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Шабаев В.Г. WHAT IS PUBLIC RELATIONS. Учебно...doc
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What is public relations


Pre-text tasks 1-6

(1) Read & translate the text. Pay special attention to: (2) pronunciation & meanings of the international words; (3) forms & functions of the words in italics; (4) 4 forms of the English verb (functions & translation); (5) functions & translation of the verbal form SHOULD; and (6) subject-verb agreement


1. Public relations is a profession in transition. In an environment of rapid social change, every organization must change or die. PR practitioners must possess the communications expertise and social sensitivity necessary to help organizations adapt to their changing environments.

2. In many ways, this is a new role for PR practitioners. They are no longer mere technicians who shape and transmit messages from organizations to their publics because PR is now a critical dimension of management. All management now recognize that they themselves practice PR, and they also see that public relations should be part of the management mainstream.

3. To this broadened role, PR practitioner must bring out all of the traditional skills of the craft. The ability to understand public opinion, to plan PR programs, to create effective messages in all media for all organizational publics, and to evaluate PR effectiveness remain crucial areas of talent, skill, and knowledge.

4. PR as it is practiced today, though, demands much more. A full understanding of all communication processes and a complete acquaintance with the methods of management are crucial to the successful practice of PR. Thorough knowledge of the environment of the organization in which the practitioner works is a prerequisite to PR effectiveness.

5. PR is an outgrowth of three factors:

(1) recognition of the power of public opinion;

(2) continuous competition among institutions for public support; and

(3) the development of media through which the public can be reached.

6. Historically, PR has gone through three stages:

(1) manipulation;

(2) information; and

(3) mutual influence and understanding.

Their development was sequential, but all three still exist. PR has generally moved from using any available means to achieve desired public opinion towards informing the public and providing information and counsel to management.

7. The future of PR can be better predicted and prepared for if the trends in the history of PR are identified and understood.


What is Public Relations

Vocabulary & Grammar Practice through Sentences


Tasks 1-4

(1) Translate the following English sentences and phrases (1-285) into Russian. (2) Pay attention to the affixation (underlined) of the words: those forming either new words (wordbuilding) or word-forms (grammar). (3) Mind parts of speech & language categories realized through the affixes. (4) Work in pairs using back-translation from Russian into English of the sentences practised.


----- public relations -----

1. She works in public relations. 2. The move was good public relations. 3. George is a public relations officer. 4. ... a public relations exercise 5. Sponsoring the local team is good for public relations. 6. Limiting casualties is important for public relations.

----- in transition -----

7. This course is useful for students who are in transition (= in the process of changing) from one training programme to another.

----- environment -----

8. The moral characters of our people are formed not by heredity but by environment. 9. The twins were seperated at birth and brought up in entirely different environments. 10. If our environment cools, then messages from the skin alert the body’s thermostat.

----- rapid ----

11. rapid change/expansion/growth; a rapid rise/decline in sales 12. The patient made a rapid recovery. 13. a rapid pulse/heartbeat 14. The guard fired four shots in rapid succession. 15. The disease is spreading at a rapid rate.

----- change [N] -----

16. She is someone who hates change. 17. Finishing early was a welcome change; 18. Let’s stay in tonight for a change. 19. It’s make a change to read some good news for once. 20. a change of address 21. The country needs a change of government. 22. Let’s get away for the weekend: a change of scene will do you good.

----- change [V] -----

23. Rick hasn’t changed. 24. He looks exactly the same as he did at school. 25. Her life changed completely when she won the lottery. 26. Fame hasn’t really changed him. 27. Information technology has changed the way people work. 28. Wait for the traffic lights to change. 29. The lights changed from red to green. 30. Leaves change colour in autumn. 31. The wind has changed direction. 32. Our ship changed course.

----- practitioner -----

33. dental/legal practitioners 34. a qualified practitioner 35. one of the greatest practitioners of science fiction

----- possess -----

36. He was charged with possessing a shotgun without a licence. 37. I’m afraid this is the only suitcase I possess. 38. The gallery possesses a number of the artist’s early works. 39. I’m afraid, he doesn’t possess a sence of humour. 40. He credited her with a maturity she did not possess. 41. social/political/economic change 42. What possessed him to say such a thing?

----- expertise -----

43. The problem is that most local authorities lack the expertise to deal sensibly in this market.

----- adapt -----

44. We have had to adapt quickly to the new system. 45. A large organization can be slow to adapt to change.

----- some/every way -----

46. In many/some ways, the official opening is a formality. 47. She described her lover as ‘perfect in every way’.

----- any/no longer -----

48. I can’t wait any longer. 49. He no longer lives here.

----- mere -----

50. ...successful exhibitions which go beyond mere success. 51. There is more to good health than the mere absence of disease. 52. In Poland, the faith has always meant more than mere religion. 53. She’d never received the merest hint of any communication from him.

----- technician -----

54. ...a laboratory technichician; 55. ...a superb technician.

----- transmit -----

56. The information is electronically transmitted to schools, colleges and universities. 57. This is currently the most efficient way to transmit certain types of data like electronic mail. 58. The device is not designed to transmit to satellites. 59. The message they are transmitting to their clients is very different from that of the previous one.

----- public -----

60. The house was first opened to the public in the 1960s. 61The public wants tougher sentences for terrorists. 62. The regulations should be written in plain English that the publics can understand. 63. Privatizing the railways was not in the best interests of the public. 64. Market research showed that 93% of the viewing public wanted a hit film channel. 65. He knows how to please his public.

----- management -----

66. In this company we have a new approach to managemen. 67. The heart of effective management is communication. 68. All management (pl.) recognize that... 69. The management (sing.) of the company meets the workers to decide... 70. Talks between management and pilots ended in disagreement over pay cuts. 71. ...a strong management team 72. Senior management hired a consultant to do the study. 73. The management of the office is a very important job.74. The restaurant is now under new management. 75. ...an attack on the government’s management of the economy.

----- recognize -----

76. Most fishermen recognize the need to limit fishing. 77. The importance of his contribution is generally recognized. 78. We recognize that there are some problems with the current system.

----- practice/practise -----

79. How many hours a day do you practice/practise? 80. The earliest colonists of the Amazon seem to have practiced/practised farming. 81. She completed her medical training, though she never practiced/practised.


----- should -----

82. You shouldn’t drink and drive. 83. He should have been more careful. 84. You should stop worrying about it. 85. Should I call him and apologize?; 86. I should wait a little longer, if I were you. 87. (ironic) ‘She doesn’t think she’ll get a job’. ‘She should worry, with all her qualifications (= she doesn’t need to worry).’

88. We should arrive before dark. 89. I should have finished the book by Friday. 90. The roads should be less crowded today. 91. It should be snowing now, according to the weather forecast. 92. The bus should have arrived ten minutes ago. 93. If I were asked to work on Sundays, I should resign. 94. If you should change your mind, do let me know. 95. In case you need any help, here’s my number. 96. Should anyone call (= If anyone calls), please tell them I’m busy. 97. He asked me what time he should come (= His words were: ‘What time shall I come?’). 98. I said (that) I should be glad to help. 99. She recommended that I should take some time off. 100. In order that training should be effective it must be planned systematically. 101. She recommended that I take some time off. 102. In order that training be effective... 103. I’m anxious that we should allow plenty of time. 104. I find astonishing that he should be so rude to you. 105. I should like to call my lawyer.... 106. We should be grateful for your help. 107. I should imagine it will take about three hours. 108. ‘Is this enough food for everyone?’ - ‘I should think so’. 109. ‘Will it matter?’ - ‘I shouldn’t think so.’ 110. ‘I know it’s expensive but it will last for years.’ - ‘I should hope so too!’. 111. ‘Nobody will oppose it.’ - ‘I should think not!’ ● Why, How, What + should + sb/sth do: 112. Why should I help him? He’s never done anything for me. 113. How should I know where you’ve left your bag? 114. I got on the bus and who should be sitting in front of me but Tony! 115. You should have seen her face when she found out!


----- part -----

116. We spent part of the time in the museum. 117. Part of the building was destroyed in the fire. 118. Voters are given only part of the story (= only some of the information). 119. Part of me feels sorry for him (= I feel partly, but not entirely, sorry for him). 120. The novel is good in parts. 121. We’ve done the difficult part of the job. 122. The procedure can be divided into two parts. 123. The worst part was having to wait three hours in the sun. 124. You need to be able to work as part of a team. 125. aircraft parts 126. the working parts of the machinery 127. spare parts 128. the parts of the body. СРАВНИТЕ: 129. private parts 130. the northern part of the country 131. a plant that grows in many parts of the world 132. Which part of London do you come from? 133. Come and visit us if you’re ever in our part of the world. 134. She’s not from these parts. 135. He’s just arrived back from foreign parts. 136. an encyclopedia published in 25 weekly parts 137. Henry IV, Part II 138. The final part will be shown next Sunday evening. 139. She was very good in this part. 140. Have you learned your part yet? 141. (figurative) He’s always playing a part (= pretending to be sth that he is not). 142. the clarinet part 143. four-part harmony 144. Add three parts wine to one part water. 145. fluoride levels of 0.2 parts per million.


----- mainstream -----

146. ...people outside the economic mainstream 147. This was the company’s first step into the mainstream of scientific and commercial computing. 148. The show wanted to attract a mainstream audience.

----- broaden -----

149. Her smile broadened.  150. a promise to broaden access to higher education 151. The party needs to broaden its appeal to others.152. Few would disagree that travel broadens the mind (= helps you to understand other people’s beliefs, customs, etc.). 153. Spending a year working in the city helped to broaden his horizons.

----- bring out -----

154. A crisis brings out the best in her. 155. That dress really brings out the colour of your eyes. 156. Difficulties can bring out a person’s best qualities. 157. The teacher helped to bring out the meaning of the poem. 158. Plenty of money often brings out the worst in someone.

----- skill/craft -----

159. bring out all of the ... skills of the craft set-phrase 160. Most of us will know someone who is always learning new skills, or studying new fields. 161. The cut of a diamond depends on the skill of its craftsman. 162. chefs who learned their craft in top restaurants – the craft of cooking 163. the writer’s craft - the craft of writing.

----- ability/abilities -----

164. Her drama teacher spotted her ability. 165. I have confidence in the ability of the players. 166. He was a man of extraordinary abilities. 167. They repeatedly questioned his leadership abilities. 168. Does the school cater for all abilities?

----- create -----

169. We set business free to create more jobs in Britain. 170. She could create a fight out of anything. 171. The lights create such a glare – it’s next to impossible to see anything behind them. 172. Critisizing will only destroy a relationship and create feelings of failure.

----- message -----

173. I got a message you were trying to reach me. 174. Would you like to leave a message? 175. A message taped by the President was broadcast to US troops around the world. 176. The report’s message was unequivocal. 177. I no longer want to stay friendly with her but I don’t know how to get the message across. 178. I think they got the message that this is wrong.

----- media < medium -----

179. the news/broadcasting/national media 180. The trial was fully reported in the media. 181. The media was/were accused of influencing the final decision. 182. Any event attended by the actor received widespread media coverage. 183. Television is the modern medium of communication. 184. English is the medium of instruction. 185. Video is a good medium for practicing listening a foreign language. 186. The bacteria were growing in a sugar medium.

----- evaluate -----

187. Our research attempts to avaluate the effectiveness of the different drugs. 188. We need to evaluate how well the policy is working.

----- remain -----

189. Many differences in everyday life remain. 190. The wider problem remains. 191. There remains deep mistrust of his government.

----- crucial -----

193. He had administrators under him but took the crucial decisions himself. 194. Improved consumer confidence is crucial to an economic recovery.

----- area -----

195. ...the politically sensitive area of old age economy and all other areas of society 196. She wants to be involved in every area of your life.

----- knowledge -----

197. She disclaims any knowledge of her husband’s business concerns. 198. ...the quest for scientific knowledge.

----- though -----

199. I like him. Though he makes me angry sometimes. 200. I want to try my hand at politics, or go back to the law. I don’t want to go to school for it, though.

----- both ... and -----

201. This sport demands both speed and strength.

----- complete -----

202. We were in complete agreement. 203. ...a complete change 204. ...in complete silence 205. It came as a complete surprise. 206. I felt a complete idiot.

----- acquaintance -----

207. I had little acquaintance with modern poetry.

----- thorough -----

208. (a) thorough knowledge of the subject 209. The police carried out a thorough investigation.

----- prerequisite -----

210. A degree is an essential prerequisite for employment at this level.

----- outgrowth -----

211. There was an outgrowth of the 1996 presidential election. 212. His first book is an outgrowth of an art project he began in 1988.

----- recognition -----

213. The CBI welcomed the Chencellor’s recognition of the resession and hoped for a reduction in interest rates.

----- power -----

214. Human societies have the power to solve the problems confronting them. 215. Fathers have the power to dominate children and young people. 216. He was so drank that he had lost the power of speech.

----- all over -----

217. He mobilized public opinion all over the world against hydrogen-bomb tests.

----- among -----

218. ...a house among the trees 219. They strolled among the crowds. 220. I found the letter amongst his papers. 221. It’s OK, you’re among friends now.

----- institution -----

222. an educational/financial institution 223. the Institution of Civil Engineers 224. Class size varies from one type of institution to another. 225. The Hong Kong Bank is Hong Kong’s largest financial institution.

----- innovative -----

226. It is spending $850m on research and development of new and innovative telephone services.

----- through -----

227. You simply can’t get a ticket through official channels. 228. Speaking through an interpriter, he called for some new thinking from the West. 229. They want to get the plan through Congress as quickly as possible. 230. Certain formalities have to be gone through before you can emigrate. 231. Your suggestion has to go through several stages. 232. Tom’s book has gone through three printings. 233. Has the new law gone through all its stages yet?

----- reach -----

234. The rumour eventually reached the President. 235. ...to reach a conclusion/

decision/verdict/ compromise 236. Politicians again failed to reach an agreement.

----- stage -----

237. The way children talk or express their feelings depends on their age and stage of development. 238. Mr Cook has arrived in Greece on the final stage of a tour which also included Egypt and Israel.

----- mutual influence -----

239. mutual [interchanged] influence [effect on the mind] phrase

----- understanding -----

240. They have to have a basic understanding of computers in order to use the advanced technology. 241. There was complete understanding between Wilson and myself.

----- sequential -----

242. ...the sequential story of the universe 243. In this way the children are introduced to sequential learning.

----- still -----

244. I still dream of home. 245. Brian’s toe is still badly swollen and he cannot put on his shoe. 246. If you don’t like the job, why are you still there? 247. There are still doubts about the final signing of the two treaties.

----- exist -----

248. Does life exist on other planets? 249. The problem only exists in your head, Jane. 250. Few of these monkeys still exist in the wild. 251. A temple existed here hundreds of years ago.


252. any available means phrase

----- desire -----

253. We all desire health and happiness. 254. The house had everything you could desire. 255. The medicine did not achieve the desired effect.

----- provide -----

256. I’ll be glad to provide a copy of this. 257. They would not provide any details. 258. The government was not in a position to provide them with food.


259. He had always been able to count on her wise counsel.

260. can be better predicted and prepared for

----- predict -----

261. a reliable method of predicting earthquakes 262. Nobody could predict the outcome. 263. It is impossible to predict what will happen. 264. She predicted (that) the election result would be close. 265. It was predicted that inflation would continue to fall. 266. The trial is predicted to last for months.

----- prepare -----

267. to prepare a report/the accounts 268. A hotel room is being prepared for them. 269. The college prepares students for a career in business. 270. The committee will prepare the ground for next month’s meeting. 271. I had no time to prepare. 272. The police are preparing themselves for trouble at the demonstration. 273. The whole class is working hard preparing for the exams. 274. He was in the kitchen preparing lunch. 275. ...remedies prepared from herbal extracts.

----- trend -----

276. economic/social/political trends 277. There is a growing trend towards earlier retirement; current trends in language teaching. 278. a downward/upward trend in sales 279. You seem to have set (= started) a new trend. 280. This trend is being reversed (= is going in the opposite direction).

----- identify -----

281. The bodies were identified as those of two suspected drug dealers. 282. She was able to identify her attacker. 283. Passengers were asked to identify their own suitcases before they were put on the plane. 284. Many of those arrested refused to identify themselves (= would not say who they were). 285. First of all we must identify the problem areas.



Additional Information on PR:

I. Definitions ● II. PR as a Process ● III. Components & Terms ● IV. Texts


I. A Variety of Definitions

  1. People often define public relations by some of its most visible techniques and tactics, such as publicity in a newspaper, a television interview with an organization’s spokesperson, or the appearance of a celebrity at a special event.

  1. What people fail to understand is that public relations is a process involving many subtle and far-reaching aspects. It includes: research and analysis, policy formation, programming, communication, and feedback from numerous publics. Its practitioners operate on two distinct levelsas advisers to their clients or to an organization’s top management, and as technicians who produce and disseminate messages in multiple media channels.

  1. A number of definitions have been formulated over the years. One of the early definitions that gained wide acceptance was formulated by the newsletter PR News: “Public relations is the management function which evaluates public attitudes, identifies the policies and prosedures of an individual or an organization with the public interest, and plans and executes a program of action to earn public understanding and patience.” Some definitions state that PR isthe management of communication between an organization and its politics.”

  1. The best definition for today’s modern practice is offered by Professor Lawrence W. Long and Vincent Hazelton, who describe PR as “a communication function of management through which organizations adapt to, alter, or maintain their environment for the purpose of achieving organizational goals.” PR is more than persuation: it should also foster [благоприятствовать; поощрять] open, two-way communication and mutual understanding with the idea that an organization also changes its attitudes and behaviors in the process – not just the target audience.

  1. Here are some more definition samples:

  • PR is the deliberate, planned, and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organization and its publics. (British Institute of Public Opinion; adopted in some Commonwealth nations)

  • PR is the management, through communication, of perceptions and strategic relationships between an organization and its internal and external stakeholders. (PR Institute of Southern Africa)

  • PR is the sustained and systematic managerial effort through which private and public organizations seek to establish understanding, sympathy, and support in those public circles with which they have or expect to obtain contact. (Dansk PR Klub of Denmark)

6. The key words to remember in defining PR are as follows 1-6:

    1. Delibarate. PR activity is intentional. It is designed to ifluence, gain understanding, provide information, and obtain feedback (reaction from those affected by the activity).

    1. Planned. PR activity is organized. Solutions to problems are discovered and logistics are thought out, with the activity taking place over a period of time. It is systematic, requring research and analysis.

    1. Performance. Effective PR is based on actual policies and performance. No amount of PR will generate the goodwill and support if the organization is unresponsive to community concerns. A Pacific Northwest timber company, despite a campaign with the theme “For Us, Every Day Is Earth Day,” became known as the villain [негодяй; злодей] of Washington State because its insistence on logging old-growth forests and buldozing a logging road into a prime elk habitat [лосиное угодье/обитание].

    1. Public Interest. PR activity should be mutually beneficial to the organization and the public; it is the alignment of the organization’s self-interests with the public’s concerns and interests. For example, the Exxon Corporation sponsors quality programmimg on public television because it enhances the company’s image; by the same token, the public benefits from the availability of such programming.

    1. Two-way Communication. PR is more than one-way dissemination [распространение] of informational materials. It is equally important to solicit [требовать] feedback. As Jim Osborne, former vice president of public affairs at Bell Canada, says, “The primary responsibility of the PR counselor is to provide (management) a thorough grasp of public sentiment.”

    1. Management Function. PR is most effective when it is an integral part of decision-making by top management. PR involves counseling and problem-solving at high levels, not just the dissemination of information after a decision has been made.

  • To summarize, a person can grasp the essential elements of public relations by remembering the following words: deliberate ... planned ... performance ... public interest ... two-way communication ... management function.

  • The elements of PR just described are part of a interactive process that makes up what is called public relations activity.

(Здесь и частично далее нами заимствовано из: Ильина, Тычинский, с. 9-15,

а также из: Wilcox и др., с. 1-22; фрагменты использованных текстов полиграфически изменены и адаптированы нами. – В.Ш.)
