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V2. Read and translate text 4 about analysis of research results in Supplementary Reading. Pick up the words and expressions which might be of use for you.

V3. Write 5-7 sentences to describe the outcomes of your research. Use the grammar structures and vocabulary studied.


Improve your pronunciation:

P1. Mind the stress in the following words:

an export – to export

a contrast – to contrast

a record – to record

a contract – to contract

an impact – to impact

an increase – to increase

a subject – to subject

an object – to object

a present – to present

an extract – to extract

a project – to project

progress – to progress



Zero type

The experiments show agreement with theory provided the conditions are met. – Экспериментальные данные согласуются с теоретическими, если все условия удовлетворяются.


Type I

The system will fail to perform unless the requirements are satisfied. – Система не будет функционировать, если требования не будут удовлетворены.


Type II

If the tools were used with greater force the depth of the cut would (could, might) be affected. – Если бы инструменты использовались с большей силой, то (возможно) изменилась бы глубина надреза. (это еще может произойти)

Unreal (present, future)

Type III

If he had sent us a telegram, we would (could, might) have met him at the station. - Если бы он послал телеграмму, то мы (могли бы, возможно) встретили бы его на вокзале. (но он не послал, и мы не встретили)

Unreal (past)

Type IV (1)

IfIhad hadyouradvantages,Id bebetteroffnow. – Еслибыу меня (тогда)были преимущества, как у тебя, ябыл быболее хорошо сейчас обеспечен.

Mixed T3+T2

Type IV (2)

Ifyouknewmebetter,youwouldnt have saidthat. – Еслибы Вызналименя лучше, Выбытак (тогда)не говорили.

Mixed T2+T3

Союзы, вводящие условные предложения:

If- если

In case- в случае

Unless – если …не

Provided, providing that, on condition – при условии

Even though, even if – даже если

Suppose, supposing – если; в случае

But for, but if – если бы не

Given – если дано (имеется)

G1. Change the sentences according to the model and translate them.


Model 1: If he comes, we’ll discuss it. If he came, we would discuss it. If he had come, we would have discussed it.

  1. If you interfere in their affairs, they’ll get angry. 2. If I keep him waiting, I’ll apologize. 3. If you explain everything, he’ll forgive you. 4. If you arrange to meet on Sunday, I’ll come too.

Model 2: It’s too cold. We won’t go bathing. If it were not so cold, we would/could/might go bathing.

  1. He is too shy. He won’t dare to ask the question. 2.It’s too wet. We can’t play tennis. 3. He is not punctual. He won’t come in time. 4. His behavior was very strange. So we got suspicious.

G2. Complete the sentences using the words in brackets:


1.If you( heat) water to 100° C it (boil). 2. When you (boil) water, it (turn) into steam. 3. Steam (turn) back into water if you (cool) it. 4. A piece of metal (expand) when you (heat) it. 5. A piece of metal (contract) if you (freeze) it. 6. If weather patterns (change), draughts and floods (be) more frequent. 7. If rain (fall) at the wrong time, farmers (be) unable to grow their crops. 8. If rainfall (increase) there (be) more soil erosion and desert (spread). 9. Sea level (rise) if polar ice (melt). 10. Northern Europe (become) colder if the Gulf Stream (grow) weak.

G3. Use the words to complete an if-sentence about solutions to environmental problems:


Model: everyone/recycle paper/companies/not cut down so many trees

If everyone recycles paper, companies won’t cut down so many trees (optimistic!)

If everyone recycled paper, companies wouldn’t cut down so many trees (pessimistic)

If everyone had recycled paper, companies wouldn’t have cut down so many trees (pessimistic)

a) everyone/recycle metal and glass/we not waste valuable resources;

b) everyone/recycle paper, metal and glass/we not produce so much rubbish;

c) everyone/turn off unwanted lights/save a lot of electricity;

d) everyone/walk or cycle/not waste so much oil and petrol

e) everyone/insulate their houses/not waste so much energy for heating

f) countries use more wind and water power, not depend so much on power stations

g) countries use power stations less, cause less air pollution

G4 Complete the questions and try to answer them:


1. What/ happen if you/ travel through the Earth to the other side?

2. What/ happen if the Earth suddenly stop/ going round?

3. What/ happen if we not/have a moon?

4. What/ happen if all the ice at the poles/melt?

5. What/ happen if there be/ no more electricity?

6. What/ happen if aliens receive/ messages from the Earth and decide/ to visit us?

G5. Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

A, B

  1. If I bought him a computer he (play) games all day long. What about his lessons then? 2. If Sue had phoned me that the children were coming on Friday I (decorate) a Christmas tree by their arrival. 3. It (be) nice if they had liked each other. But they didn’t. What a pity! 4. They (be) a nice couple if they get married. 5. I (buy) a Mercedes if I could afford it. 6.You would feel better if you (not smoke). 7. If I (have) my car serviced regularly, it wouldn’t have broken down.

G6. Translate the sentences.

A, B

1. It would be much easier to compute satellite orbits if the Earth were perfectly spherical and had no atmosphere. 2. If there were no frictional losses, a machine would be 100% efficient. 3. If he had been at the lecture yesterday, he could have answered your question. 4. Provided you see him, ask him to come. 5. Suppose you be in our town, phone me. 6. I’ll not be able to translate the text, unless I get a dictionary. 7. Given reliable data it would be possible to determine the reaction rate. 8. If I were you, I would recheck the results. 9. If we hadn’t studied English we wouldn’t have known it.

G7. Translate the sentences.


1.Если бы я знал французский, я бы помог вам. 2.Если бы он был более пунктуален, с ним было бы легче иметь дело. 3.Если бы он был более опытен, он бы не сделал такой ошибки. 4.Если бы вы позвонили ему вчера, сейчас вы бы не волновались. 5.Если бы вы сказали об этом раньше, план мог бы быть изменен. 6.Если бы я знал, что Смиты были тогда в Париже, я, возможно, зашел бы к ним. 7. (Если бы я был) На Вашем месте, я бы еще раз повторил эксперимент. 8. Если бы имелись точные расчеты, мы смогли бы (тогда) определить скорость реакции. 9. Даже если бы у нас было время, мы бы не смогли повторить эксперимент на прошлой неделе. 10. Мы сможем выполнить всю работу к сроку при условии, что нам предоставят все предварительные расчеты.

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