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Attorney General n Генеральный атторней (амер. Министр юстиции)

bribery n взяточничество

Bureau of Criminal Identification n Бюро установления личности по

уголовным делам

burglary n проникновение в чужое помещение с целью грабежа или убийства;

грабеж со взломом

Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Содружество Пуэрто-Рико

complement v дополнить

conduct v проводить (расследование)

Department of Justice n Департамент юстиции (Министерство юстиции в


espionage n шпионаж

extortion n вымогательство

field office n периферийное отделение

fraud n обман, мошенничество

gambling n азартная игра / игры

handle v рассматривать (дело); вести дело

Identification Division n отдел установления / опознания личности

impenetrable adj непроницаемый; непроходимый; impenetrable wall n непробиваемая стена

incalculable adj несметный, неисчислимый

initial training n первоначальная подготовка

in response to в ответ на

institute v начинать

invaluable adj бесценный

investigator ­n следователь

is eligible v имеет право; отвечает требованиям

larceny n хищение, кража

prosecute v преследовать в судебном порядке

refreshing courses n курсы повышения квалификации

repository n хранилище

rival n соперник, конкурент

sabotage n саботаж, диверсия

set standards v устанавливать стандарты

treason n измена

trust n 1 трест, промышленное объединение; 2 траст; доверительная


violate v нарушать (право, закон, договор)

violation n нарушение (права, закона, договора); violation of federal laws нарушение федеральных законов

Reading tasks

Answer the questions.

1 What are the matters within FBI jurisdiction?

2 What are the main divisions of the FBI?

3 What are the functions of the FBI agents?

4 Who helps the FBI officers with their work?

5 What do the FBI agents do to develop their professional qualities?

Language focus

A Read the article. Find and correct five mistakes in the use of past time clauses. The first mistake has already been corrected.


Yesterday, a man was talking on his mobile phone while he was drive his car. Maybe he checking his diary while he was making his next appointment. He was certainly not concentrating on the road when the lights suddenly was turning red. The two men in the street were trying to jump out of the way when they saw him but it was too late. No one was badly hurt but that was just luck. Last year, the City Council weren't passing the 'talking and driving' law. We need that law!

B Rewrite these sentences from newspaper articles as headlines to the articles. Use the underlined words and phrases to help you.

0 The chief inspector of prisons last night called for the release of the Bulger killers.

Prisons chief calls for release of Bulger killers


1 A High Court judge has blocked the proposed ban on tobacco adverts.

4 The private member’s bill on fox-hunting did not achieve the support needed last night to become law.


2 The chief of police admitted that errors were made during the Chinese President’s visit to the UK.


5 The government of India has snubbed the Pope on the eve of his visit to the country, as they have refused his invitation to attend a multi-faith gathering.


3 Radio 1, the BBC’s pop music station, has outshone all its commercial radio rivals in a recent poll.


6 Makers of the latest Leonardo DiCaprio film are facing a huge protest from locals over their treatment of a beach used for filming.



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