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172 8 Conclusions

the source code as the single source of information, is it possible to keep costs low and to avoid communication errors resulting from inconsistent views.

8.4 Related Work

Reverse engineering tools have been mainly developed to support the analysis of existing procedural software, written in widely used programming languages such as C and Cobol [5, 12, 13, 14, 23, 26, 33, 34, 37, 43, 39, 59, 64, 66]. It is only in the last 10 years that the problem of reverse engineering design views from Object Oriented code has been considered [9, 20, 28, 29, 44, 42, 62, 67, 72, 74, 83, 85, 97, 101].

Some works [9, 44, 72, 74, 85, 101] are focused on the problem of identifying well-known, recurring architectural solutions, called design patterns, which are widely employed in the design of Object Oriented systems. Important information about the design rationale is recovered when such patterns are matched in the code.

In [29, 42, 62, 67, 97], the creation of objects and inter-object message exchange are captured by tracing the execution of a program on a given set of scenarios. This allows for a dynamic recovery of the interaction diagrams from a complete Object Oriented application.

Static analysis is employed in [20] to reverse engineer so-called Object Process Graphs, giving a finite description of all possible operation sequences, extracted for individual stack and heap-allocated objects.

The construction of call graphs for Object Oriented programs and their accuracy are considered in [28, 83].

8.4.1 Code Analysis at CERN

The material presented in this book is based on previous work conducted in the context of a collaboration with CERN, (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire), the research center performing high energy physics experiments in Geneva. The new experiments (currently under preparation at CERN) represent a major challenge in terms of the resources involved, including many software resources. Historic libraries developed in Fortran at CERN to support the execution of high energy physics experiments have since been ported to C++. Such a tremendous effort was conducted in a very heterogeneous and loosely controlled development environment, which involves lots of institutions distributed world-wide and many persons with a wide range of software engineering skills.

The collaboration of the authors with CERN aimed at studying methodologies and tools to control and improve the quality of the code developed at CERN. One of the planned deliverables in such a streamline was the reverse engineering tool RevEng, for extracting UML diagrams from C++ code.

8.4 Related Work


The architecture of RevEng and its language model, described in more detail in [63], are similar to those given above for the Java language.

Among the diagrams that RevEng extracts from a program, are the class, object and interaction diagrams which have been described here. Their utility has been empirically assessed in [87, 89, 90].

The ROOT C++ library [10], which is widely employed in High Energy Physics computing, offers several containers and container operations for instances of subclasses of the top level class TObject. Such containers are declared without indicating the contained objects’ type. Thus, they are prone to the problems discussed in Chapter 3, occurring when the class diagram is reverse engineered in presence of weakly typed containers. Experimental results obtained on CERN code indicate that there is a substantial difference between class diagrams produced with or without running the container analysis algorithm described in Chapter 3. A large fraction of inter-class relations is missed if container types are not determined. Moreover, the diagrams of improved quality are expected to be much closer to the mental model of the application under analysis. They can therefore be used more effectively for the high-level comprehension of the system and for its evolution.

The complementary roles of static and dynamic analysis of the source code in the extraction of the object diagram, discussed in Chapter 4, is investigated in [89], with reference to a case study in the C++ language. In [90], 27 C++ systems developed at CERN have been analyzed, with the purpose of extracting the related interaction diagrams. Empirical data indicate that diagrams of manageable size can be generated thanks to the possibility of performing a partial analysis and of focusing the view on each computation of interest (see Chapter 5 for a description of these two techniques). The resulting views have been evaluated by the authors of the related code, who judged them extremely informative. They were able to summarize information otherwise spread throughout the code.

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Source Code of the eLib program

file Library.java

1 import java.util.*;

2import java.io.*;

3class Library {

4 Map documents = new HashMap();

5Map users = new HashMap();

6 Collection loans = new LinkedList();

7final int MAX_NUMBER_OF_LOANS = 20;

8 public boolean addUser(User user) {

9if (!users.containsValue(user)) {



Integer(user.getCode()), user);


return true;






return false;






public boolean removeUser(int userCode) {


User user = (User)users.get(new Integer(userCode));


if (user == null

user.numberOfLoans() > 0) return false;

18users.remove(new Integer(userCode));

19return true;


21public User getUser(int userCode) {

22 return (User)users.get(new Integer(userCode));

23 }

176 A Source Code of the eLib program

24public boolean addDocument(Document doc) {

25if (!documents.containsValue(doc)) {

26 documents.put(new Integer(doc.getCode()), doc);

27return true;


29return false;


31public boolean removeDocument(int docCode) {

32Document doc = (Document)documents.get(new Integer(docCode));

33if (doc == null doc.isOut()) return false;

34documents.remove(new Integer(docCode));

35return true;


37public Document getDocument(int docCode) {

38return (Document)documents.get(new Integer(docCode));


40private void addLoan(Loan loan) {

41if (loan == null) return;

42User user = loan.getUser();

43Document doc = loan.getDocument();





48private void removeLoan(Loan loan) {

49if (loan == null) return;

50User user = loan.getUser();

51Document doc = loan.getDocument();





56public boolean borrowDocument(User user, Document doc) {

57if (user == null doc == null) return false;

58if (user.numberOfLoans() < MAX_NUMBER_OF_LOANS &&


doc.isAvailable() && doc.authorizedLoan(user)) {


Loan loan = new Loan(user, doc);



62return true;


64return false;


A Source Code of the eLib program


66public boolean returnDocument(Document doc) {

67if (doc == null) return false;

68if (doc.isOut()) {


User user = doc.getBorrower();


Loan loan = new Loan(user, doc);



72return true;


74return false;


76public boolean isHolding(User user, Document doc) {

77if (user == null doc == null) return false;

78return loans.contains(new Loan(user, doc));


80public List searchUser(String name) {

81List usersFound = new LinkedList();

82Iterator i = users.values().iterator();

83while (i.hasNext()) {

84 User user = (User)i.next();

85 if (user.getName().indexOf(name) != -1)



88return usersFound;


90public List searchDocumentByTitle(String title) {

91List docsFound = new LinkedList();

92Iterator i = documents.values().iterator();

93 while (i.hasNext()) {

94 Document doc = (Document)i.next();

95 if (doc.getTitle().indexOf(title) != -1)



98return docsFound;


100public List searchDocumentByAuthors(String authors) { 101 List docsFound = new LinkedList();

102 Iterator i = documents.values().iterator();

103 while (i.hasNext()) {

104 Document doc = (Document)i.next();

105 if (doc.getAuthors().indexOf(authors) != -1)



108return docsFound;


178 A Source Code of the eLib program

110public int searchDocumentByISBN(String isbn) {

111Iterator i = documents. values() . iterator() ;

112while (i.hasNext()) {


Document doc = (Document)i.next();


if (isbn.equals(doc.getISBN()))

115return doc.getCode();


117return -1;


119public void printAllLoans() {

120Iterator i = loans.iterator();

121while (i.hasNext()) {

122 Loan loan = (Loan)i.next();




126public void printUserInfo(User user) {



129public void printDocumentInfo(Document doc) {




file Loan.java

133class Loan {

134User user;

135Document document;

136public Loan(User usr, Document doc) {

137user = usr;

138document = doc;


140public User getUser() {

141return user;


A Source Code of the eLib program


143public Document getDocument() {

144return document;


146public boolean equals(Object obj) {

147Loan loan = (Loan)obj;

148return user.equals(loan.user) &&



151public void print() {

152System.out.println("User: " + user.getCode() +



- " + user .getName() +



holds doc: " + document.getCode() +

155" - " + document.getTitle());



file Document. java

158import java.util.*;

159class Document {

160int documentCode;

161String title;

162String authors;

163String ISBNCode;

164Loan loan = null;

165static int nextDocumentCodeAvailable = 0;

166public Document(String tit) {

167title = tit;

168ISBNCode = "";

169authors = "";

170documentCode = Document.nextDocumentCodeAvailable++;


172public boolean equals(Object obj) {

173Document doc = (Document)obj;

174return documentCode == doc.documentCode;


176public boolean isAvailable() {

177return loan == null;


179public boolean isOut() {

180return ! isAvailable() ;


180 A Source Code of the eLib program

182public boolean authorizedLoan(User user) {

183return true;


185public User getBorrower() {

186if (loan != null)

187return loan.getUser();

188return null;


190public int getCode() {

191return documentCode;


193public String getTitle() {

194return title;


196public String getAuthors() {

197return authors;


199public String getISBN() {

200return ISBNCode;


202public void addLoan(Loan ln) {

203loan = ln;


205public void removeLoan() {

206loan = null;


208protected void printAuthors() {

209System.out.println("Author(s): " + getAuthors());


211protected void printHeader() {

212System.out.println("Document: " + getCode() +

213" - " + getTitle());


A Source Code of the eLib program


215protected void printAvailability() {

216if (loan == null) {


218} else {


User user = loan.getUser();


System.out.println("Hold by " + user.getCode() +


" - " + user.getName());



224protected void printGeneralInfo() {

225System.out.println("Title: " + getTitle()):

226if (!getISBN().equals(""))

227System.out.println("ISBN: " + getISBN());


229public void printInfo() {






file Book.java

235class Book extends Document {

236public Book(String tit, String auth, String isbn) {


238ISBNCode = isbn;

239authors = auth;



242public void printInfo() {







file Journal.java

249class Journal extends Document {

250public Journal(String tit) {



182 A Source Code of the eLib program

253public boolean authorizedLoan(User user) {

254return user.authorizedUser();



file TechnicalReport.java

257class TechnicalReport extends Document {

258String refNo;

259public TechnicalReport(String tit, String ref, String auth) {


261refNo = ref;

262authors = auth;


264public boolean authorizedLoan(User user) {

265return false;


267public String getRefNo() {

268return refNo;


270protected void printRefNo() {

271System.out.println("Ref. No.: " + getRefNo());


273public void printInfo() {

274printHeader() ;


276printGeneralInfo() ;

277printRefNo() ;



file User.java

280import java.util.*;

281class User {

282int userCode;

283String fullName;

284String address;

A Source Code of the eLib program


285String phoneNumber;

286Collection loans = new LinkedList();

287static int nextUserCodeAvailable = 0;

288public User(String name, String addr, String phone) {

289fullName = name;

290address = addr;

291phoneNumber = phone;

292userCode = User.nextUserCodeAvailable++;



295public boolean equals(Object obj) {

296User user = (User)obj;

297return userCode == user.userCode;


299public boolean authorizedUser() {

300return false;


302public int getCode() {

303return userCode;


305public String getName() {

306return fullName;


308public String getAddress() {

309return address;


311public String getPhone() {

312return phoneNumber;


314public void addLoan(Loan loan) {



317public int numberOfLoans() {

318return loans.size();


320public void removeLoan(Loan loan) {



184 A Source Code of the eLib program

323public void printInfo() {

324System.out.println("User: " + getCode() + " - " + getName());

325System.out.println("Address: " + getAddress());

326System.out.println("Phone: " + getPhone());

327System.out.println("Borrowed documents:");

328Iterator i = loans.iterator();

329 while (i.hasNext()) {

330 Loan loan = (Loan)i.next();

331 Document doc = loan.getDocument();

332System.out. println(doc.getCode() + " - " + doc.getTitle());




file InternalUser.java

336class InternalUser extends User {

337String internalId;

338public InternalUser(String name, String addr,

339String phone, String id) {

340super(name, addr, phone);

341internalId = id;


343public boolean authorizedUser() {

344return true;




Driver class for the eLib program

file Main.java

347class Main {

348static Library lib = new Library();

349public static void printHeader() {


351System.out.println("addUser name, address, phone");

352System.out.println("addIntUser name, address, phone, id");

353System.out.println("rmUser userId");

354System.out.println("addBook title, authors, ISBN");

355System.out.println("addReport title, ref, authors");

356System.out.println("addJournal title");

357System.out.println("rmDoc docId");

358System.out.println("borrowDoc userId, docId");

359System.out.println("returnDoc docId");

360System.out.println("searchUser name");

361System.out.println("searchDoc title");

362System.out.println("isHolding userId, docId");


364System.out.println("printUser userId");

365System.out.println("printDoc docId");



186 B Driver class for the eLib program

368public static String[] getArgs(String cmd) {

369String args [] = new String [0] ;

370String s = cmd.trim();

371if (s.indexOf(" ") != -1) {

372 s = s.substring(s.indexOf(" "));

373 args = s.trim().split(",");

374 for (int i = 0 ; i < args.length ; i++)

375args[i] = args[i] .trim() ;


377return args;


379public static void addUser(String cmd) {

380String args[] = getArgs (cmd);

381if (args.length < 3) return;

382User user = new User (args [0] , args[1], args [2] );


384System.out.println("Added user: " + user.getCode() +

385" - " + user .getName());


387public static void addIntUser(String cmd) {

388String args[] = getArgs (cmd);

389if (args.length < 4) return;


User user = new InternalUser(args[0] , args[1], args [2] , args[3]);


392System.out.println("Added user: " + user.getCode() +

393" - " + user.getName());


395public static void rmUser(String cmd) {

396String args[] = getArgs (cmd);

397if (args.length < 1) return;

398User user = lib.getUser(Integer.parseInt(args[0]));

399if (lib.removeUser(Integer.parseInt(args[0])))


System.out.println("Removed user: " + user.getCode() +

401" - " + user.getName()) ;


403public static void addBook(String cmd) {

404String args [] = getArgs (cmd) ;

405if (args.length < 3) return;

406Document doc = new Book(args [0] , args[1], args [2]);


408System.out.println("Added doc: " + doc.getCode() +

409" - " + doc.getTitle());


B Driver class for the eLib program


411public static void addReport (String cmd) {

412String args[] = getArgs(cmd);

413if (args.length < 3) return;

414 Document doc = new TechnicalReport(args[0], args[1], args [2]);


416System.out.println("Added doc: " + doc.getCode() +

417" - " + doc.getTitle()) ;


419public static void addJournal(String cmd) {

420String args [] = getArgs(cmd);

421if (args.length < 1) return;

422Document doc = new Journal(args[0]);


424System.out.println("Added doc: " + doc.getCode() +

425" - " + doc.getTitle());


427public static void rmDoc (String cmd) {

428String args [] = getArgs(cmd);

429if (args.length < 1) return;

430Document doc = lib.getDocument(Integer.parseInt(args[0]));

431if (lib.removeDocument(Integer.parseInt(args[0])))


System.out.println("Removed doc: " + doc.getCode() +

433" - " + doc.getTitle());


435public static void borrowDoc(String cmd) {

436String args[] = getArgs(cmd) ;

437if (args.length < 2) return;

438User user = lib.getUser(Integer.parseInt(args[0]));

439Document doc = lib.getDocument(Integer.parseInt(args[1]));

440if (user == null doc == null) return;

441if (lib.borrowDocument(user, doc))


System.out.println("New loan: " + user .getName() +

443" - " + doc.getTitle());


445public static void returnDoc(String cmd) {

446String args[] = getArgs(cmd);

447if (args.length < 1) return;

448Document doc = lib.getDocument(Integer.parseInt(args[0]));

449if (doc == null) return;

450User user = doc.getBorrower();

451if (user == null) return;

452if (lib.returnDocument(doc))

453 System.out.println("Loan closed: " + user.getName() +

454" - " + doc.getTitle());


188 B Driver class for the eLib program

456public static void searchUser(String cmd) {

457String args [] = getArgs(cmd);

458if (args.length < 1) return;

459List users = lib.searchUser(args[0]);

460Iterator i = users.iterator();

461while (i.hasNext()) {


User user = (User)i.next();


System.out.println("User found: " + user.getCode() +

464" - " + user.getName());



467public static void searchDoc(String cmd) {

468String args[] = getArgs(cmd);

469if (args.length < 1) return;

470List docs = lib.searchDocumentByTitle(args[0]);

471Iterator i = docs.iterator();

472while (i.hasNext()) {


Document doc = (Document)i.next();


System.out.println("Doc found: " + doc.getCode() +

475" - " + doc.getTitle()) ;



478public static void isHolding(String cmd) {

479String args[] = getArgs(cmd);

480if (args.length < 2) return;

481User user = lib.getUser(Integer.parseInt(args [0]));

482Document doc = lib.getDocument(Integer.parseInt(args[1]));

483if (lib.isHolding(user, doc))

484 System.out.println(user.getName() +

485" is holding " + doc.getTitle());


487 System.out.println(user.getName() +

488" is not holding " + doc.getTitle());


490public static void printUser(String cmd) {

491String args[] = getArgs (cmd);

492if (args.length < 1) return;

493User user = lib.getUser(Integer.parseInt(args[0]));

494if (user != null)

495 user.printInfo();


497public static void printDoc(String cmd) {

498String args [] = getArgs(cmd);

499if (args.length < 1) return;

500Document doc = lib.getDocument(Integer.parseInt(args[0]));

501if (doc != null)



B Driver class for the eLib program


504public static void dispatchCommand(String cmd) {

505if (cmd.startsWith("addUser")) addUser(cmd);

506if (cmd.startsWith("addIntUser")) addIntUser(cmd) ;

507if (cmd.startsWith("rmUser")) rmUser(cmd);

508if (cmd.startsWith("addBook")) addBook(cmd) ;

509if (cmd.startsWith("addReport")) addReport (cmd);

510if (cmd.startsWith("addJournal")) addJournal(cmd);

511if (cmd.startsWith("rmDoc")) rmDoc(cmd);

512if (cmd.startsWith("borrowDoc")) borrowDoc(cmd);

513if (cmd.startsWith("returnDoc")) returnDoc(cmd);

514if (cmd.startsWith("searchUser")) searchUser(cmd);

515if (cmd.startsWith("searchDoc")) searchDoc(cmd);

516if (cmd.startsWith("isHolding")) isHolding(cmd);

517if (cmd.startsWith("printLoans")) lib.printAllLoans();

518if (cmd.startsWith("printUser")) printUser(cmd);

519if (cmd.startsWith("printDoc")) printDoc(cmd);


521public static void main(String arg[]) {





String s = "";


BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(


new InputStreamReader(System.in));


while (!s.equals("exit")) {


s = in.readLine() ;




531} catch (IOException e) {

532 System.err.println("IO error.");





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