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Makes Three.doc
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It was a text from Andreas.

We need to talk.

Bill bit his lip and realized he was too tired to have this conversation.

Tomorrow morning?

He rubbed his stomach as he waited on a response. After a few moments the phone beeped again and he looked at the text.

Be there first thing.

Bill breathed deeply and tried to remember that worry didn’t solve anything as he curled up and turned off the lights. At least when he slept he had no problems, and that was the last coherent thought before exhaustion overcame him.


God, can’t you both just act normal for once?” Andreas screeched as he rammed the hammer down on the stake. They were outside under the stars, Grandpa Andrei had built them a fire before he retired for the evening and they were supposed to be erecting the tent and toasting s’mores.

Instead he had to watch Tom and Bill snipe at each other all day. In the boat at sunrise while they tried to catch fish. At the shore of the lake while they tried to skip stones. And now, as they tried to pitch the tent the twins still argued back and forth and for the life of him Andreas couldn’t understand what happened.

Tell Bill to stop being such a baby and maybe we could!” Tom said hotly from the other side of the tent as he tried to straighten the spike before he used the hammer

Yeah, like you’re not being a baby? You’re such an asshole Tom,” Bill shook his head and turned away angrily. “And why are we putting it over mud? You know I hate to get dirty,” he said huffily.

Mud?” Andreas looked down at what he was sure was dry land just a moment ago. He looked around and realized that Tom had knocked over the pitcher of lemonade that Grandma Alexa had lovingly made and sat on the stump of their family’s customary campsite near the water. The cool and refreshing liquid was now hydrating the ground as it welled up and ran beneath the tent. “You know what? I’m tired of this shit.” At thirteen Andreas loved saying ‘shit’ and used it any chance he could outside the hearing of any responsible adults.

Where are you going?” Tom mumbled as he tried to move the liquid away from the tent. All he succeeded in doing was getting his hands muddy as it spread even more.

I’m going to get my own tent! This is stupid! You two have been fighting ever since we got up here! We have three days left and I’m not going to let one more night be ruined with you two… ugh!” he lost the ability to speak coherently as he stomped off towards the shed and brought out the tent his dad usually used. “You two can share that tent; I’m going to use this one.” He ignored Bill’s hurt expression and Tom’s sigh and turned his back completely and worked to get his tent up. Andreas didn’t speak to the twins for the rest of the night and in the morning he was surprised to find Bill and Tom’s mood had shifted.

Something was off, but the twins were always weird. Bill had a funny smile plastered on his face and refused to sit down, but it wasn’t the first time he’d seen his best friend hyper even though he hadn’t been bouncing around like normal. Tom, on the other hand, walked around with a vaguely smug smile on his face and refused to let Bill out of his sight for more than a few minutes at a time. Andreas breathed a sigh of relief; at least they weren’t fighting.

Andreas knocked on the door softly. The floor was still quiet and even the nurses moved slowly. He yawned and knocked again before hearing Bill respond. The blond let himself in and smiled awkwardly at his friend on the bed.  “Hey,” he said quietly.

“Hey yourself.” Bill still looked tired but alert.

“I brought you some peppermint iced tea. I didn’t know if they had peppermint tea here,” he handed over the cup of cool liquid and Bill smiled happily.

“No, the barbarians,” he muttered as he took off the top. For a moment Bill inhaled the minty goodness and drank half it down in one gulp. “Oh… that was orgasmic,” he said blissfully as he watched Andreas sit in one of the chairs and sip on his coffee. “So you don’t hate us?”

“Bill, come on,” he said exasperatedly. “That’s like asking if I go around kicking puppies. I couldn’t hate you or Tom,” Andreas clutched his coffee as if it could give him strength.

“We couldn’t tell anyone because…”

“It’s weird?” He offered.

Bill nodded. “Yeah, because it’s weird and could ruin so much we worked for. We never meant to hurt you Andreas, really,” he said softly.

“But why?”

“Why what?”

“Why Tom?”

Bill shrugged. “I love him,” he said simply. “Are you going to tell someone?”

Andreas glared at his friend and slumped in the chair. “Of course not idiot.”

“Tom’s not a coward,” Bill said abruptly.

“I’m probably going to have to apologize for that. Where is he?”

“I sent him home.”

“He was definitely looking a bit rough around the edges.”

“Yeah.” The room became a bit awkward and Andreas squired and rolled his head against the back of the chair.



“I… had a crush on you,” he said in a rush.

Bill’s eyebrows rose in surprise. He and Tom knew that Andreas was bisexual, but he had no idea his best friend harbored feelings for him. “Had as in no longer, right?” he asked gingerly.

“It’s weird. Most days it’s gone, but sometimes… “Andreas groaned. “And then I overreacted yesterday. I think it was because I lost you to the one person I knew I never stood a chance against.”

Bill tried to figure out how to put it. “Andreas you know I love-”

“Please, don’t. I know you love me. We’ve been friends too long for you to give me that line. Just say whatever it was you were going to say. I just want to know why you didn’t tell me you were bi. I know you’re not gay, so what gives? We tell each other everything!”

“Apparently not,” Bill said quietly. “Look Andi, I’ve never wanted another man besides Tom. And it’s not that Tom’s a man… he’s just Tom.”

“Yeah, I get it,” he said after he took a swallow of coffee. “What I don’t get is how you could be attracted to your own brother.”

“If I knew the answer to that, then I’d tell you,” Bill said seriously. “It just happened. It’s the most wonderful, most scary thing I’ve ever experienced before in my life. I’m always either afraid of being discovered or jealous because he has to keep up his public persona.”

“Shit, that can’t be easy for you,” Andreas stretched his legs out and stared at his shoes. “You could have told me before,” he said defensively.

“We were afraid to lose you. It wasn’t because we wanted to keep you out of the loop, we just… didn’t know how you’d react and Tom didn’t want to risk losing your friendship over it so…”

“You didn’t tell me anything. I can’t hit you because you’re pregnant,” he said glumly and picked with the material of his jeans. “I just-”

“Bill, are you awake?” Doctor Addams asked as she walked into the room. “It seems I keep walking in on you when you have guests, I’m sorry,” she said apologetically.

“No it’s fine. Bill, I’ll come back later okay? I have this thing to do with my family and it should be over this afternoon, if you’re feeling up to it,” Andreas said as he picked up his coffee.

“Of course,” Bill smiled and waved as his friend left the room, for the first time in his life thankful that someone found out about him and Tom. “What’s wrong?” he asked as he saw the frown on Doctor Addams’ face.

“As you know I had tests ran on your blood to make sure that we did a genetic screening, right?” Bill nodded. “Well usually we find a mixture of the maternal donor, which is you, and the paternal donor, which is the father. They were indistinguishable. I want you to know I can help you if you just tell me the truth. Does your brother Tom sexually abuse you?”


Chapter End Notes:

Yet again unbeated. *sigh* but my beta will be returning to me soon. Please forgive any mistakes you find.

Author's Chapter Notes:

There are all types of truth. Yet again, unbetaed; all mistakes are mine. MINE I TELL YOU!! Dedicated to Icemint, one of the coolest chicks on the planet.

We wouldn’t have to sleep in lemon scented mud if someone wasn’t such a clumsy fuck.”

Excuse me Diva, you’re not famous yet! If you had just fucking helped with the stupid tent then maybe I wouldn’t have made a mistake and hit the lemonade.”

You always know what to do Tomi, maybe you could see if you pulled your head out of your ass.”

Earlier Bill had felt particularly childish and brought a stick into the tent and drew a thick line down the middle. The unsaid rule was stay on your side of the line. “I’m not the one who wants things up my ass,” Tom shot back from the other side of the tent.

What?” Bill voice was low and bordering on dangerous but Tom didn’t care.

You heard me,” he said lazily and looked over to see his twin scramble out of his sleeping bag. Never had he hated so much that they shared the same face.

What are you saying?” Bill asked again and Tom sat up with righteous indignation.

Are you that stupid? Fucking fag,” Tom sneered at him and turned away. He grunted as he was rolled over and suddenly he had claws on his face. If he didn’t have to protect his face Tom would have been incredulous. Bill grunted as he was pushed to the ground and suddenly Tom had the upper hand.

Bill reared back and slapped Tom for all he was worth; the sound of palm against flesh rang out sharply in the still night. Neither cared as they rolled around again as Bill used Tom’s shock to shove him off and tried to get to his face yet again. No matter how much his brother pretended otherwise he cared about his visage. Suddenly he wanted to scratch it until it bled.

Tom punched Bill in the stomach hard enough that the wind was knocked out of him and he looked down in surprise as he was shoved roughly back and he skidded on the ground and felt moist earth where his shirt had ridden up. Tom loomed over him and Bill punched him in the face as hard as he could. The blow glanced off of Tom’s cheek and most of the force was gone but his brother grabbed his arm and pinned it beneath him.

Bill was breathing hard but his other hand was free and he used it to try and slap Tom again. Just as he almost connected Tom grabbed his hand and pushed it to the ground as he climbed on top of him. “You just won’t listen, will you?” he gritted as he let go of Bill’s arms and grabbed his shoulders instead. He shoved his brother’s body into the sleeping bag hard, with enough force for Bill to feel the small pebbles he failed to find before he put down his pad.

You don’t care anyway, you want us to fail!” he hissed and bucked up to try and push Tom off of him. Deep down Bill knew it was futile because anytime they wrestled Tom always came out on top. He shouldn’t have let himself get pinned, and Bill’s face was red in the soft light at the top of the tent. The embarrassment made him fight harder and he thrashed to knock his brother from his position.

Tom tightened his thighs and slammed Bill by the shoulders again and reveled in the squeak he managed to force out of him. He squeezed some more until Bill cried out in pain and Tom felt the merest pang of guilt until Bill jerked out of his grasp and rolled over and tried to buck him off.

He pushed back against him and Tom growled and grabbed Bill’s hair and jerked back. He felt a jab of unexpected pleasure as his twin inadvertently pushed back against his groin. “I don’t want us to fucking fail asshole, but it’s gonna happen!”

Fuck you Tom, we’re not all scared little babies like you are,” Bill yanked his hair out of Tom’s hands and collapsed under their combined weight. He fell to the ground with a squeak as they both lay there and breathed heavily. “Why are you so afraid that this is real?” he muttered.

It was real before Bill, remember? And they took it back like it didn’t matter, like we didn’t matter,” Tom didn’t know why he hadn’t gotten up yet but he didn’t want to move. Something inside liked the feel of Bill crushed beneath him. His brother squirmed in efforts to pull himself out from under but Tom didn’t think Bill would listen in any other position but this one. “Or worse, we do really good, and everyone likes you and they take you away from me,” he mumbled.

Bill stopped and frowned, not quite sure he heard what he thought he heard. “Wait… you think I’d leave you? Why?”

Because everyone loves you Bill and everyone you meet is under your spell. Even me,” Tom said miserably as he lifted himself up. Bill turned over and just looked at his twin in confusion.

But I’m not special without you,” he said simply. Tom looked down at his brother and something flared white hot in his stomach, and it told him to kiss his twin; he obeyed. Bill arched up into his fumbling embrace as tongues dueled and they rolled over and suddenly Bill was on top.

They broke off the kiss for air and Bill looked down at Tom. “I thought you said we weren’t going to do this,” he said breathlessly. His stomach was doing back flips and Bill felt lightheaded but deep down he was thrilled to find out he was right, this was the absolute best thing ever.

I did, but you’re mine and I need you to remember that,” Tom grinned and rolled them over again before he captured Bill’s mouth with his own. He grinded down involuntarily and could feel Bill rapidly harden. “Mine.”

Tomi,” Bill breathed as he shuddered at the sensation.

They’re changing everything, they’re changing you!” Tom’s hands were under Bill’s shirt; wrapped around his small waist as he marveled at the heat. He moaned quietly against his twin’s neck and shivered at the way he wanted to consume his brother. Consume him until the only thing left was inside of him, where it was safe.

Bill’s mouth opened in an inaudible gasp and threw his head back against the ground as he rubbed his head back and forth. “What… are you talking about?” He yelped as Tom didn’t answer, but pulled him up for a scorching kiss. It was sloppy and their teeth knocked together more than once, but neither would say it was anything but perfect. The last time they’d kissed was over two years ago, and Tom had been holding out for another, even though he knew it shouldn’t happen.

He would have been fine, would have been able to control his emotions if he hadn’t heard the whisperings of Bill’s marketability as a solo act. The thought pierced him straight to the heart and he couldn’t breathe. Shock wore off into anger and he took it out on Bill even though he was almost sure his twin knew nothing of the conversation he overheard. “You don’t get it. They’re going to decide they don’t need the band, just you. They’re going to take you away from me,” Tom mumbled hotly against the hollow of Bill’s throat. The skin there tasted sweet as he laved his tongue into the impression.

Bill squirmed and gasped as he wrapped his legs around Tom’s waist as he bit his lip and thrust upwards. “I don’t want to do this without you, why don’t you believe me?” he panted.

Because you’re special,” Tom bit his lip ring at the way Bill’s hips moved beneath him and almost fell against him.


Special people are always taken away,” he said mournfully as he looked down at his beautiful brother and looked down and kissed him fiercely, smug to feel his twin melt into it. Bill didn’t have much experience with kisses but he quickly realized that Tom did and it was so much easier if he let him take the lead.

By the time Tom had mapped his mouth with his tongue Bill was positive he didn’t really need air anymore, and when his twin pulled away Bill whined and tried to follow Tom up to continue. Those kisses were addictive.

Clothes off,” When Tom was excited his vocabulary became severely reduced.

What?” Bill rose up to rest on his elbows; he was still in a pleasured haze.

Clothes,” Tom whined as he pulled at Bill’s pajama bottoms.”Off.”

Why?” Bill asked as he undid his drawstring and Tom yanked the waistband and pulled them down as far as Bill’s knees. “You said tha-” he was silenced with a kiss. Once Tom started he didn’t want to stop kissing his brother.

Because you’re mine and I don’t want anyone else to have you,” his voice was unfocused, almost desperate. He backed away long enough to pull the pants off of Bill’s legs totally before he pressed their groins together and shuddered at the contact. “I didn’t want to do this,’ he muttered as he grasped Bill’s hips.

So, why?” Bill’s head rolled back again as he tried to remain quiet. Andreas wasn’t that far away even though he ignored them while they were fighting.

Are you mine?” Tom asked as he stilled his movement. Bill looked up at him again and wiggled his hips impatiently. He had never felt this hard before in his life and he couldn’t believe that Tom was willing to stop abruptly.

Duh,” Bill said breathlessly as he pulled Tom down for a kiss. Tom grinned against his lips.



Bill blinked and shook his head quickly. “I’m sorry, what?” He watched Doctor Addams close the door to his room and come stand next to his bed.

“I can help you if you just tell me the truth,” she sighed at the absolutely shocked look on Bill’s face.

“Oh god,” he said softly as he covered his face and groaned. This couldn’t be happening. This couldn’t possibly be happening. “Oh my god…”

“So is it true?”

“Of course not!” Bill snapped as he tried to keep his breathing under control. The heart monitor beeped incessantly and suddenly he felt lightheaded. Doctor Addams was next to him in a flash, and grabbed his hands as she tried to get him to calm down.

“Bill, listen to me, we can’t talk about this if you pass out. It’s not good for the baby and you don’t want that, do you?” she smiled encouragingly as Bill shook his head and slowed his breathing. The monitor began to slow and go back to normal and Bill opened his eyes to find his hands in Doctor Addams’. “Better?”

“Yes,” he said with tears in his eyes. She wiped them away and sighed.

“Why are you crying?”

“Because you’re going to take Tomi away from me,” he said quietly.

“Bill, I’m only looking out for your best interest. You have to understand that incest is illegal and dangerous. You could have put your baby at risk. Although we rarely see the genetic horrors associated with incest at the first generation, with you being male that could have been different. We have no frame of reference for it. It was totally irresponsible.”

“I never planned on getting pregnant!” Bill snapped as he yanked his hands out of the doctor’s grasp. “Do you think I planned for this? What man in his right mind does?”

“Bill… you can’t possibly want this. Sometimes the abuser-”

“Stop! Tomi does not abuse me!” he half laughed half choked at the image of Tom Doctor Addams must have. “He would never hurt me. Stop calling him an… abuser.”


“No, I love Tom. How could you think he abuses me?” Bill shook his head desperately. “Please, don’t do this, don’t ruin our lives!”

Doctor Addams looked down at her beeper and sighed. Her patient was now prepped for induced labor. Shit. She stood up and looked down at the teen in the bed. He looked absolutely miserable and the whole situation made her hair stand on end. “You… we’ll talk in a little bit. I have something I must attend to.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” Bill said tiredly. He turned away and didn’t look back until he heard his door close. There was a weight on his chest and it sat right over his heart. Bill couldn’t imagine his life without Tom, without his touch, his kisses and his smile. He rubbed his stomach and tried to get his emotions under control.

Bill grabbed his cell phone and pressed a speed dial button. It rang once. “Hello Bill,” the voice rumbled in his ear.

“Saki, I have a huge favor to ask you.”


Roberta pinched the bridge of her nose and continued with her paperwork. It was the fourth time the same chart was checked and she had to admit that her mind wasn’t on the work before her. She didn’t know what to think anymore. Her job was clear and if she found any evidence of abuse or illegal activity she was bound by law to report it.

But all she had was an illegally obtained blood sample. If anything Bill and Tom Kaulitz could sue her and that would be the end of her medical career, and that was something Roberta couldn’t imagine. Medicine was her life, her pride and joy right behind her daughter Michelle. She looked over at the picture on her desk and her heart clenched.

Nothing she’d seen between the twins could be misconstrued as abuse. If anything Bill was only happy when Tom was nearby, and Tom didn’t think anything Bill asked was too much or too difficult. The… looks that passed between them made her uncomfortable at times, but now she knew why. She looked at her watch and realized she knew to the second how long it’d been since she left Bill’s room. Four hours. She couldn’t hide anymore.


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