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Dictionaries & Reference Books Used

  1. Ермолович Д.И., Красавина Т.М. Новый большой русско-английский словарь. – М.: Рус. яз. – Медиа, 2008. – 1108 с.

  2. Иванов А.К. Язык СМИ: 500 «трудных» слов: англо-русский словарь. – М.: Флинта, 2005. – 232 с.

  3. Иванова К.А. Англо-русский и русско-английский словарь по рекламе и PR. – СПб.: Питер, 2004. – 326 с.

  4. Кортни Р. Английские фразовые глаголы. Англо-русский словарь. – М.: Рус. яз.: Лонгман, 2000. – 767 с.

  5. Крупнов В.Н. Язык современной прессы. Англо-русский словарь. В 2-х т. – М.: Высш. шк., 1993. – 471 с.

  6. Курьянов Е.И. Англо-русский словарь по СМИ (с толкованиями). – М.: Моск. межд. шк. Переводчиков, 1993. – 320 с.

  7. Назайкин А.Н. Англо-русский словарь по рекламе. – М.: ООО «Вершина», 2005. – 272 с.

  8. Покровская Е.В. Англо-русский словарь языка СМИ. – М.: Рус. яз., 2003. – 496 с.

  9. Трофимова З.С. Словарь новых слов и значений в английском языке. – М.: АСТ: Восток-Запад, 2006. – 320 с.

  10. Collins COBUILD. Англо-англо-русский учебный словарь. В 2-х т. – М.: Астрель: АСТ, 2006. – 3083 с.

  11. Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners. Second Edition. – Oxford: A&C Black Publishers Ltd, 2007. – 1748 pp.

  12. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. Sixth Edition. – Oxford: OUP, 2007. – 1542 pp.

  13. The New Fowler’s Modern English Usage (Ed. By R.W. Burchfield). – Oxford: Clarendon Press (OUP), 1996. – 1486 pp.


Keys to Exercises

  • Ex. 4. Key: 1-10 2-36 3-7 4-38 5-24 6-32 7-14 8-29 9-40 10-16 11-27 12-35 13-3 14-25 15-19 16-31 17-11 18-26 19-33 20-1 21-22 22-17 23-39 24-28 25-2 26-34 27-12 28-23 29-4 30-20 31-9 32-7 33-6 34-37 35-21 36-5 37-13 38-30 39-18 40-15

  • Ex. 6.3.1. Key: 1-A-is 2-A-Is 3-A-seem 4-A-are 5-B-has 6-A-presents 7-A-are 8-A-have 9-B-appears 10-B-are 11-A-is 12-A-is 13-B-were 14-B-run

  • Ex. 6.3.2. Key: 1-A-has 2-B-is 3-A-is 4-B-is 5-A-has 6-A-take 7-A-seem 8-A-Has 9-B-are 10-B-has 11-B-is 12-A-are 13-B-decides 14-B-has

  • Ex. 6. 3.3. Key: 1-Incorrect 2-Incorr. 3-Incorr. 4-Correct 5-Incorr. 6-Incorr. 7-Incorr. 8-Correct 9-Incorrect 10-Incorrect


  • Ex. 6. 3. 4. Key: 1-A-has 2-B-needs 3-B-is 4-B-has 5-A-has/are 6-B-hopes 7-B-hope 8-B-reminds 9-B-vote 10-B-is 11-B-is 12-A-seem

  • Ex. 6. 3. 4. Responses:

1. The ‘who’ refers, in this case, to ‘the only one’, which is singular.

  1. The subject here is ‘The International Club’, which is singular. The modifying phrase that comes after ‘as well as’ modifies the subject but does not compound it as the word ‘and’ would do.

  2. The subject of this sentence is ‘one’, which is, of course, singular. Don’t let the interventing prepositinal phrase (with its plural ‘friends’) fool you.

  3. With paired conjunctions such as ‘either...or’ and ‘not only...but also’, the subject closer to the verb (in this case, the singular ‘instructor’) determines whether the verb will be singular or plural.

  4. ‘Most’ is not a countable noun here (you count ‘the milk’ in the first sentence), so the verb must be singular. You can count the gallons of milk, though, so the subject in the second sentence is plural.

  5. The subject of the verb is ‘each and every’, which is singular: the correct verb choice, then, is ‘hopes’.

  6. When ‘each’ or ‘every’ comes after the compound subject, a plural verb (‘hope’) is appropriate.

  7. ‘Rice and beans’ is one dish, so we need a singular verb to agree with it.

  8. ‘Number’ is a collective noun, but the elements within the collective noun (the voters) are acting seperately in this case (we hope!), so the verb should be plural: ‘vote’.

  9. The quantity of ‘four years’ here is meant to be taken as a whole, as one quantity, so the verb should be singular.

  10. ‘Politics’, in this case, is one thing, so we need a singular verb.

  11. “Economics”, in this case, means any number of aspects of or facts about the country’s financial health, so we need a plural verb. When the word ‘economics’ refers to the course or the discipline, it is singular.


  • Ex. 7.3.1. Key: 1-should have told 2-should have married 3-ought to get rid 4-ought to be demanding 5-shouldn’t have bothered; should have telephoned 6-ought to have 7-should not be 8-should meet 9-ought to have 10-should go 11-ought to have made 12-shouldn’t have put 13-ought to feel 14-ought to have told 15-should have done 16-ought not to have repeated

Ex. 7.3.6. Key: 1. Мне лучше пойти, иначе я опоздаю. 2. Вам лучше вернуться в пятницу (а то… ). 3. Вам лучше быть там вовремя. 4. Ей лучше сюда больше не приходить! 5. Вам лучше пойти к врачу, Ваш кашель становится хуже. 6. Вам следовало (было) вернуться в пятницу: Вы пропустили важную встречу. 7. Вам следует купить эту машину. 8. Вам лучше купить эту машину, завтра её может не быть. 9. Я сказал ему, что ему следует купить ту (эту) машину. 10. Я советую/ рекомендую тебе покупку этой машины (… купить эту машину) // Я советую/рекомендую тебе купить эту машину. 11. Я (по)советовал/

(по)рекомендовал покупку той машины // Я (по)советовал ему купить той машины. 12. Я (по)советовал/(по)рекомендовал ему против покупки

той машины [Буквальный перевод]. // Я (по)советовал/(по)рекомендовал ему не покупать ту машину.

  • Ex. 7.3.7. Key: 1. should plan 2. ought to have gone away 3. should/ ought to be more serious 4. should/ought to be polite 5. should be asked 6. should go to bed 7. should/ought to have been told 8. should be more careful 9. should take 10. shouldn’t have done

  • Ex. 7.3.8. Key: 1. It was a great show. If you have time, you should watch it. 2. If you want to succeed, you should get knowledge, experience and patience. 3. You should consult a professional, before taking any decision. 4. Should you start taking driving lessons. 5. I’m sure you should turn to a doctor. You should have given up smoking long ago! 6. You should have thought about it before! But there is nothing to do, let’s see, what can be done. 7. How should I know how she is? As a close relative, you should know it by yourself. 8. You shouldn’t have followed her example all these years! You are absolutely different people. 9. The teacher recommended his students (that) they should additionally read two original sources (The teacher recommended his students to read two more sources). 10. We should abolish our yesterday’s decision.
