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5. Finish the sentences:

- We use money to ... .

- Almost every society has a money economy based on ... .

- Barter is a system of ... .

- Money can more easily be kept for a long time than such things as ... .

- When people travel from one state to another they need ... .

- In Ukraine we may change hryvnias into currency in ... .

- You may pay in ... or by ... .

6. Match the expressions with their definitions:

1. to put money into

2. funny money

3. pocket money

4. to roll in money

5. for my money

6. hush money

7. to coin the money

8. money foe jam

9. to marry into money

10. blood money

a) money that is paid to someone not to tell other people about something embarrassing;

b) money paid for murdering someone;

c) to marry someone whose family is rich;

d) to make much money;

e) to be very rich;

f) money that you earn very easily;

g) in my opinion;

h) to use your money in order to make profit;

i) a small amount of money you can use to buy small things;

j) money that has been printed illegally.

7. Read the English proverbs and try to find the Ukrainian equivalents:

1. Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.

2. Money burns a hole in a pocket.

3. Money has no smell.

4. Money is a good servant but a bad master.

5. Muck and money go together.

6. Lend your money and lose your friend.

7. A friend in court is better than in purse.

8. A penny saved is a penny gained.

9. A light purse a heavy heart.

10. A bargain is a bargain.

11. Time is money.

12. Money makes the world go round.

13. Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.

- Невитрачені гроші - вже придбання.

- Гроші горять в руках.

- Угода є угода.

- Копійка до копійки, воно і капітал.

- Витрати на навчання завжди виправдовують себе.

- Бруд і гроші ходять разом.

- Час - це гроші.

- Дружба дорожче за гроші.

- Гроші не пахнуть.

- Гроші керують світом.

- Коли немає грошей, це гірше за всі біди.

- Хочеш втратити друга, позич йому гроші.

- Гроші - це добрий слуга, але поганий господар.

8. The following are famous sayings about money. Comment on them and answer the questions:

1. "Neither a borrower nor a lender be" (W. Shakespeare)

- Have you ever borrowed money from anyone? Who from? How much?

- Have you ever lent money to anyone? Who to? How much?

- What is your attitude to debts? Which is better to borrow or to lend?

2. "A penny saved is a penny earned" (Benjamin Franklin)

- Do you save money?

- Are you saving for anything at the moment?

- Do you have a bank account? What's the interest rates?

3. "Buy now; pay later".

- Have your family ever bought anything on credit? What?

- Do you think buying on credit is a good idea?

- Which methods of payment (credit card, cash, payment card, cheque, traveller's cheque) would you prefer to use? When can you use them?

- Would you like to have a credit card?

4. "A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in the fine weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain" (Frost)

- Is it a good idea to keep money in a bank?

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