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IV. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление герундия в разных функциях.

1. Using special mechanical devices for loading and unloading freight cars at the railway station results in reducing hard manual labor. 2. Diesel locos are capable of working for a long time without refueling. 3. The cost of transporting passengers and goods can be reduced by means of increasing the length and weight of trains. 4. The plane was late because it had to make a forced landing. 5. On entering the compartment a man introduced himself to his fellow travelers.

V. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные функции слов с окончанием -ing.

1. Two or more locomotives are used for pulling trains consisting of 80 freight cars. 2. At the large railway stations information about arriving and departing trains is announced over public address system. 3. When working out the project of the Moscow Metro, the Russian engineers made a careful study of the existing systems abroad. 4. Stopping fuel supply caused serious trouble in the engine. 5. In Russia many people had doubts about the possibility of using steam engines in the Russian winter.

VI. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные функции слов с окончанием -ed.

1. An electric engine is the most ecologically friendly one because it does not pollute environment with exhausted gases. 2. Refrigerator cars are widely used for carrying perishable goods. 3. When heated a magnet loses some of its magnetism. 4. The steam locomotive called “the Rocket” designed by G. Stephenson drew a 20-ton train 35 miles in 2 hours. 5. The use of multi-cylinder engines greatly increased the speed of cars.

VII. Перепишите и переведите данные словосочетания, обращая внимание на правила перевода определений, выраженных существительными.

1) the traffic speed increase; 2) the railway bridge upgrading; 3) the standard length rails; 4) the steam engine invention; 5) an internal combustion engine; 6) the express train departure time; 7) the passenger coach repair; 8) the engine breakdown; 9) the local press reports; 10) the environment protection.

VIII. Перепишите предложения, употребив сказуемые, данные в скобках, в отрицательной форме. Полученные предложения переведите.

1. I was in such hurry this morning that I (had) time to phone you. 2. We (shall miss) the train if we take a taxi. 3. I (know) how to handle this machine. 4. Electricity has many useful properties: it (generates) by-products and (contaminates) the environment. 5. There (was) railway between the two cities and we took a bus to get from one to the other. 6. I should like to buy a new car but I (can afford) it now. 7. The first steam locomotive (moved) at a speed of 120 km/h.

IX. Перепишите и переведите текст.


Turkish State Railways (TCDD) is a corporation, which plays an important role in the development of the Turkish economy.

The history of the railways in Turkey began on 23 September 1856 when, by a decree of the Ottoman Sultan, a British company was awarded the privilege of constructing and operating a 130 km line between Izmir and Aydin. The corporation “National Railways” was established in 1923, when the country became a republic. Today the length of the railway network is 10,361 km, including 8,430 km of main lines and 1,931 km of secondary lines.

In almost 150 years of their history, Turkish Railways have undergone a number of changes. The new strategy includes plans for upgrading the existing lines and stations, modernizing rolling stock. Much is done to create a positive image among the public and attract customers to the railways. As a part of a new strategy, TCDD has purchased and put into operation new, more comfortable passenger carriages such as:

- Fatih Expresi, new Pullman coaches of high comfort level, with aircraft-type seats, air-conditioning and a modern lighting system. Lunch is offered during the journey;

- new coaches designed for modern business travelers. They consist of three double-rooms, a sitting room, a toilet, a bath and an American bar, with the atmosphere of a first class hotel on wheels. Some facilities such as telephone, fax and data modem terminals are also available to passengers;

- special sleeping cars provide the passengers with a high level of comfort and everything to make him feel at home;

- restaurant cars with improved quality Turkish food uphold the railway tradition of hospitality.

A system of different tariffs has been introduced for the different market segments to attract potential customers to the railways. Price reductions and special tours have been arranged for students, teachers, children and families. TCCD has laid special emphasis on tourist-oriented passenger transport organized in close cooperation with tourist agencies. Steam train excursions have been operated in some cities, providing comfortable services in an historical and nostalgic atmosphere. Special steam train tours have also been organized through sites of particular natural beauty.

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