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11. Article in English. Number and meaning of articles. The problem

The article is a function word, which means it has no lexical meaning and is devoid of denotative function. Semantically the article can be a significator,a linguistic unit representing some conceptual content without naming it. If analyzed in its relation to the conceptual reality, the article proves to be an operator,a marker of some cognitive operation, like identification and classification. there are two articles in English: the definite article “the” and the indefinite one “a”. It has become a tradition to also single out the so-called “zero” article, which is found in the contexts where neither the definite nor the indefinite article is used.

FUNCTIONS OF THE ZERO ARTICLE In most cases the zero article performs the same functions as the indefinite one. The difference is that the combinability of the latter is restricted to the group of countable nouns used in the singular form, whereas the zero article combines with uncountable nouns and countable nouns in the plural.e.g. It was a large room with many windows Still there are situations where the zero article is used in its specific functions which are different from those of the indefinite article. When used with the zero article, the noun loses its general grammatical meaning of thingness to a certain degree and acquires the meaning of qualitativeness. For example, the nouns “day” and “night” used with the zero article stand for “light” and “darkness” rather than time units.


Many scholars recognize the category of definiteness/indefiniteness (article determination). Though the article is used as the morphological marker of the noun, it can hardly be treated as a word-morpheme. The position of the article may be occupied by other words (demonstrative and possessive pronouns, etc ) Words, which have a distribution including the article position, are called determiners. The role of determiners is to specify the range of reference of the noun by making it definite or indefinite.

Meaningful absence of the article, or zero article, presupposes generalization.

In discussing the use of the articles it is essential to distinguish between specific, or particular reference, and generic reference:

The telephone is broken. (Specific reference)

The telephone к useful. (Generic reference)

The distinctions, which are important for countable nouns with specific reference, disappear with generic reference:

    1. A telephone is useful.

    2. The telephone is useful

    3. Telephones are. useful.

The article plays an important role in structuring information. It is one of the means of distinguishing between facts already known (the theme) and new information (the rheme). The definite article is the marker of the theme, the indefinite article is the maker of the rheme.

Certain determiners (articles, demonstrative pronouns) can be used to show that a noun phrase is referentially equivalent to a previous noun phrase: Students are free to select optional courses. The options are popular. In such cases the article expresses no-reference, which is one of the means of sentence- connection.

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