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12. Adjective. Classes. Statives

Adjective is a part of speech characterized by the following typical features: 1) The lexico-grammatical meaning of “attributes (of substantives)”. By attributes we mean different properties of substantives, such as their size, colour, position in space, material, psychic state of persons, etc. 2)The morphological category of the degrees of comparison.3) The characteristic combinability with nouns (a beautiful girl), link verbs (…is clever), adverbs, mostly those of degree (a very clever boy), the so-called “prop word” one (the grey one). 4)The stem-building affixes –ful, -less, -ish, -ous, -ive, -ic, un-, pre-, in-, etc. 5)Its functions of an attribute and a predicative complement.

All the adjectives are traditionally divided into 2 large subclasses: qualitative and relative. Relative adjectives express such properties of a substance as are determined by the direct relation of the substance to some other substance (e.g. wood – a wooden hut, history – a historical event). Qualitative adjectives, as different from relative ones, denote various qualities of substances which admit of a quantitative estimation, i.e. of establishing their correlative quantitative measure. The measure of a quality can be estimated as high or low, adequate or inadequate, sufficient or insufficient, optimal or excessive (e.g. a difficult task – a very difficult task).

The category of the degrees of comparison of adjectives is the system of opposemes (long – longer – longest) showing qualitative distinctions of qualities. More exactly it shows whether the adjective denotes the property of some substance absolutely, or relatively as a higher or the highest amount of the property in comparison with that of some other substances.-> ‘positive’, ‘comparative’ and ‘superlative’ degrees.The positive degree is not marked. We may speak of a zero morpheme. The comparative and superlative degrees are built up either synthetically (by affixation or suppletivity) or analytically (with the help of word-morphemes more and most), which depends mainly on the structure of the stem.


It was L.V. Scerba and V.V. Vinogradov who singled out such words as холодно, сыро, весело, жаль into а separate part of speech

Blokh:Among the words signifying properties of a nounal referent there is a leximic set which claims to be recognied as a separate part of speech, a class of words different form the adjectives in its class-forming features. These are words built up by the prefix a- and denoting different states, mostly of temporary duration. Here belong lexemes like afraid, agog, adrift, ablaze. These are treated as predicative adjectives in traditional grammar. Semantically, statives are marked by the presence of a seme of state, as opposed to adjectives that express non-temporal property, e.g.: ... he had been asleep for some time... (J.K. Jerome), which means that he had been in a state of sleep for some time.

Morphologically, statives seem to stand apart from adjectives, for they have a specific prefix a- and lack the grammatical category of degrees of comparison. On closer inspection, the absence of degrees of comparison does not prove anything. On the one hand, there are a lot of adjectives that stand outside the grammatical category of degrees of comparison. On the other hand, some of the so-called statives form degrees of comparison just like most qualitative adjectives, e.g.:

The two main meals of the day, lunch and dinner, are both more or less alike

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