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Гапкало, Балашова По распознанию неличных.doc
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IV. Переведите группы слов с причастием – правое определение.

1. Many power stations using atomic energy. 2. The electrons revolving around the nucleus. 3. The proton having a positive charge. 4. All things surrounding (окружать) us. 5. The book describing the life of that scientist. 6. The teacher giving a lesson.

V. Прочтите предложения, укажите в них причастие – правое определение, назовите его признаки

  1. That old man sitting at the table is our teacher.

  2. The electrons revolving around the nucleus have a negative charge (заряд).

  3. A molecule is a composition (структура) onsisting of two or more atoms.

  4. The temperature depended upon the substances entering the reaction.

  5. Air is a mixture (смесь) consisting of 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen.

VI. Назовите номера предложений, в которых есть причастие – правое определение, переведите их.

  1. You needn’t do the exercises too simple for you.

  2. The following experiment was done to determine this unit.

  3. Atmosphere is the gaseous space surrounding the star, planet or satellite.

4. Hydroelectric stations using water power have to be equipped with modern systems for preventing ecological contamination.

5. The first power station working on atomic energy was put into operation in 1954 in the USSR.

  1. The interacting ions all carry electric charges and repel each other.

  2. Many flying planes were observed in the air.

  3. A substance is transformed from the liquid to the solid state by cooling.

  4. The crane lifting these heavy blocks was one of the most powerful.

Информация IV

Participle II в качестве правого и левого определения соот­ветствует в русском языке страдательному причастию о суффиксами -мый, -ный, -тый.

The article translated into English is very long.

Статья, переведенная на английский, очень большая.

The subjects studied by our students are rather different.

Предметы, изучаемые нашими студентами, довольно разные.

Participle I Passive (being asked, being used) в функции правого определения переводится страдательным причастием настоя­щего времени (используемый, получаемый) или определительным при­даточным предложением, (см. инф. 7)

Rockets being used for high altitude research are equipped with special instruments.

Ракеты, используемые (которые используются) для проведения ис­следований на больших высотах, оборудуются специальными приборами.

VII. Переведите предложения, содержащие pii в качестве определения (правые и левые)

1. TV-sets equipped with powerful searchlights (прожектор) are used on the very bottom of the sea for the illumination of the unknown world.

2. Radio is essential to mankind as the fastest and most reliable (надежный) means of communication known.

3. Using special TV-sets established on board a plane, we are able to see through the surface of the earth.

4. The applied device was very efficient.

5. Data obtained were used in designing the new system.

6. Due to reduced size and weight microelectronics may be used in space engineering.