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33. Paraphrase, translate or explain.

explain: ... Angela Whitiker has been on the outside looking in at the seeming perfection of the professional classes.

translate: ... the rest of the United States continues to debate the barriers

to mobility

explain: She has gone from welfare statistic in the early 1990s to credit-

card carrying member of the middle class.

paraphrase: Ms. Whitiker and her children were living in a crime-

burdened neighbourhood.

paraphrase: His paycheck gave her the ability to get into a pre-nursing

program at a local community college…

paraphrase: … without her boyfriend to pay the rent, she fell further


explain: he had … a solid middle-class background.

translate: … she was anxious to pass her licensing exam.

translate: And come payday, everybody needs something…

paraphrase: Relatives need gas money…

paraphrase: Even her patients have their hands out.

explain: Her success came too late to benefit them.

translate: She made it clear that neither Willie nor Nicholas was

welcome until they cleaned up their lives.

paraphrase: I’m a late bloomer…

paraphrase: Can’t you see your life is going down the drain…?

34. Answer the teacher’s questions. Home activities (5)

35. Translate into English using the Gerund or the Infinitive.

1. Джуди не решалась задавать вопросы, потому что боялась, что над ней будут смеяться. 2. Я точно помню, что рассказал ему все подробности происшествия. 3. Теперь я не жалею, что сказал ему правду. Он попробует принять верное решение. 4. Попробуй добавить в салат оливкового масла – он будет намного вкуснее. 5. Никто из нас не согласится участвовать в проекте, если это будет означать переезд в сельскую местность. 6. После того, как Андрей рассказал нам о своих приключениях в Австралии, он стал показывать фотографии. 7. Денис перестал пропускать занятия, боясь, что его отчислят из университета. 8. Линда остановилась, чтобы посмотреть на рождественскую елку в витрине магазина. 9. Когда Майк был ребенком, он терпеть не мог рано ложиться спать. 10. Я предпочитаю ездить на метро, а не стоять в пробках.

36. Get ready to retell Text 1. Classroom activities (6)


37. Paraphrase using the active vocabulary:

1. The possibility that she might be wrong never came to her mind. 2. This sort of incident is an everyday thing. 3. John and Mary invited all the members of their family to the wedding. 4. His silence made me worried as I thought something bad might happen. 5. Angela very much wanted her daughter to go into a profession. 6. After paying taxes and insurance, she has little left for herself. 7. Finding fossils far inland, he came to the conclusion that the area had once been covered by water. 8. Let me give you a bit of information about myself. 9. The Elizabethan age gave plenty of opportunity to enterprising people of all walks of life. 10. It seemed like an ideal gift. 11. He believes that his new job is ideal for him. 12. When Fred took a training course for teenagers, he had no time to hang about town with his friends. 13. Mrs. Dobson couldn’t come to terms with the fact that all her efforts to give her son an education had turned out to be useless.

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