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49. Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the Verb.

A. 1. The buds were just beginning ____________ (to open). 2. I can’t even begin ____________ (to imagine) what it is like for him, starting his life anew. 3. He began _____________ (to shout) abuse to them. 4. The leaves have started _____________ (to fall off) the trees. 5. His confidence is starting ______________ (to wear off). 6. Everyone in the class started _______________ (to laugh). 7. What he said started me _____________ (to think). 8. Mitch stopped _____________________ (to work, to listen) to a news programme. 9. Clara can’t go on ______________ (to pretend) that everything is okay when it clearly isn’t. 10. After asking me for advice he went on _______________ (to complain) about his misfortunes.

B. 1. After ____________ (to get/to know) him better, I regretted ______________ (to judge) him unfairly. 2. I can’t bear the thought of you ____________ (to go) home without someone to accompany you. 3. A job worth _____________ (to do) is worth ______________ (to do) well. 4. I’d prefer _____________ (to go) to the cinema rather than _____________ (to sit) here watching television. 5. He tried _____________ (to explain) himself in English but found that no one seemed _____________ (to understand). 6. This hair-drier won’t work! – Try ___________ (to switch) it on properly. 7. Surely you remember him ______________ (to say) that he would let me ______________ (to borrow) his car if I didn’t mind ______________ (to pay) for the petrol. 8. You know I hate ______________ (to disappoint) you, but much as I would like ________________ (to go out) this evening, I have to finish _______________ (to decorate) this room.


50. Translate into Russian.*

1. My having had what I describe as a mental image of Charlotte Street was necessitated by one or another of certain events. 2. All the polls stopped interviewing early on Wednesday afternoon. 3. He immediately regretted thinking any such thought. 4. He began paging through old newspapers. 5. Well, he couldn’t help feeling miserable. 6. He remembered having arrived at the party but not leaving. 7. Back in the 1960s Dr. Christian Barnard succeeded in performing the first heart transplant operation. 8. I won’t report on your wearing a non-reg shirt here. 9. She had never mentioned having a religion. 10. Mr. Etzioni also suggests forbidding anyone from gathering background information about the jurors. 11. I was going to apologize for being stupid on Sunday. 12. There is no reason why women should not be good at selling cars. 13. They don’t appreciate my being called here. 14. And maybe you don’t mind my saying that you’re getting a little old for studying. 15. I could see that he was confident of handling any awkward situation that might arise. 16. It’s the only car that really wants repairing.

51. Make sentences based on the extract from Brave New World using the Gerund.

1. The new students looked forward to…

2. The Director always made a point of…

3. Mr. Foster clearly enjoyed…

4. The Director insisted that all babies needed…

5. Conditioning was aimed at…

6. Beta babies were conditioned to be content with…

7. The State was responsible for…

8. Since their babyhood, the Deltas were to be discouraged from…

9. At first the students saw no sense in…

10. The Director relied on sleep-teaching for…

a. to personally conduct new students round the HCC

b. to condition and to standardize

c. to produce the greatest socializing and moralizing effect

d. to show around the HCC

e. to enjoy flowers and wild nature

f. to discourage babies from loving flowers

g. to explain Bokanovsky’s Process (to the students)

h. to be inferior to Alphas

i. to instill class consciousness into every citizen

j. to turn lower-caste people into obedient consumers

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