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2 Translate the sentences into Russian. Mind the Gerund:

2.1 I can’t remember having seen him before.

2.2 This film is worth seeing.

2.3 I am sorry for having disturbed you.

2.4 She entered the office without being noticed.

2.5 He doesn’t like having been invited to their parties.

2.6 We are proud of having been her pupils.

2.7 You should avoid breaking rules.

2.8 The boy hates being scolded.

3 Transform the following sentences using the Gerund:

3.1 I think I’ll go to the theater tomorrow.

3.2 After they passed their exams, they went to the mountains.

3.3 We turned off the light before we left home.

3.4 They insisted that they should be helped with their work.

3.5 He insisted that he should be examined first.

3.6 I want very much to visit that exhibition.

3.7 It gave her much pleasure to play tennis.

3.8 It is useless to grow tomatoes in this region.

4 Combine the following couples of sentences into one using the Gerund:

4.1 He was playing chess with a champion. He is proud of it.

4.2 The boy is praised by the teacher. He is proud of it.

4.3 We bathed in the river. We enjoyed it.

4.4 I translate the text. I did not use the dictionary.

4.5 They did not go to the seaside. They spent the summer in the country.

4.6 The teacher was busy. She was correcting our tests.

4.7 This museum has many interesting things. I advise you to visit it.

4.8 Many scientific works are published in this language. I advise you to learn it.

5 Answer the following questions:

5.1 What are you fond of doing?

5.2 How many English books have you read this year? Which of them are worth reading?

5.3 What do you dream of becoming?

5.4 What are you busy doing now?

5.5 Is it possible to learn English without working hard?

5.6 What book did you read last? Did you enjoy it? Why?

5.7 Did you enjoy traveling by air? Why?

5.8 Where do you intend spending your holidays?

6 Paraphrase the sentences using gerundial complexes:

6.1 Nick studies very well. His mother is proud of it.

6.2 Kate failed in the examination. We are surprised at it.

6.3 They wanted me to take part in the competition.

6.4 I don’t want Jane to stay here alone.

6.5 When you open the window I don’t mind it.

6.6 If they make noise, I dislike it.

6.7 When he gets an excellent mark, his parents are pleased with it.

6.8 When you quarrel, I dislike it.

7 Translate into English using the Gerund:

7.1 Нам предложили поехать к морю.

7.2 Я вспомнила, что меня тоже пригласили туда.

7.3 Пожалуйста, перестань думать только о своих проблемах.

7.4 Он избегал говорить об этом с родителями.

7.5 Я не возражаю против того, чтобы навестить их.

7.6 Она отрицает, что брала эти вещи.

7.7 Мы согласились отменить свой отъезд.

7.8 Они не могли не думать об этом.

7.9 Когда ты собираешься начать перевод этого текста?

7.10 Студенты гордятся тем, что приняли участие в конференции.

7.11 Ваша квартира требует ремонта.