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30. The Semantic structure of the sentence. General Overview of Semantic Syntax

Every linguistic unit may be analysed either from the form to the meaning or from the signification to the means of expression. Traditionally sentence analysis starts from syntactic structure. Models of the analysis of semantic structure were worked out by the representatives of a new school of linguistic thought, called generative semantics. One of these models is Case Grammar devised by the American scholar Ch.Fillmore.

Transformational Model distinguished deep and surface structures within the syntactic level. In Case-Grammar deep, or underlying structure is semantic and surface structure is syntactic. Deep, or semantic structure has two main constituents: modality (features of mood, tense, aspect, negation, relating to the sentence as a whole) and proposition (tenseless set of relationships). The proposition is constituted bу the semantic predicate (the central element) and some nominal elements, called arguments or participants. The proposition is a reflection of situations and events of the outside world. The semantic predicate determines the number of arguments, or opens up places for arguments. Accordingly we may distinguish one-place predicates (She sang), two-place predicates (She broke the dish) and so on. Arguments are in different semantic relations to the predicate. These relations are called semantic roles deep cases. The choice of semantic roles depends on the nature of the predicate. Semantic roles, or deep cases are judgments about the events, such as: Who did it? Who did it happen to? What got changed? The most general, roles are agent (doer of the action) and patient (affected by the action or state)- Actions are accompanied by agents, states and processes — by patients; predicates, denoting both actions and processes — by agents and patients: She broke the dish.

GENERAL REMARKS of semantic syntax

The sentence was defined as a model of some fragment of the world. Besides it is a word or a group of words having predicativity. Predicativity was defined as reference of the content of the utterance to reality. It means that alongside predicativity the sentence has some content. The content should somehow correlate with some fragment of the outer world which is its model. So a sentence along with its grammatical meanings (predicativity, functional perspective and communicative types) has a referential meaning, which can be compared to the lexical meaning of a word. Though this referential meaning cannot be treated as grammatical, its analysis and description traditionally belong to the domain of grammar. There are several ways of analysing and describing this meaning. They may be grouped into five trends. These trends sometimes seem to be opposite to each other and even antagonistic, but in fact they are either detailed elaboration of each other or they lay specific stress on different aspects of this complex and complicated problem. The oldest and most popular up till now is the method of members of the sentence. Much later and almost simultaneously appeared two theories – the valency theory and generative (transformational) syntax. A bit later, deep case grammar and, independent of it but logically close to it, syntaxemic grammar were developed. All these approaches to the referential semantics of a sentence were summarised in a theoretical framework called compositional syntax.

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