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V. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление инфинитивной конструкции Сложное дополнение (The Complex Object).

1. We would like the goods to be delivered by the end of June. 2. I know them to be working on the problem of protecting rivers from contamination. 3. Japanese engineers suppose a new ceramic engine to replace the conventional one. 4. I saw the porter put my trunk into the luggage van. 5. Nobody expected the president of the company to come to the party.

VI. Укажите, чем выражено определение в следующих словосочетаниях и переведите их.

1) the engine invented by Polsunov; 2) the train consisting of 60 freight cars; 3) the opportunity of traveling free of charge; 4) a tunnel to be bored through the mountain; 5) a delayed train; 6) a 82 horse-power engine; 7) the delivery site; 8) the road surface to be repaired; 9) a temporary bridge; 10) passengers leaving for London.

VII. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные типы условных предложений.

1. I had to walk from the station. If I had had more money on me, I would have taken a taxi. 2. If drivers were more attentive while driving, there would be fewer accidents on the roads. 3. Had you planned your time better, you would not have come at the station one minute before the train departure. 4. If they receive all the necessary equipment, they will be able to carry out their experiment. 5. Were the mechanic here, he would repair the device.

VIII. Задайте вопросы к подчёркнутым словам (если подчёркнуто сказуемое, то задайте общий вопрос).

1. The traffic will be stopped tomorrow because of track repair work. 2. The seats in the front of the bus are for old people and passengers with children. 3. Hungary is situated in the center of international trade routes, that is why freight traffic is constantly increasing. 4. All passengers must fasten their safety belts when the plane takes off or lands. 5. They need two days to finish their work. 6. For several miles the road runs through a thick forest. 7. There was a traffic accident on the road. 8. They showed Helen the nearest way to the terminal.

IX. Перепишите и переведите текст.


(After a. Saxton)

In the spring of that year, Pledger McAdamsreturned to his old job as car repairman in the coach yard ofthe Great Midland Railway. Through the long afternoons, he and his partner worked down in the wheel pit, fixing the axles and wheels of the damaged cars. Their young assistant gave them tools looking down and trying to follow the work.Pledgerwas glad to return to his trade again after three years. He was singing to pass the time, and as he worked, he looked forward to supper hour to eat the cake and sandwiches his wife had given him. When the eight o’clock whistle blew,Pledgerwent out of the pit, stretching and yawning. He and his assistant poured water on their hands, trying to wash the grease off.Pledger’s partner walked off into the coach yard, and returned after a few minutes with a bottle of coffee.

They sat down on the bench outside the wheel pit house to eat their sandwiches. In front of them, the workers’ gang was making up the midnight express. The coach cleaners scrubbed the sides of the cars with their long-handled brushes, while the Pullman commissary men* pushed along trucks loaded with bedding and food. From the rear of the train, Pledger saw the little carknocker going along the train, tapping the wheels with his hammer and flashing his lantern at the coupling connections. When the carknocker reached the head end of coaches the diesel locomotive arrived, and the carknocker eased it** towards the train with motions of his lantern until the coupling knuckles clanged together. Then, setting his lantern on the ground, he crawled between the engine and the cars to hook up the air hose*** and safety chains****.

In the cab window, Pledger saw the engine driver leaning on his elbow smoking a pipe, while the night yard foreman stood around beside the engine, waving his arms and yelling. The carknocker came out from between the cars, blew out his lantern, and walked over to the bench by the wheel-pit house, where Pledger was waiting for him.

Notes: *Pullman commissary man – экипировщик спальных вагонов

**to ease smth toward smth – осторожно подвести ч-л к ч-л

***air hose – рукав (шланг) для сжатого воздуха

****safety chain – предохранительная (запасная) цепь

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