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4. A) Read the text filling in the gaps with the proper words.

a peer [pIR] – someone who is of the same age as another person or belongs to the

same social or professional group as another person

an adolescent [LWdR'lesnt] – young teenager of about 13-16

One of the ______________ (1 – strongest/hardest) influences on teenagers today is that of their peers. What their friends think, how they dress and how they act in class and out of it ____________ (2 – affect/ effect) the behaviour of nearly every teenager. In their _____________ (3 – actions/efforts) not to be different, some children go so _________ (4 – far/farther) as to hide their intelligence and ability in case they are made ___________ of (5 – laugh/fun). Generally, teenagers do not want to stand out from the ___________ (6 – group/crowd). They want to ____________ in (7 – fit/fall), to be accepted. In psychological _____________ (8 – terms/expressions) the importance of peer pressure can not be overemphasized. There is a lot of evidence that it has great ______________ (9 – meaning/bearing) on all aspects of their lives, from the clothes they wear, the music they listen to and their (10 – attitude/relation) to studies, to their ambitions in life, their relationships and their (11 – sense/impression) of self-worth. However, as adolescents grow up into young adults, individuality becomes more acceptable and in their _____________ (12 – look/search) for their personal style, the teenager and young adult will begin to experiment and be more willing to _____________ (13 – face/carry) the risk of rejection by the group. Concern about intellectual ability and _______________ (14 – reaching/achieving) good exam results can dominate as the atmosphere of competition develops and worries about the future _____________ (15 – override/overthrow) any fears of appearing too brainy.

b) Answer the teacher’s questions.

Home activities (1)

5. A) Go through the texts in exercises 2–4 and find the English for

придавать слишком большое значение чему-либо; предметы роскоши; жадный, склонный к стяжательству; все больше и больше; чересчур озабоченный чем-то; корыстный; приоритет; самовыражение; духовная сторона жизни; служение людям; во многом; быть похожим на...; дублировать; совершеннолетие; более всего; примириться с чем-либо; “болтаться” по университету; ратуша; молодежное приложение к журналу “Фольксштимме”; почему бы не сделать что-то?; это очень изматывает; сверстники; в попытке не выделяться (не отличаться); выделяться из толпы; с точки зрения (психологии); вписываться (в какую-либо среду, круг); иметь сильное влияние на/иметь отношение к; чувство собственной значимости (достоинства); подростки; неприятие группы; беспокойство об интеллектуальных способностях; перевешивать страх чего-либо.

b) Illustrate the word combinations with sentences from the texts.

6. Retell any of the three texts (see exercises 2-4). Classroom activities (2)

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