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3) Division of Grammar. Morphology and syntax

Main grammatical units, a word and a sentence, are studied by different sections of Grammar: Morphology (Accidence) and Syntax. Morphology studies the structure, forms and the classification of words. Syntax studies the structure, forms and the classification of sentences. In other words, Morphology studies paradigmatic relations of words, Syntax studies syntagmatic relations of words and paradigmatic relations of sentences.

There is also a new approach to the division of Grammar into Morphology and Syntax. According to this approach Morphology should study both paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations of words. Syntax should sludy both paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations of sentences.Syntactic syntagmatics is a relatively new field of study, reflecting the functional approach to language, i.e the description of connected speech, or discourse.Some linguists oppose Morphology as the study of words and their forms to the study of sentences and their parts which they name Grammar or Syntax. This use of the term is in clear contrast to the ancient, original employment of the term. Initially Grammar only meant what we now call Morphology, while the study of word combinations was called Accidence. But the most popular at present usage of the term unites Morphology (the study of words and their forms) and Syntax (the study of word combinations and sentences) under one heading Grammar.. Syntactic syntagmatics is a relatively new field of study, reflecting the functional approach to language, i.e the description of connected speech, or discourse. But the most popular at present usage of the term unites Morphology (the study of words and their forms) and Syntax (the study of word combinations and sentences) under one heading Grammar.Morphology and syntax as two parts of linguistic description.

As the word is the main unit of traditional grammatical theory, it serves the basis of the distinction which is frequently drawn between morphology and syntax. Morphology deals with the internal structure of words, peculiarities of their grammatical categories and their semantics while traditional syntax deals with the rules governing combination of words in sentences (and texts in modern linguistics). We can therefore say that the word is the main unit of morphology.

It is difficult to arrive at a one-sentence definition of such a complex linguistic unit as the word. First of all, it is the main expressive unit of human language which ensures the thought-forming function of the language. It is also the basic nominative unit of language with the help of which the naming function of language is realized. As any linguistic sign the word is a level unit. In the structure of language it belongs to the upper stage of the morphological level. It is a unit of the sphere of ‘language’ and it exists only through its speech actualization. One of the most characteristic features of the word is its indivisibility. As any other linguistic unit the word is a bilateral entity. It unites a concept and a sound image and thus has two sides – the content and expression sides:conceptand sound form.

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