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2) Grammar as a linguistic discipline. Variants of grammar. Types of Grammatical analysis.

Grammar as a linguistic discipline may be practical {descriptive, normative) or theoretical. Practical Grammar describes the grammatical system of a given language. Theoretical Grammar gives a scientific explanation of the nature and peculiarities of the grammatical system of the language. (Grammar as a linguistic discipline) cover grammatical features of words and grammatical, communicative, semantic and structural features of sentences. VARIANTS OF GRAMMARS Grammatical studies are usually done with a certain aim in mind, and grammatical descriptions vary with them.There are two main purposes why people describe the Grammar of a language. One type of descriptions is made to understand it, and the other is made to teach it.

When people use a Grammar to learn or to teach a language they expect that it should provide suggestions how to build and use forms of words, word combinations and sentences

Because such Grammars suggest rules they are known as prescriptive Grammars. Prescriptive Grammars make selection of the facts presented by simple descriptions declaring some of them correct, while the others are treated as ungrammatical. The variant of prescriptive Grammars you know very well is the so-called practical Grammar designed mostly for foreigners. Grammatical descriptions aimed at understanding the Grammar of a language, and because of that attempting to register the facts as accurately as possible, are called descriptive Grammars. The main purpose of such Grammars is stating the facts of a language. The forms of such Grammars may be different due to the variant of linguistic philosophy the author supports.Descriptive Grammars usually include different interpretations of the facts registered in them. These interpretations present a third type of Grammars known as the Theory of Grammar or grammatical theory (grammatology).

Analysis: one can start with collecting information about syntagmatic features, that is about the positions units may occupy in speech chains. This information then can be used to discover substitutional relations of units, paradigms of a language. This way of analysis is called DISTRIBUTIONAL.

One can start with collecting information about paradigmatic features of units, that is with their ability to substitute for each other and establish, as a result, the system of language. afterwards we have to collect information about the positions the variants of units may occupy. It is often called OPPOSITIONAL, or PARADIGMATIC or categorial. we may base our grammatical analysis on the process of creating linguistic units. This type of Grammar is known as Generative or Transformational. These three types of analysis separately or in any combination are nowadays used to discover grammatical systems of languages. descriptive Grammars can be:

  1. according to the analytic procedures:1.Distributional (based on the analysis of the positioning of units)2.Categorial (based on the analysis of the substitution of units)3/ Transformational (based on the analysis of procedures used to create units);

  2. according to the purpose of description:1. Synchronic(We may describe Grammar to understand how it operates in a certain language at a certain period of its existence) 2. Diachronic or Historical (We may describe Grammar to understand how it changes with time.) 3. Contrastive(we may use the information either to register the differences and similarities of the languages compared) 4.Typological. (or we may use it to understand the principles and possible rules of variability of grammatical systems)

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