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Английский для аспирантов (пособие).doc
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2. Give Russian equivalents of the sentences:

1. Although most of the detailed history consists of a series of blanks, we do have a time scale that seems sensible. 2. It was first thought that the air flow did not affect the measurements. But later it was found that it did cause errors. 3. There is ample proof that aesthetics and engineering can and do influence each other. 4. The alpha particles do not pass through the aluminium. The beta rays which do pass through the aluminium do not ionize gas as profusely as do the alpha particles. 5. This does not, mean that chance has no role in the inventing process. Chance does act. 6. For a long time scientists did not believe the validity of the geographical data of the ancient authors. However, the archaeologists did find a number of ancient cities with the help of these data. 7. The fact that the incoming solar radiation drops off more rapidly towards the winter pole than the outgoing terrestrial radiation does mean that there is an excess in radiational heating in summer and a deficit near the winter pole.

3. Remember a few word groups which can be regarded as reduced adverbial clauses:

if any — если хоть сколько нибудь… (чего-нибудь);

if anything (anybody) — если хоть что-нибудь (кто-нибудь);

if anywhere — если хоть где-нибудь. . .

if at all — если данное действие происходит вообще. . .

if ever — если хоть когда-нибудь. . .

if not — если это не так. . .

if so — если это так. . .

few, if any, little – практически ничего (дословно “мало, если вообще хоть сколько-нибудь”).

4. Identify the structures and give Russian equivalents of the sentence:

1. The 2nd industrial revolution, as contrasted to the 1st one, aims at liberating the human mind. 2. If properly treated, these raw materials can provide us with all necessary substances. 3. Once started, the process is difficult to stop. 4. Unless otherwise stated, the pressure is atmospheric. 5. When faced with true discovery, we are not likely to respond this way. 6. When at last the patient is allowed to sleep he will probably wake after some twelve hours and show little, if any, ill-effect. 7. The accuracy of the millivoltmeter, while inferior to that of other instruments, is satisfactory for a great many industrial applications. 8. The answer, according to Ryle, is a definite «yes». If so, then the steady-state theory must be either modified or else abandoned. 9. All materials, whether solid, liquid, or gaseous, normally expand when heated and contract when cooled, ignoring special cases like that of water below 4° C. 10. Gas molecules are a form of matter and possess mass, so, if in motion, they must have a definite kinetic energy.

Overall Revision

1. Grammar in proverbs. Identify the structures according to all the Patterns studied, translate them into Russian and suggest Russian sayings of similar meaning:

1. To know everything is to know nothing. 2. It is never too late to learn. 3. Talk of the devil and he is sure to appear. 4. It is no use crying over spilt milk. 5. If you want a thing well done, do it yourself. 6. The evils we bring on ourselves are hardest to bear. 7. Wait for the cat to jump. 8. When angry, count a hundred. 9. It's not the gay coat that makes the gentleman. 10. A blind man would be glad to see. 11. A fault confessed is half redressed. 12. A hard nut to crack. 13. It is a good horse that never stumbles.