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Ex. 23. Make up a detailed plan of the text "Muscles".

Ex. 24. Speak on the structure, functions, and names of muscles.

Ex. 25. Make up a dialogue on muscles.

Ex. 26. Read the following text and answer the question: Is the body-building useful for modern people? body-building

Body-building is a growing sport worldwide. Once considered only for men, it currently is enjoyed by thousands of women as well. Participants in this sport combine diet and specific weight training to develop maximum muscle mass and minimum body fat. Thus all skeletal muscles must be developed to their maximum. It is relatively simple for the uniformed, untrained muscle builder to build some muscles and ignore others; the result is a disproportioned body. Skill, training, and concentration are required to build all the muscles, to know which exercises build a large number of muscles and which are specialized to build certain parts of the body.

Body-building has its own language in which it is improper to refer to a muscle by its full name. Body-builders refer to the “lats”, “traps”, and “delts” rather than the lattissimus dorsi, trapezus, and deltoids.

Body-builders concentrate on increasing skeletal muscle mass. Endurance tests conducted several years ago demonstrated that the cardiovascular and respiratory abilities of body-builders were similar to those abilities in normal, healthy persons untrained in a sport. However, more recent studies of American scientists indicate that the cardio-respiratory fitness of body-builders is similar to that of other well-trained athletes. The difference between the new studies and the older studies is attributed to modern body-building techniques that include aerobic exercise.

Photographs of body-builders are very useful in the study of anatomy to identify easily the surface anatomy of muscles that cannot be seen easily in untrained people.


There are 650 muscles in the human body. The muscle consists of muscle cells, muscular fibers, connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves. The muscles are divided into three major parts: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth. Skeletal muscles move the trunk, the head, and the limbs; the cardiac muscles propel blood through vessels; and smooth muscles propel food through the digestive system. The skeletal muscles are controlled by our consciousness. Smooth and cardiac muscles contract spontaneously. As for the form of the muscles they can be long, short, and wide. The long muscles form the limbs, the short ones compose the facial part, and wide muscles are on the trunk and form the walls of the body cavities. Muscles are attached to bones, internal organs, and blood vessels. Most skeletal muscles extend from one bone to another. Some muscles of the face are attached to the skin. Muscles are named according to their location, size, number of heads, or function.





tear [tFq] рвана рана

cut[kAt] різана рана

stab[stxb] колота рана

contused wound[kqn'tjuzd 'wu:nd] забійна рана

gunshot wound ['gAnSOt] вогнепальна рана

pull[pul] рвати, розривати

pointed['pOIntid] загострений,гострий

penetrate['penItreIt] проникати всередину, проходити крізь, пронизувати, пробивати

stick [stIk] триматися, притримуватися

gape [geIp] розходитися

blunt [blAnt] тупий

underneath ["Andq'nIT] нижче

union ['junjqn] зрощення, зрощування (тканин, кісток та т.п.)

clot [klOt] згусток крові

scab [skxb] струп (на рані)

seal [sI:l] скріплювати

debris ['debrI:] залишки

granulation tissue ["grxnju'leIS(q)n] грануляційна тканина

persist [pq'sIst] зберігатися

scar [skR] рубець, шрам

gap [gxp] розрив, розходження

much more значно більше, набагато більше

healing ['hI:lIN] загоювання (рани, виразки), гоєння

reasonable ['rI:znqbl] доцільний

suture ['sju:Cq] накладати шов, зашивати; шов

bind [baInd] зв’язувати, стягувати

pus [pAs] гній

ingest [In'Gest] ковтати, проковтнути; поглинати

repair [rI'pFq] загоєння

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