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5. Give Russian equivalents of the V-Adv. Groups:

1. All mistakes in your calculations will be immediately pointed out. 2. Every new idea is taken up and developed further. 3. It is not clear now how a solution to the problem can be worked out. 4. It is no easy matter to trace back the origin of this conception. 5. Not all measurements and readings push science forward. 6. The idea was put forward a few years ago.

К теме № 7: Лексические трансформации при переводе

1. Translate the following sentences applying different lexical transphormations into Russian:

1. They also have committed themselves to reforming the costly agricultural policy.

2. The EU newcomers must attract a new wave of foreign direct investment to remain competitive.

3. Decision-making in Brussels, already slow and complex, will be more difficult with 25 members at the table.

4. The one-minute shock was over, and all returned to their duties.

5. That's a 25% jump over the year-earlier period.

6. The models of development are now struggling.

7. A year or two ago, the bank would have granted a loan without a second thought.

8. Most of the company's output is sold domestically.

9. All of the company's offices around the world are staffed with locals.

10. Two dozen countries that kiss the Caribbean Sea seem to be a dream.

11. When it comes to the environment, big American companies like to appear green.

12. The UN Center for Economic and Social Information in Geneva publishes "Development Forum Business Edition", a biweekly newspaper.

13. Actually the decision had been taken hours before the Intel news went public.

14. It'll be a good thing if they are able to stabilize the situation.

Раздел 2 грамматические вопросы перевода к теме № 8: Перевод страдательного залога

1. Identify the passive structures and the logical predicates, translate the sentences into Russian as shown in the following example:

E x a m p l e: More evidence was obtained to support the idea.

Evidence was obtained" is the passive structure, “more evidence. . . to support the idea" is the logical predicate. Были получены новые данные в поддержку этой идеи.

The problem was first recognized in the XIX century. Later an idea was suggested to apply it to practical things. Many possibilities for practical applications were analyzed. Some of these were tested by experiment. The experimental results were not generally accepted, and the idea was discarded. Then other consequences were deduced and a new model proposed. Recently the model has been modified and is now being used in many practical situations.

2. Identify passive structures and give Russian equivalents of the following sentences:

A. 1. Some people are easily influenced by other people's opinions. 2. The distribution of plants is greatly affected by local conditions. 3. The seminar was attended by all the participants. 4. His lectures are always followed by heated discussions. 5. In several areas of research the efforts of scientists are joined by those of philosophers and sociologists. 6. At the university students are offered a curriculum of study which is followed by a test and the award of a degree. 7. The members of the laboratory were consulted prior to this successful operation.

B. 1. This method has been referred to in an earlier paper. 2. I do not think this instrument can be relied upon. 3. The data cannot be аccounted for by the existing theory. 4. This theory has been referred to as the “big bang” theory. 5. The best treatment of this syndrome is generally agreed upon. 6. Rapid development of chemical technology has been called for by the needs of the national economy. 7. The prolongation of life may be thought of as a feat of endurance rather than a race against time.

3. Give English equivalents of the italicized part of the sentences, using passive structures and the verbs: to affect, to allow, to attend, to develop, to deal with, to face, to follow, to make use of, to refer to:

1. За докладом последовала бурная дискуссия. 2. На скорость реакции влияет множество других факторов. 3. Этот вопрос будет подробно рассмотрен в главе III 4. На этой стадии мы столкнулись с новыми трудностями. 5. Ему не дали возможности закончить эту работу. 6. В последнее время эта теория часто упоминается во многих статьях. 7. Семинар, на котором присутствовало всего 5 человек, прошел вяло и неинтересно. 8. Для того чтобы преодолеть эти недостатки, использовали новую методику, специально разработанную для данного эксперимента.