin leave reluctantly and suddenly he was aware of how empty his room was. His phone beeped and vibrated near the foot of the bed and he winced as he reached for it.

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