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Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (срс)

I. Перекладіть словосполучення:

Щитовидна залоза

підшлункова залоза

страх або гнів

знищення червоних кров’яних клітин

обмін вуглеводів

активність тканин тіла

вражати ріст та статевий розвиток

потовидільні залози


II. Дайте відповіді на питання:

    1. What is endocrinology?

    2. How are glands in the human body classified?

    3. What is hormone?

    4. What are the main ductless glands?

    5. What is the structure of the thyroid gland?

    6. What does thyroxin control?

    7. What is the structure of the adrenal glands?

    8. When is adrenalin secreted?

    9. What is the structure of the pituitary gland?

    10. What does the pituitary gland affect?

    11. What is the liver?

    12. What is the shape of the gall-bladder?

    13. What are functions of the liver?

    14. What the localization of the pancreas?

    15. What is the external secretion of the pancreas?

    16. What is the internal secretion of the pancreas?

    17. What are the functions of the spleen?

III. Розкрийте поняття:

Ендокринні залози

Щитовидна залоза

Надниркова залози



Підшлункова залоза


Vitamins and Minerals

Exercise 1. Topic Vocabulary:

compound, n


суміш, сполука

diverse, adj



exception, n



expose (to), v


піддавати (чомусь)

ingest, v



maintain, v



nutrient, n


поживна речовина

store, v



strengthen, v



sufficient, adj



Exercise 2. Write in words (all the words are from the text below) and translate into Ukrainian:

[ˈprəʊtiːn], [ˈsʌlfə], [ˈfɒsfərəs], [pəˈtæsɪəm], [mægˈniːzɪəm], [tɪn], [ˈkrəʊmɪəm], [ˈkopə], [ˈɛnzaɪm], [ˈkɛmɪkəl], [ˈkælsɪəm], [ˈklɔːriːn], [ˈsəʊdɪəm], [zɪŋk], [ˈaiən], [ˈaɪəˌdiːn]

Exercise 3. Read the word combinations with the new words and translate them into Ukrainian:

Compound: acid compound; iodine compound; oxygenated compound; low molecular weight compound.

Exception: without exception; an exception to the rule; as an exception; make an exception; be no exception.

Nutrient: nutrient medium; nutrient absorption; nutrient excess; intravenous nutrient; nutrient-enriched food.

Sufficient: sufficient quantity; sufficient skills; sufficient energy; self-sufficient; sufficient reason.

Exercise 4. Form nouns with the help of the following suffixes, translate them into Ukrainian:

-ance(-ence): perform, assist, differ, maintain, appear, occur, disturb, resist

-ion: except, reflect, direct, ingest, suggest, collect, infect, solute, combine

Exercise 5. Read and translate the following word combinations:

Organic compound, sufficient quantity, single exception, water-soluble vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins, be stored in the fatty tissue, ingest frequently, excreted through the urine, diverse biochemical functions, maintain body tissues, immune system’s performance, deliver oxygen, strengthen each other, take after meals.

Exercise 6. Read and translate the text:

Соседние файлы в предмете Биология