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умк_Боброва_Анг.яз_для экон._2010.doc
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IV. Choose the right variant.

                  1. The property of a company, person etc. that has value and can be sold to pay the debts. a) liquid liabilities b) liquid profits c) liquid assets

                  1. They are determined to make the company profitable and to achieve a stable profitability by fiscal 2003. a) increase b) income c) loss

                  1. We are planning to $2,5 million on advertising.

a) lose b) spend c) invest

4. I opened my last month.

a) cash b) account c) credit

5. If you pay I’ll give you a 5 % discount.

a) price b) cash c) bill

6. We $10 million in a new media venture.

a) spent b) invested c) involved

                  1. We have just received the sales statistics for the Far East. a) account b) balance sheet c) figures

                  1. Current liabilities are what a company .

a) invests b) buys c) owes

9. Wealth used to produce more wealth is called .

a) liabilities b) capital c) goods

10. Balance sheet is a statement of how much has come in and how

much has gone out.

a) shares b) money c) capital

11. The company’s properties that can be easily sold for money were bought by its competitors. a) current liabilities b) net profits c) liquid assets





Вы должны знать:

1. Лексика: активный словарь по теме.

2. Основные положения об открытии собственного дела; типы владения биз­ несом; разновидности партнерства; корпо­ рации; документы и процедуры для начала бизнес-деятельности; факторы контроля бизнес-активности; бизнес и потребитель; права потребителя; контроль за продажами.

Вы должны уметь:

                  1. Читать и переводить тексты по теме, используя активный словарь.

                  1. Вести диалог и уметь рассказывать о бизнес-праве, используя активную лек­сику урока.

                  1. Entry test

is an organization that sells goods or

1. A business, company or services.

c. venture

d. community .

c. business

d. enterprise

a. corporation

b. firm

2. The company was a family

a. industry

b. economy

3. This established a strong image.

c. stork

d. corporate

a. business

b. enterprise


4. Banks interested in attracting

a. small business c. commerce

b. corporation d. concern

5. The manufacturing sector consists of a variety of manufacturing

a. service c. industries

b. goods d. enterprises

6. Companies that are owned by shareholders or private individuals are in the


a. private

b. financial

c. productive

d. public


7. Banks are located within the sector of the economy.

a. service c. financial

b. industrial d. public

8. Finance for a usually comes from the individual’s own

savings or from family or friends.

a. limited company c. franchise

b. sole proprietor d. partnership

9. Talk to other holders and ask them what they think of the parent


a. franchise c. firm

b. group d. enterprise

10. The includes some of the biggest building contractors in Britain.

a. joint venture c. corporation

b. budget d. consortium

11. Good require courtesy, professionalism and effective


a. dividend c. customer relations

b. production d. capital

12. with their mobile service runs at more than 90 per cent.

a. customer relations c. customer loyalty

b. customer satisfaction d. repeat business

13. The equipment is still under

a. warranty c. sale

b. service d. stork

14. An organization is campaigning for

a. big business c. consumer rights

b. consumer laws d. security

15. Mining rose by 9,1 %, manufacturing by 9,4 % and by 4,3 %.

a. customer sector c. business

b. selection d. services

16. The experts say health service reform means higher taxes and less

a. customers c. consumer satisfaction

b. consumer choice d. business 17. Many consumer groups welcomed the move, saying it would enhance

a. protection c. choice

b. data d. service


18. Whatever a

says, when something goes wrong, you can still

claim your rights from the shop.

a. code of practice c. guarantee

b. customer loyalty d. customer care 19. What has happened to our reputation for and good service?

a. warranty

b. repeat business

c. loyalty

d. customer care

20. The company required to pay substantial fees in advance.

a. clients

b. market researchers

c. manufacturers

d. supervisors