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Сербиновская-учебник 3 курс.docx
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15. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your rea­sons.

For agreement use:

I quite agree. I agree with you. I fully agree. I think you are right.

For disagreement use: Actually, I don' agree. I don't think that's right. I don't think that's true (correct). Well, I am not sure if that's true (right, correct).

    1. Gabon is the country where ecotourism is well-developed.

    2. Flora and fauna of Africa are the most beautiful in the world.

    3. Herons are nocturnal birds.

    4. You will never find jungle in Gabon, only deserts.

    5. Hippos are friendly animals.

    6. Padauk wood and elephant ivory are not popular nowadays.

    7. 80°F is not very not.

    8. Hippos are not very good swimmers.

    9. If you go downstream a river in a national park you need to be careful to avoid every swirl and bubble.

16. Read the article, put the verbs in the right forms and discuss the article.


You (to want) (to be) Mum to a giraffe? Or Dad to a gorilla? Lon­don zoo (to want) everyone (to adopt) one of its animals (to raise) mon­ey (to look) after them.

When you "adopt" an animal, you (to sponsor) it for a year. You can (to adopt) an animal for one year on your own, with your family or with your school group. The cheapest, for £ 15 per year (to be) tiny things such as ants, beetles, butterflies and small fish. A lion, tiger or rhinoceros (to cost) you £2000. The most expensive animal of all (to be) the Asian elephant.

What you (to get) for your money? An Adoption Certificate, a pho­to of your animal and a free entrance ticket. You can also (to have) your name on a sign near your animal cage.

London zoo (to have) over five thousands animals. It (to cost) over half a million pounds (to pay) for the animals' food for a year.

      1. What does it mean "to adopt an animal at London zoo"?

      2. Do you think it is a good thing to adopt an animal at the zoo ?

      3. Do we have the uAdopt an АттаГ' programme in Russia?

        1. Divide into two groups. One group is for adopting an animal.

The other group is against it. Discuss pros and cons of adopt­ing an animal.

        1. Speak about...


  • Many wild animals are now threatened or endangered because of international trade. Stop by the Customs House and see confis­cated items illegally, made from our wondrous wildlife.

  • Don't buy ivory. Plastics, resins, and even a very hard white nut can be fashioned into jewelry and other items once made from ivory.

  • Primates do not make good pets and are illegal in many areas. Ecotourism helps bring hard currency to developing countries.

  • Ecotourists like you who choose their destinations for their nat­ural beauty, have a large impact on countries with large wildlife population.

  • Ecotourism makes certain species more valuable alive than dead.

  • The way you live at home does influence the world. Support and participate in non-consumptive uses of wildlife such as bird watching, nature photography and scuba diving.

  • Create conditions in your yard that will benefit birds, insects and plants. Reduce or eliminate your use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

  • Plant trees and bushes.

  1. Discuss the necessity of every tip.

  2. Add more conservation tips (at least five more tips).

  3. Explain why it is necessary to preserve nature and describe the ways to do it.