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a (an)

is used only with countable nouns in the singular;

is used before a noun when we name the object referring it to a class objects having this name;

is used when a person or thing unknown to the hearer or reader;

is mentioned for the first time.


is used with nouns both in the singular and in the plural;

is used with a noun if it is clear from the context or situation what particular object meant;

is used before the names of oceans, seas, rivers, mountain chains, and compound names of countries: the Atlantic Ocean, the Black Sea, the Mississippi, the Rocky Mountains, the United States of America.

zero article

is used in a number of set expressions: at night (уночі), by train (потягом), to go home (йти додому);

is used with nouns preceded by possessive, demonstrative or interrogative pronouns: your sister, this lesson, some doctors, each student, What story?;

is used with the names of persons and animals: Tom Brown.

(But the definite article is used with the name in the plural which denotes the whole family: We’ll invite the Browns);

is mostly used with the names of countries, cities, streets, squares, and parks: Poland, Paris, Oxford Street, Trafalgar Square, Hyde Park.

Ex. 6. Complete the sentences with articles if it is necessary:

1. I am _ medical student. 2. They are from different countries: _ Germany, _ Italy, _ USA, _ Ukraine, and _ Japan. 3. Marry goes _ home after classes. 4. He was born in _ Paris but now he lives in _ London. 5. Our group consists of _ some students. 6. London is _ city. 7. M.V. Gogol is _ outstanding Ukrainian writer.

Reading and developing speaking skills

Ex. 7. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.

Ex. 8. Insert the missing letters and translate the words:

Pediatri_ian; acqu_re; fac_lty; p_ss; pres_ribe; physi_ian; di_gnosis; dis_ase; prepa_e; tre_tment; gyna_cologist; therape_tist; l_st.

Ex. 9. Translate the following word-combinations and sentences into Ukrainian:

1. to consist of – складатися з; academic year consists of two terms; this organ consists of some parts.

2. to examine – оглядати; to examine the heart; examination; close examination of the patient; X-ray examination; Let me examine you; I'll examine you.

3. health – здоров’я; to be in good health; to be in poor health; health protection; Our country pays great attention to the health protection.

4. to fill in – заповнювати; вписувати, вносити; to fill in a temperature chart; The physician fills in the patient's card.

5. knowledge – знання; to have good knowledge of medicine; The student's task is to have deep knowledge of Anatomy; He must give all his knowledge to the protection of people's health.

Ex. 10. Read the following words:

Medicine, speciality, surgeon, pediatrician, therapeutist, prepare, last, Chemistry, Biology, Histology, subject, senior, acquire, treatment, disease, term, successfully, pass, qualified, outstanding, scientist, technician, Ophthalmology.

Ex. 11. Read and translate the following text:

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