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21. Paraphrase, translate or explain.

explain: The British capital has let the world in ...

explain: ... a panorama spanning two thousand years of crowded history.

explain: ... the medieval Tower of London recalls the city’s past as a seat of power.

paraphrase: ... conjures up its present as a gateway to the world.

paraphrase: ... a favoured destination for work-hungry migrants from all around the globe.

paraphrase: Almost a third of today’s Londoners were born outside the country.

translate: More than ... communities are scattered across the metropolis.

paraphrase: ... each new wave has enhanced London as a global city.

explain: ... even a shaky command opens up one level of London job market.

translate: The city’s middle classes have come to depend on a ready

supply of Australian barmen...

explain: ... or quickly rise to employ those who do.

translate: Without the migrants, London would be shrinking, not


translate: Ethnic and cultural diversity has helped to instil a basic


paraphrase: ... in blander European cities.

paraphrase: Today, urban centres offer what a new generation most

prizes: high-end urban amenities, shorter commuting times...

translate: London’s cosmopolitan feel is crucial to its prosperity.

translate: ... depending on their access to resources or trade – coal mines and rail hubs.

paraphrase: What counts today is the new global class of knowledge


paraphrase: ... a relatively compact layout, a vibrant mix of cultures and a service industry fuelled largely by immigrants.

explain: Although Frankfurt is home to Europe’s central bank it’s

London that calls the shots.

paraphrase: Mighty Deutsche Bank may be headquartered in Germany...

paraphrase: London motorists stay away from ... chokepoints where

traffic regularly slows to a Dickensian horse-and-carriage crawl.

paraphrase: Commuters endure daily frustration on a subway system

starved of investment for decades.

translate: Violent crime is on the rise, the public-health system is

chronically overloaded and the middle classes shun the low-grade schools.

paraphrase: And although the national government has lent its weight to the drive to build new homes...

translate: ... perhaps the biggest challenge of all involves resisting

political pressures that might kill the golden goose – anti-

immigration policies that would diminish London’s standing as Europe’s only world city.


1. span расстояние от одного конца до другого; отрезок времени: e.g. a span of three years; lifespan – срок, продолжительности жизни: e.g. Men have a shorter lifespan than women. / to span – перекрывать, охватывать временной отрезок: e.g. His interests spanned a wide range of subjects. The game has a history spanning three centuries.

2. former – 1. бывший, предыдущий: e.g. The ceremony honoured all the former presidents who are still living. He abandoned his former career as a journalist. 2. давний, прежний: e.g. The oak panels in the mansion remain from former times. / the former – первый из двух: e.g. Of these two evils the former is the less. / the latter – второй из двух: e.g. Both Christopher Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci claimed to have reached the New World. The latter being more popular of the two, the new land was named after him.

3. to migrate [maI'greIt] (from / to) мигрировать, переезжать, менять место жительства (часто: в поисках работы) / migrant ['maIgrRnt] мигрант; emigrant – эмигрант (человек, выезжающий из страны); immigrant – иммигрант (человек, въезжающий в страну) / migration – миграция; emigration – эмиграция; immigration – иммиграция

4. the globe глобус, земной шар / global – всеобщий, всемирный, глобальный, всеобъемлющий: e.g. The global economy has become increasingly unstable. / globalization (also: globalisation)глобализация: e.g. Many anticapitalists are opposed to globalization.

5. link(s) – 1. связь (между людьми, местами, фактами, событиями и т.п.): e.g. They are studying the links between carbon emissions and climate change. Research has established a link between smoking and lung cancer. 2. звено (цепи), связующее звено; the missing link – недостающее звено; the weak link (in the chain) – слабое звено / to link (sth to sth) – соединять, связывать, сцеплять; to be linked (to, with) – соединяться, быть связанным (с): e.g. The road linked Manchester and Birmingham with/to London. Scientists now link certain types of cancer to the amount of junk food that people consume.

6. competent ['kOmpIt(R)nt]компетентный, знающий, квалифици-рованный; (ant. incompetent): e.g. The manager is perfectly compet-ent, but he doesn’t have much initiative. / competence ['kOmpIt(R)ns]умение, способность, компетентность; (ant. incompetence): e.g. I am only worried about his attitude to the job; his competence as a designer is not in question.

7. to depend [dI'pend] (on/upon) – зависеть (от): e.g. Their future depends on how well they do in these exams. / to depend on sb for sth – зависеть от кого-то в чем-то: e.g. The young birds depend on their parents for several weeks. / to depend on sb – положиться на кого-то, доверять кому-то: e.g. I wasn’t worried: I knew I could depend on you. / That (It) depends. – Это от многого зависит. / dependence (on/upon) – зависимость (от): e.g. We need to reduce our dependence on oil as a source of energy.(ant. independence from – независимость от) / dependent (on/upon) – зависимый (от), зависящий: e.g. They hate being dependent on their parents. (ant. independent of – независимый, независящий от: e.g. She is financially independent of her family.)

9. supply [sR'plaI] – 1. запас: e.g. They brought a large supply of food with them. 2. снабжение, поставка: e.g. The supply of electricity has been threatened by a recent strike. 3. (экон.) предложение: e.g. If demand exceeds supply the price will rise. / supply and demand – спрос и предложение: e.g. The reason they are so expensive is that they are very scarce and everyone wants them; it’s all a matter of supply and demand. / to supply (to/with) – снабжать; поставлять, доставлять: e.g. The factory supplied a uniform to each of its workers. The workers were supplied with uniforms.

10. to shrink (shrank, shrunk) – уменьшаться в размере; давать усадку, садиться: e.g. Do you think this dress will shrink if I handwash it?

11. diverse [daI'vR:s]различный, отличный, несходный; разный, разнообразный: e.g. The newspaper aims to cover a diverse range of issues. / diversity – многообразие, отличие, несходство: e.g. We value the rich ethnic and cultural diversity of the group. / divert (from / to) – отклонять, направлять в другую сторону; уводить в сторону, отклоняться: e.g. They diverted the river to supply water to the town. The outbreak of fighting in the north has diverted public attention away from other national problems.

12. 'tolerance (of/towards) – терпимость, толерантность: e.g. India is a country with a reputation for tolerance towards religious minorities. / tolerant (of) – терпимый, толерантный: e.g. Perhaps you need to be more tolerant of your neighbours. / to tolerate – терпеть, выносить; быть терпимым; допускать: e.g. He won’t tolerate anyone questioning his decisions.

13. amenity [R'mi:nItI / R'menItI] (usually plural: amenities) –коммунальные удобства, необходимые предметы быта: e.g. Amenities include a gym, a pool and a jacuzzi. / social amenities – социально-культурное и бытовое обслуживание

14. prosperity [prRs'perItI] – процветание, преуспевание, успех: e.g. With economic expansion comes the promise of national prosperity. / prosperous ['prOspRrRs] – 1. преуспевающий, процветающий: e.g. The town is increasingly prosperous. 2. богатый, состоятельный, зажиточный: e.g. He looked like a lawyer and a prosperous one. / to 'prosper – преуспевать, процветать: e.g. His business prospered.

15. vibrant ['vaIbrRnt]1. живой, полный жизни: e.g. Moscow is a city vibrant with life. 2. трепещущий, дрожащий: e.g. a vibrant voice

16. fuel – топливо, горючее / to fuel – 1. заправлять горючим, топливом: e.g. Aircraft sometimes fuel up in midair. 2. питать, поддерживать: e.g. This organization is fuelled by massive grants.

17. motor ['moutR]1. двигатель, мотор: e.g. The pump is powered by an electric motor. 2. (Brit.) автомобиль, машина (разг.): e.g. When did you buy the new motor? / motor transport (syn. road transport) – автотранспорт / motorist – автомобилист / motorway – скоростное шоссе, автомагистраль

18. to commute [kR'mju:t]ездить ежедневно на работу из пригоро-да в город и обратно (обыкн. по сезонному билету): e.g. I commute by train. / commute – дорога из пригорода в город и обратно: e.g. It’s a long commute from New York to Boston. / commuter – житель пригорода, ежедневно ездящий на работу поездом, автобусом (Брит.) или машиной (Амер.): e.g. a train packed with commuters

19. endure [In'djuR] – терпеть, выносить, выдерживать, стойко держаться: e.g. They endured tremendous hardships on their way to the South Pole. / endurance – выносливость, стойкость, терпеливость: e.g. Long-distance races are won by the runners with the greatest endurance. / enduring – 1. прочный, стойкий: e.g. enduring substance 2. бессмертный, вечный: e.g. enduring popularity

20. fru'stration – расстройство, крах, чувство неудовлетворенности, разочарования: e.g. He expressed his frustration at not being able to talk openly. / to frustrate – расстраивать, делать тщетным, вызывать чувство разочарования, неудовлетворенности: e.g. Activists and reformers are frustrated by the public’s lack of interest.

21. to emerge [I'mR:dG]появляться, возникать, выходить (откуда-то): e.g. The sun emerged from behind the clouds.

22. challenge ['tSWlIndG]1. вызов (на соревнование, состязание, дуэль): e.g. He accepted his friend’s challenge to swim across the river. 2. испытание, пробы своих сил, нечто требующее труда, мужества; сложная задача, проблема: e.g. I am looking for a job with a bit more challenge. / to challenge – 1. бросать вызов: e.g. I challenged him for a game of tennis. 2. требовать усилий: e.g. The difficulty of putting our ideas into practice challenged us to find a new method.

23. to resist [rI'zIst] sth / sb – сопротивляться, противиться, противо-действовать: e.g. The government are resisting the nurses’ wage demands. / resistance (to sb/sth) – противодействие, сопротивление (кому-либо/чему-либо): e.g. The escaped criminal offered no resistance when the police caught up with him.


1. racial tensions – расовая напряженность, трения

2. to be fed up with – быть сытым по горло (чем-то)

3. to have a good / shaky command [kR'mQ:nd] of English – хорошо / слабо владеть английским языком

4. to be crucial to sth – быть исключительно важным для чего-то

5. to be home to... – являться месторасположением чего-либо

6. to call the shotsраспоряжаться, давать указания, принимать решения; задавать тон

7. To be sure, ... – Конечно, …

8. to be on the rise – увеличиваться, расти

9. to kill the golden goose – убить курицу, которая несет золотые яйца

10. to instil tolerance – внушать, прививать терпимость, толерант-ность


to conjure ['kAndGR] up sth – вызывать что-либо в воображении, памяти

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