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Iiі. Match the terms with appropriate explanation

  1. formula

  2. cell

  3. sales

  1. share(s)

  2. revenue

  3. interest

  4. expenses

1 A sum of money that is charged or paid as a percentage of a larger sum of money which has been borrowed or invested.

2 The intersection and a row in a spreadsheet.

3 The quantity sold, e.g. The ~ of PCs rose by 10 per cent last year.

4 The income - or money - received by a company or organization,

5 A~ in a company is one of the equal parts into which the capital of the company is divided, entitling the holder of the ~ to a proportion of the benefits.

6 Financial costs; amounts of money spent.

7 A function or operation that produces a new value as the result of adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing existing values.

IV.Перекладіть речення, вживаючи пасивну форму дієслова.

  1. Всі товари застраховані на повну вартість.

  2. Претензія було пред’явлено продавцю.

  3. Його фінансові звіти будуть перевірені завтра.

V.Перекладіть речення, вживаючи узгодження часів.

  1. Він сказав, що завтра він буде аналізувати фінансові документи на нараді о 8 годині.

  2. Нас повідомили, що вони отримали цю суму за день до від’ізду.

  3. Президент банку сказав, що банк вже виплатив проценти своїм клієнтам.

Контрольна робота

XX варіант

І. Fill in the right word

  1. mouse

  2. pointer or mouse cursor

  3. click

  4. keyboard keys

  5. drag

  6. buttons

G. to load documents

1)____ is designed to slide around on your desktop. As it moves, it moves an image on the screen called a

2)____ The mouse also issues instructions to the computer very quickly. Point to an available option with the cursor,

3)____ on the mouse, and the option has been chosen.

Mice are so widely used in graphics applications because they can do things that are difficult, if not impossible, to do with 4)____. For example, the way you move an image with a mouse is to put the pointer on the object you want to move, press the mouse button and 5)____ the image from one place on the screen to another.

6)____ on the mouse are used to select items at which the mouse points. Mice are also used into a program: you put the pointer on the file name and double-click on the name - that is,7)___ you press a mouse button twice in rapid succession.

II. Виберіть вірний варіант

1. There ____ three main political parties in Great Britain: the Labour, the Conservative and the Liberal parties.

(A) to be (C) are

(B) is (D) will be

2. Ben Nevis is ____ mountain in Scotland.

(A) high (C) the most high

(B) the highest (D) higher

3. The palace takes ____ name from Buckingham House.

(A) your (C) their

(B) its (D) my

4. The British Isles _____ from the European continent.

(A) separate (C) are separated

(B) is separate (D) to be separated

5. The deposits ___ iron ore are one of the largest in the world.

(A) in (C) from

(B) of (D) with

6. I'd love_____ to travel around the world.

(A) to be able (C) can

(B) be (D) was able

7. Tom said he ______ going away for a few days.

(A) are (C) is

(B) am (D) was

8. How old were you when you ____ to drive?

(A) learn (C) to learn

(B) learnt (D) have learnt

9. They'd be rather angry if you______them.

(A) don't visit (C) aren't visiting

(B) didn't visit (D) won't visit

10. I would ___ with you tomorrow if I weren't going to Paris.

(A) to come (C) came

(B) come (D) coming