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Сербиновская-учебник 3 курс.docx
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1. Pronounce correctly and transcribe. Consult the dictionary if


Vacations, distinguish, entertainment, frequently, requirement, usage, seaside, inclusive, amenities, fixed.

2. Compare and mind the difference:













First floor











Ground floor

  1. Answer the questions.

    1. What is a resort?

    2. Why do people go to a resort?

    3. What does usually a resort provide?

    4. What is the difference between a resort town and a vacation cen­ter?

    5. What is the misuse of the term "resort"?

    6. What is a "destination resort"?

    7. What are the most popular types of resorts in the world?

    8. What is an "all-inclusive resort"?

  2. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word

combinations. Find and translate the sentences with them in

the text.

Lodging, entertainment, commonly refer to, run by a single compa­ny, vacation centres, attempt to provide for all or most of a vacationer's wants, higher quality, all-inclusive resort.

  1. Give English equivalents to the following words and word


Курорт отличается...; отпуск (2); неверно используется для обо­значения; однако; основная черта курорта; предоставлять жилье, еду и развлечения; покупки; клиентам не нужно покидать терри­торию курорта; фиксированная цена; обычные удобства.

  1. Make word combinations, translate them and find them in the text.

common food

large places

similar price

higher resorts

town's activities

fixed amenities

unlimited restaurants

sports quality

inclusive selection

  1. Find synonyms to the following words in the text.

Vacation, accommodation, choice, rest, tourism, often, facilities, usu­ally.

  1. Find antonyms to the following words in the text.

Seldom, to use, limited, minor, maximum, to depart, different.

  1. Retell the text.

10. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your rea­sons.

For agreement use: For disagreement use:

I quite agree. Actually}Idonf agree.

I agree with you. I don }t think that's right

I fully agree. I don 7 think that's true (correct).

I think you are right. Well, I am not sure if that's true (right, correct).

    1. Holidays is time for relaxation and recreation.

    2. A resort is usually run by a single company.

    3. Unlimited food is the central feature of an all-inclusive resort.

    4. A good hotel can be called a resort, too.

    5. Sport activities are not included in the price for an all-inclusive resort.

    6. There are many towns and cities in the world than can be called resorts.

    7. There are not many all-inclusive resorts in the world.

    8. It is a good idea to have a holiday at an all-inclusive resort.

      1. Speak about...

        1. Types of resorts in this country.

        2. The most popular resorts in Russia.

        3. The most popular resorts in Europe.

        4. Your favourite resorts.

        5. The resort you have recently visited.

      2. Explain why?

        1. Ski resorts are very popular in Switzerland.

        2. Golf resorts are very popular in Norway.

        3. Seaside resorts are very popular in Russia.

        4. Spa resorts are popular all over the world.

      3. Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary.


... frequent critique of... all-inclusive resorts is that they do not help ... local economy or that they damage ... local environment. ...people who hold this ... view usually cite ... fact that most resorts are located in ... relatively remote areas away from ... major local population centres, making it hard for ... people staying there to see any ... local sights or patronize ... local business. They also say that... most resorts are owned and run by ... large multinational corporations, such as Sandals or He­donism Resorts, thus, diverting ... money away from ... local companies.

Proponents of... all-inclusive resorts point to ... fact that these ... re­sorts usually bring ... large numbers of... visitors to ... country, who must travel through ... local airports and ... towns to arrive at... resort. They also state that... resorts provide ... jobs in ... areas that are economically impoverished and away from ... major centres.

      1. Divide into two groups. One group is for all-inclusive resorts. The other group is against them. Discuss pros and cons of all- inclusive resorts.

      2. Translate into English.

Курорты Турции предлагают разнообразные индивидуальные и семейные туры от 5 до 15 дней по системе «все включено». В гос­тинице вы можете выбрать стандартный двухкомнатный или од­нокомнатный номер с холлом, спальней, террасой или балконом,

и джакузи. Гостиница расположена в 50 метрах от берега моря и имеет собственный пляж.

В стоимость путевки входят проживание, питание, а также: На пляже и около бассейна бесплатно: зонтики, шезлонги, мат­расы, пляжные полотенца.

В номере: ванна, фен, центральный кондиционер, телевизор, телефон, мини-бар (прохладительные напитки + пиво), сейф (в номере, бесплатно), балкон.

На территории: основной ресторан, три ресторана по предва­рительной записи (A-la Carte), пять баров, открытый бассейн, за­крытый бассейн, кабинет врача, парикмахерская, торговый ряд, прачечная, обмен валюты, прокат автомобилей, парковка, восемь конференц-залов.

Для детей: детский бассейн, детская площадка, мини-клуб (4— 12 лет), няня.

Развлечения и спорт:

Бесплатно: тренажерный зал, джакузи, настольный теннис, волейбол на пляже, дротики, дискотека, 2 теннисных корта (днем), прокат теннисных ракеток и мячей.

За дополнительную плату: массаж, бильярд, Интернет-кафе, видеоигры, водные вида спорта.