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1 Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Present, Past or Future Indefinite Passive:

1.1 His car (to stole) last night.

1.2 Cheese (to make) from milk.

1.3 My friends (to invite) to the party next week.

1.4 The telegram (to receive) last week.

1.5 I (to allow) to go for a walk now.

1.6 She (to answer) my question soon.

1.7 He (to give) a lot of money last month.

1.8 The article (to translate) in three days.

1.9 Furniture (to make) from wood and plastic.

1.10 I (to appoint) a new manager.

1.11 The news (to announce) tomorrow.

1.12 The students (to explain) a new rule at the next lesson.

1.13 Dictations (to write) every day.

2 Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:

2.1 All students are supplied with textbooks.

2.2 America was discovered by Columbus.

2.3 The floor was painted last summer.

2.4 The shop will be closed at 8 p.m.

2.5 The sick man is being operated on.

2.6 The room is being cleaned now.

2.7 This metro line was being built at that time.

2.8 This novel has been translated into Russian.

2.9 A new business center has been built in our town.

2.10 The tickets had been sold out by that time.

2.11 The bicycle had been repaired when I came.

2.12 This coat will have been bought.

2.13 The plant will have been built by autumn.

3 Change the following sentences into the Passive Voice:

3.1 The girls water the flowers every day.

3.2 They publish this magazine in Paris.

3.3 We do not discuss such questions at our meetings.

3.4 Somebody built this castle in the 16th century.

3.5 They did not show this film last week.

3.6 We shall not finish this work tomorrow.

3.7 I shall invite her to take part in the concert.

3.8 The workers are repairing the road.

3.9 She has locked the door.

3.10 Mother was cooking dinner from 2 till 3 p.m.

3.11 Who has written this letter?

3.12 Someone has broken my pencil.

3.13 They had written the composition before the bell rang.

3.14 The travelers had made camp not far from the village.

3.15 His assistant will have met the delegation.

4 Translate into English using the Passive Voice:

4.1 Эта фабрика была построена 10 лет тому назад.

4.2 Читальный зал проветривается 4 раза в день.

4.3 Учебники будут продавать завтра.

4.4 Когда была написана эта книга?

4.5 Мне дали русско-английский словарь в библиотеке.

4.6 Моим родителям предложили билеты на концерт.

4.7 Вам заплатят за эту работу завтра.

4.8 Её попросили спеть эту песню ещё раз.

4.9 Если нас спросят, мы им всё расскажем.

4.10 Этот вопрос сейчас обсуждается на собрании.

4.11 Когда я зашёл в аудиторию, экзаменовали последнего студента.

4.12 Преподаватель сказал, что наши тесты уже проверены.

4.13 Мост был разрушен до того, как они приехали туда.

4.14 Какой иностранный язык преподают в вашем колледже?

4.15 Почему эти упражнения не сделаны вовремя?