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24) Classification of sentences. Structural and communicative types of sentence.

As is well known, sentences may be classified on the basis of two main principles: communicative (declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory) and structural (simple and composite, one-member and two- member,complete and elliptical).

In the language system certain sentence-patterns are correlated and are connected by oppositional relations: STRUCTURAL TYPES OF SENTENCES depend upon the way the most important features of the sentence, namely, predicativity, is reflected in their structure. Since predicativity has three features, they might be embodied either together in one component of a sentence, and such sentences are known as one-member sentences.Come here! Or Stand up. The other two features of predicativity (temporal and modal) are presented together in another component of the sentence. Such sentences in which the predicativity features are distributed between two elements of a sentence are named two-member sentences: It is cold. John speaks English. A dog runs.In case of two-member sentences the elements formalising the the features of predicativity are known as the main members .But a sentence may include either one predicativity centre or several. If a sentence has only one predicativity centre we call such sentences simple. If a sentence has more than one predicative centre we call it composite. But if we have two or more predicativity centres within one structure, there must be some relations between these elements.We know two types of relations: co-ordination and subordination. Coordination means that the predicative centres are not dependent on each other,The subordinate relations exist if one predicative group dominates and includes one or more other predicative groups as its elements:as the Subject: as a part of the Predicate,as an Object,as an Attribute,as an Adverbial Modifier .The structural types of sentences show only one of their aspects. Sentences being elements of speech have their specific communicative functionsLets take a simple sentence: 1) John will come tomorrow. 2) Will John come tomorrow? 3) Come tomorrow, John!The difference of meanings corresponds to the difference of the form of the sentences. It means that we observe here an opposition of forms reflecting a certain meaning, which corresponds to the idea of a grammatical category. The semantic basis of the category is the speaker’s influence upon the listener. This basis corresponds to the illocutionary (побудительный) meaning of speech acts. If we compare these meanings with the illocutionary classes we can see that they reflect two most frequent classes – informatives and directives. The first sentence embodies the informative type of speech acts and is called declarative. The other two belong to the directives. The second sentence formally differentiates direction for a special type of action – informing the speaker and is termed interrogative. The third sentence differentiates direction for an action and has the name of imperative.We may expect that other classes of speech acts should also be reflected in the system of sentences as grammatical categories. And we can really find an opposition of the so-called exclamatory sentences to non-exclamatory ones.

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