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6. Complete the following sentences:

  1. The products, which are produced in the finishing sector are ……………………….

  2. There are several cutting procedures. They are …………………………………….

  3. Folding machines are primarily designed according to two principles: ………………

  4. There are different methods of binding. Such as … ………………………………….

  5. The purpose of cover is ………………………………………………………………..

7. Translate from Russian into English in a written form:

Переплетно-брошюровочные процессы имеют дело со сборкой отдельных частей издания (листов или тетрадей) в конечную печатную продукцию. Отделочные процессы – это процессы дополнительной обработки печатной продукции, приводящие к улучшению её внешнего вида, повышению качества и прочности (например: лакирование, биговка, тиснение и др.) без изменения формы издания.

Возросший уровень автоматизации и компьютеризации является отличительной чертой современных переплетно-брошюровочных предприятий. Оборудование, управляемое компьютером, берёт на себя все важные настройки, устраняя воздействие человеческого фактора, особенно в многоуровневых операциях. Увеличившаяся степень автоматизации также отвечает требованиям повышения производительности, и снижения отходов по мере увеличения доли коротких тиражей. Главные требования типографий к оборудованию на сегодняшний день – большая производительность, легкость обслуживания и возможность быстрой переналадки.

8. Correct the jumbled sentences:

  1. Some, operations, are, finishing, inline, performed, with, on, web-printing, press, printing.

  2. A, job, printed, complete, is not, it, until, is, converted, a, to, marketable, product, delivered, and, finished.

  3. The, required, to, work, convert, sheets, printed, or, webs, books, into, magazines, catalogs, folders, and, binding, called, is.

  4. The, operations, make, to, variety, a, special, of, packaging, advertising, and, materials, finishing, are, as, known.

  5. The, processes, and, facilities, means, to, used, handle, package, ship, and, product, printed, to, customer, the, as, known, are, finishing.

9. Language Note: Gradable Adjectives. Study the rules and find the examples of your own.

Most English adjectives are gradable. Their meaning can have different possible degrees of strength. They can therefore be used with adverbs which express these different degrees. Gradable adjectives can be divided into two kinds: scale adjectives and limit adjectives.

Scale adjectives: small, cold, expensive, etc. They can be used in comparative and superlative forms.

(Strong – stronger - the strongest). Scale adjectives can also be used with the following adverbs to express a high, medium, or small degree:

To express a high degree: very (nice), extremely (hot), incredibly (difficult).

To express a medium degree: fairly, pretty, quite, rather.

To express a small degree: slightly, a little, a bit.

Limit adjectives: these are adjectives like perfect, unique, impossible, worthless, whose meaning already contains the idea of an absolute degree. These words are not used in comparative and superlative forms, but can be used with adverbs to express the “highest” (absolutely, completely, totally) or “close to the highest” degree (almost, nearly, practically, virtually)

You can often express a meaning more strongly by using a limit adjective rather than a scale adjective. Compare:

very good absolutely marvelous

incredibly tired totally exhausted

a bit difficult practically impossible