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24.* Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the Participle.

1. _________________________ (to finish) the painting, he gave a sigh of relief. 2. ________________ (to impress) by Jo’s work, the manager extended her contract for a year. 3. Jim was the only one of his platoon _________________________ (not / to take) prisoner. 4. _________________________the money through hard work, he was reluctant to give it away. 5. _______________ there was no one at home, I left the parcel in the shed. 6. ___________________ (to be interested) to see what would happen, I stayed till the end of the meeting. 7. ___________________ (to start) the course, Alan was determined to complete it. 8. _____________ (to wave) their scarves and _____________ (to shout), the fans ran onto the pitch. 9. ________________ (not / to want) to offend him, we said nothing about his paintings. 10. I didn’t get wet, _________________________ (to remember) to take my umbrella. 11. A crowd of people watched the old building ___________________ (to demolish).

25.* Join two sentences into one using participles.

Model: – She hoped to find the will. She searched everywhere.

– Hoping to find the will, she searched everywhere.

1. He got off his horse. He began searching for something on the ground. 2. I knew that she was pressed for money. I offered to pay her fare. 3. I had seen photographs of the place. I had no desire to go there. 4. The speaker refused to continue. He was infuriated by the interruptions. 5. The criminal removed all traces of his crime. He left the building. 6. He realized that he had missed the last train. He began to walk. 7. Jim was exhausted by his work. He threw himself on his bed. 8. She didn’t want to hear the story again. She had heard it all before. 9. She entered the room suddenly. She found them smoking.

Home activities (4)

26.* Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the Participle.

1. _________________________ (to decide) that it would be hopeless to carry out a search while the fog persisted, the rescue party put off their rescue bid until the next day. 2. _________________________ (to slam) the door, Carol drove off in the car her father had given her as a present. 3. He was very angry when his car broke down, _________________________ (to have it serviced) only a week before. 4. _________________________ (to leave) alone, he tried to concentrate on the accounts. 5. _________________________ (to shout) at the top of his voice, he rushed out of the room, which was typical. 6. _________________________ (to influence) by her advisers, the candidate for the Popular Party has announced that she will cut income tax by 10 percent. 7. _________________________(not / to see) all the evidence, I am reluctant to make a judgment. 8. The man lost interest in his work, _________________________ (to pass over) in favour of an outsider when a senior position became vacant. 9. The police found the small boy _________________________ (to wander) about the docks, and apparently _________________________ (to look for) somewhere to spend the night. 10. Open-mouthed, we watched an elderly Japanese couple _________________________ (to serve) by Estee Lauder herself. 11. _________________________(to notice) I had dropped my purse, the manager called after me.

27.* Translate into English.

1. Гордясь своим сыном, старик часто говорил о нем. 2. Конферен-ция, проходящая сейчас в нашем университете, посвящена пробле-мам мировой экономики. 3. Наконец она увидела человека, спасшего ее сына. 4. Пробыв в Эдинбурге около месяца, я мог рассказать своим коллегам много интересного. 5. Картина, висевшая здесь в прошлом году, сейчас находится на реставрации (to restore). 6. Картина, висевшая в кабинете, привлекла мое внимание. 7. Увидев отца, дети побежали ему навстречу. 8. Студенты, переводившие эту статью, говорят, что она очень трудная. 9. Я подошел к студенту, переводившему какую-то статью, и спросил, нужен ли ему словарь. 10. Я не был уверен, что он права, и ничего не сказал.

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