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10.A) Issuance clearance procedure for towing.

There are parking stands at every airport where the start-up procedure is not available (near terminal buildings, etc.). In such cases the pilot requests towing to the start-up area where the Ground Power Unit (GPU) is.

The controller only approves tow clearance to the start-up area, but the responsibility rests on the flight crew and the driver of the tow-unit.

After landing the aircraft can request a tug if it is unable to taxi under its own power.

b) How dangerous is fire on board?

One of the most dangerous accidents on board the plane is fire. It usually takes 2 minutes from the beginning of the fire till non-survivable conditions. The higher level at which it occurs, the more serious the situation is. The controller should not call the crew until they get a survivable level. In case when fire is not put out the plane descends to make a forced landing. After forced landing passengers and crew must be evacuated without delay. The most common causes of fire are short circuit, transportation of dangerous goods, smoking, fuel leak, bomb explosion. Engine on fire results in abandoned take-off engine failure, smoke or fire in the cockpit and emergency landing.

11. A) Issuance clearance procedure for start up engines.

The Air Traffic Controller has to ensure that the crew has monitored the latest ATIS information and it has the ATC clearance:

‘… cleared to … via flight planned route, SID…, squawk …’


P: Foxtrot Ground. ABC 127. Stand 17. Request start-up. Information Bravo.

C: ABC 127. Foxtrot Ground. Cleared to Odessa via flight planned route. Ralos 4 Departure. When airborne contact Approach 122.3. Squawk 5766. Clearance limit 25. Start-up approved.

The pilot has to report his destination and flight rules (IFR or VFR).

b) How can an aircraft in distress inform ATC?

An aircraft in distress informs an ATCO using radiotelephone signal “Mayday” and setting code 7700 (7600 – radiocommunication failure? 7500 - unlawful interference shall be reserved internationally).

An aircraft can inform about difficulties by switching on and off its landing lights.

12. A) Procedure of issuing atc clearance for departure and appropriate coordination when issuing such clearance.

The Air Traffic Controller shall give clearance for departure in the order in which aircraft are ready for take-off. The Air Traffic Controller has to be sure that the aircraft is ready to taxi in time to meet any required departure time, because if departure time and sequence is established on the taxiway system, it can be difficult and sometimes impossible to change the order.

The Air Traffic Controller has to be sure that the pilot understands him and is ready to follow his instructions. The controller has to get the information that the runway is vacated and a pilot acknowledges his instructions and messages.

b) Is it necessary for a pilot to have weather forecast?

A pilot is not able to fly without having weather forecast. A pilot must have a fundamental knowledge of the atmosphere and weather behavior to avoid hazardous flight conditions. Air masses do not always perform as predicted, and weather stations are sometimes spaced rather widely apart; therefore, a pilot must understand weather conditions occurring between the stations as well as the conditions different from those indicated by weather reports.

A meteorologist can only predict the weather conditions; a pilot must decide whether his particular flight may be hazardous one, considering his type of aircraft and equipment, his own flying, experience, and physical limitations.