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4) Grammatical meaning, Grammatical form

The basic notions of Grammar are the grammatical meaning,the grammatical form and the grammatical category.

The grammatical meaning is a general, abstract meaning which embraces classes of words.

The grammatical meaning depends on the lexical meaning and is connected with objective reality indirectly, through the lexical meaning.

The grammatical meaning must have a grammatical form of expression (inflexions, analytical forms, word-order, etc,). Compare the word forms

walks, is writing. Both forms denote process, but only the second form expresses it grammatically.

The term form may be used in a wide sense to denote all means of expressing grammatical meanings. It may be also used in a narrow sense _to_ denote means of expressing a particular grammatical meaning (plural, number, present tense, etc.).

Grammatical elements are unities of meaning and form, content and expression. In the language system there is no direct correspondence of meaning and form. Two or more units of the plane of content may correspond to one unit of the plane of expression (polysemy; homonymy). Two or more units of the plane of expression may correspond to one unit of the plane of content (synonymy). The oppositive character of grammatical meaning is evident in the fact that any grammatical meaning is not only revealed through opposition but cannot simply exist outside it. grammatical meanings are relative, which means that they are determined by the system of oppositions in which they are found.Dependence of grammatical meanings means that they always accompany some other meanings. Most evident is this fact in the morphological meaning: the grammatical meaning of Number cannot be found in English without a Noun; the grammatical meaning of the Superlative Degree cannot be realised without an Adjective. . But the same is true of the syntactical meanings – the grammatical meaning of interrogation cannot be seen without the referential meaning of the sentence used in the interrogative form. Grammatical meanings are abstract. Obligatory.This feature means that a grammatical meaning determines its importance for the system of language. The grammatical meaning may be explicit and implicit. The implicit grammatical meaning is not expressed formally (e.g. the word table does not contain any hints in its form as to it being inanimate). The explicit grammatical meaning is always marked morphologically – it has its marker. In the word cats the grammatical meaning of plurality is shown in the form of the noun; cat’s – here the grammatical meaning of possessiveness is shown by the form ‘s;

The implicit grammatical meaning may be of two types – general and dependent. The general grammatical meaning is the meaning of the whole word-class, of a part of speech (e.g. nouns – the general grammatical meaning of thingness). The dependent grammatical meaning is the meaning of a subclass within the same part of speech. The most important thing about the dependent grammatical meaning is that it influences the realization of grammatical categories restricting them to a subclass. Thus the dependent grammatical meaning of countableness/uncountableness influences the realization of the grammatical category of number as the number category is realized only within the subclass of countable nouns, the grammatical meaning of animateness/inanimateness influences the realization of the grammatical category of case, teminativeness/non-terminativeness - the category of tense, transitivity/intransitivity – the category of voice.

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