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15. Express surprise and disbelief, add a sentence logically connected to support your opinion.

Model 1: T – The film is said to be very popular.

St-1 – Can the film be so (very) popular? I personally didn’t like it at all.

St-2 – The film can’t be very popular. Most of my friends find it boring.

Model 2: T – They say they covered 100 miles on foot yesterday.

St-1 – Can they have covered 100 miles on foot? They must be fooling you.

St-2 – They can’t have covered 100 miles on foot. It’s

humanly impossible.

16. Develop the situations using must and can and the words suggested in brackets.

Model: – The doorbell rang, but I didn’t hear it. (I / to listen to


  • The doorbell rang, but I didn’t hear it. I must have been listening to music.

1. The computer you bought is very up-to-date. (it / very expensive). 2. I haven’t seen my next door neighbours for over a week. (they / to go on holiday). 3. The policeman has been walking behind us for the last fifteen minutes. (he / to follow)? 4. My Dad can’t find his gloves. (he / to leave / in the office / yesterday). 5. As I went out, I saw a man standing outside the pub. (he / to wait for sb). 6. The Huxleys haven’t lived here for very long. (they / to know many people in the neighbourhood). 7. Mary didn’t attend classes last week. (she / to be ill). 8. Mike’s new car is very fast. (it / cheap).

Home activities (3)

17. A) Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the Verb.

Scientists warn that half of Greenland and vast areas of Antarctic _________________ (1 – to destine) to melt if global warming __________________ (2 – to continue) at the same pace until the end of the century. Climate scientists looked back in history _______________ (3 – to find) a time when sea levels were higher that they are today. They identified a period when glacial melting _______________ (4 – to increase) sea levels by several metres. They used a computer model of the environment ______________ (5 – to work out) how warm the world ________________ (6 – modal / to be) to trigger the mass melting and concluded that the Earth __________ (7 – to be) between 3º C and 5º C warmer than it is today. ________________ (8 – to use) the same model, the scientists spun the clock forward ____________ (9 – to see) when climate change is likely ______________ (10 – to make) the world as warm again. That level of warming _________________ (11 – to come) unless we act on carbon emissions. An Arctic warming of 3º C to 5º C is enough _____________ (12 – to cause) four to six meters of sea level rise. A one-metre rise in sea level would see the Maldives ______________ (13 – to disappear), make most of Bangladesh uninhabitable and put cities such as New Orleans ‘out of business’.

b) Translate into English.

1. Ученые уже давно предупреждают, что в результате глобального потепления может измениться климат нашей планеты. Климатические изменения могут нанести серьезный ущерб не только отдаленным островам в Тихом океане, но и большой части Европы. В результате таяния арктических льдов значительно поднимется уровень мирового океана. Это, скорее всего, повлечет за собой затопление значительной части суши. Некоторые эксперты предсказывают, что с лица земли могут исчезнуть некоторые европейские города и даже страны.

2. Считается, что таяние вечной мерзлоты разрушит среду обитания и привычный образ жизни народов Севера. Этот процесс может привести к разрушению строений, дорог и трубопроводов.

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