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36 2 The Object Flow Graph

2.6 The eLib Program

Let us consider the object insensitive (with no main available) construction of the OFG for the eLib program given in Appendix A. The first step consists of transforming the original program, written according to the Java syntax, into a program that respects the abstract syntax provided in Fig. 2.1. During the transformation, containers are taken into account by converting insertion and extraction instructions into assignments.

Fig. 2.6. Concrete (top) and abstract (bottom) syntax of method borrowDocument from class Library.

Fig. 2.6 shows the translation of method borrowDocument from class Library (line 56) into its abstract representation. An abstract declaration of the method is generated first. The method name is prefixed by the class name, and all parameter names are fully scoped, being prefixed by class and method name. Then, abstract statements are generated only for statements that involve object flows. Thus, the first conditional statement is skipped. From the second conditional statement, only the method invocations contained in the condition need be transformed. Correspondingly, the abstract representation contains the invocation of numberOfLoans (class User), isAvailable (class Document), and authorizedLoan (class Document). Targets of these invocations are parameters of borrowDocument. They are abstracted into their fully

2.6 The eLib Program


Fig. 2.7. Concrete and abstract syntax of methods addLoan from classes Library, User and Document.

scoped names. The same holds for the actual parameter of authorizedLoan (see Fig. 2.6).

The next statement that is abstracted is the allocation of a Loan object (line 60). The local variable to which the allocated object is assigned is fully scoped, similarly to the method parameters. Finally, the call to method addLoan (line 61) from the same class (Library) is given an abstract representation in which the target of the call is the special location this, indicating explicitly that the method is called on the current object.

Other abstractions for the eLib program are reported in Fig. 2.7. Note that the same method name addLoan has been left in more than one class, instead of

38 2 The Object Flow Graph

introducing method identifiers (such as addLoan1,addLoan2,addLoan3), just to improve the readability. However, method calls are assumed to be uniquely solved when OFG edges are constructed (e.g., the statement at line 45 inside Library.addLoan is a call to User.addLoan, while the statement at line 46 is a call to Document. addLoan).

Methods getUser and getDocument, invoked inside addLoan in class Library (lines 42, 43), have a return value, which is assigned to a left hand side variable. Correspondingly, their abstract representations are assignments with the invocation in the right hand side and the fully scoped variable as left hand side (see Fig. 2.7). The method add is called at line 44 on the class attribute loans, a Collection type object. Since this is an insertion method, the related abstract representation is an assignment with the parameter of the call (loan) on the right hand side, and the container (loans) on the left hand side. It should be noted that the fully scoped name of the class attribute loans consists of class name and attribute name only. The last two calls inside Library.addLoan are similar to the first two ones, without any return value.

The body of method addLoan from class User is transformed (see Fig. 2.7) into an assignment, associated with a container insertion, where the container is the attribute loans (of type Collection) of class User. Finally, the body of method addLoan from class Document is abstracted into an assignment with the fully scoped method’s parameter on the right hand side and the class field loan on the left hand side.

Transforming the remainder of the eLib program into its abstract syntax representation is quite straightforward, along the lines given above for the examples in Fig 2.6 and 2.7. Once the program’s abstraction is completed, it is possible to construct the OFG by applying the rules in Fig. 2.2.

Fig. 2.8 shows the OFG nodes and edges that are induced by the abstract code in Fig. 2.6 and 2.7. The number labeling each edge refers to the statement that generates it. Method calls cause an edge whose target is a this location (properly prefixed). For example, the first two statements (following the declaration) in the abstract code of Fig. 2.6 (method calls: numberOfLoans() and isAvailable() at lines 58 and 59) generate respectively the edges (Library.borrowDocument.user, User.numberOfLoans.this) and (Library .borrowDocument.doc, Document.isAvailable.this), labeled 58 and 59. Parameter passing induces edges that end at formal parameter locations. For example, the third abstract statement in Fig. 2.6 (associated with line 59) is a call to the method authorizedLoan with actual parameter Library.borrowDocument.user and formal parameter Document.authorizedLoan.user. Correspondingly, in Fig. 2.8 the topmost edge labeled 59 connects these two locations.

Allocation statements, such as the fourth abstract statement in Fig. 2.6 (line 60), induce edges between actual and formal parameters, similarly to method calls. In addition, they induce an edge between the constructor’s this location and the left hand side location. In our example, Loan.Loan.this

2.6 The eLib Program


Fig. 2.8. OFG associated with the abstract code in Fig. 2.6 (method borrowDocument in class Library) and 2.7 (method addLoan in classes Library, User,Document).