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5. Identify the function of that (those) and give Russian equivalents of the italicized words:

1. It will be better to say that fundamental research is that which may have no immediate practical value. 2. The task of theory is to enable one to calculate the result of an experiment in a shorter time than that required to perform the experiment. 4. Those interested in the problem are referred to a more recent and complete work by Dr. N. 5. The experimental results indicated the presence of some foreign species and that confirmed an earlier idea concerning the reaction mechanism.

К теме № 4: Перевод неологизмов

1. Translate the following sentences with new words into Russian, try to identify the type of their formation if necessary consult the Dictionary of New English Words:

1. About 65 Amerasians arrived in Thailand yesterday with their relatives on their way to their new homes in the United States.

2. The first generation of baby-boomers in Britain and the U.S. was born in late forties-earlier fifties.

3. Slowly, and unevenly, a ‘can-do’ attitude is beginning to replace the inertia in the trade unions.

4. Capital flight is now becoming less accessible from foreign creditors.

5. If the merger boom is now nearing a close, will it be followed by a demerger boom?

6. E-commerce has become wide spread in the U.S.

7. The companies are now joining their forces because the potential synergy is evident.

8. If an insurance company wishes you a happy birthday, take it as a sure sign that they view as a target for a touch of cross-marketing. In other words, having sold to you once or twice before, they would like to do it over and over again.

2. Give Russian equivalents to the following new words:

Antiflash, to deglomerize, fall-out, hold-up, in-crowd, in-depth, mini-car, play-in, paper-back, to re-equip, teach-in, stay-in, think tank, fact sheet, high profile, runaways, marginal man, overexposed, work-in, foodoholic, quiz-master, ringmanship.

К теме № 5: Передача имен собственных и названий

1. Write down in Russian the English names according to transcription and transliteration rules:

James Madison, John Quincy Adams, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, Zachary Tyler, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, James Garfield, Chester Arthur, Grover Cleveland, William McKinley, Woodrow Wilson, Calvin Coolidge, Dwight Eisenhower, William Howard Taft

All these 16 names and surnames which you have just written in Russian belong to the Presidents of the USA.

2. Translate into Russian:

a) Periodicals:

Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, The Herald Tribune, Readers Digest, The Observer, Fortune, Journal of Psychology, Daily Mirror, U.S. News and World Report, Political Affairs

b) Airports and Stations:

Heathrow, Newark, Waterloo Station, Union Station, Gatwick, J.F. Kennedy Int’l, Paddington, Euston

c) Companies and Organizations:

General Motors Corporation, AT&T, The World Health Organization, British Petroleum Company, The UN General Assembly, The House of Commons, The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, British Broadcasting Corporation (CBS), Kentucky Fried Chicken Corp. (KFC)

d) Geographical Names:

Birmingham, Cardiff, Gulf of Mexico, Halifax, Hudson Bay, Mediterranean Sea, New Hampshire, Ivory Coast, Sutherland, Pacific Grove, Pebble Beach, Rode Island, New Jersey, Nova Scotia, Bath, Utah

e) Names of Streets and Squares:

Regent Street, Lincoln Square, Cromwell Road, Wigmore Street, Taft Avenue, Cherry Lane, Whitehall, Pall Mall, Wellington Terrace, Charing Cross Rd, Fleet Street, East Lake Drive