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8. Imagine that your friend doesn’t want to learn English. What will you tell him or her to encourage their learning English?

9. Discuss what you would like to do at your English lessons. Discuss this in group.

10. In order to study effectively, it is useful to make a plan for yourself. Look at these two examples.

  1. Paulo is a seafarer from Italy who is going to be at sea for the next four months on a heavy lift vessel.

Areas to improve – reading

Aim – to practise reading quickly

Things to do – don’t stop reading to check every new word in the dictionary: try to keep reading.

Time – try to read for at least 30 minutes a day.

Ways of assessing my improvement – 1) time how long it takes me to read the first three pages of each short story; 2) write down the times in my note book.

  1. Dimitri is from Greece and works on ro-ro vessels.

To learn more vocabulary I need to:

  • read articles from magazines

  • write down new words from these articles

  • try to use the words every day

11. Now make your own plan for learning English. Did you know that… …the shortest sentence in English containing all the 26 letters of the alphabet is “Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs”?

…there is no word in the English language rhyming with “orange”?

a polyglot is a person speaking or using many languages? One of the famous polyglots was Cardinal Giuseppe Mezzofanti (XVIII – IX), who used 58 languages, and was familiar with a total of 114 languages and dialects.

… we do not usually know when a new word comes into a language? But we can say that about the word “sputnik”. On the third of October 1957 the word was unknown. By the evening of the 4th of October, it had entered hundreds of languages.

Unit 5. Ship’s crew

1. Memorize the following words.

Master (Captain)-капитан

Navigator – штурман (судоводитель)

Engineer - механик

Chief Mate- старший помощник

Second Mate –второй помощник

Third Mate – третий помощник

Chief Engineer – старший механик

Boatswain- боцман

Motorman - моторист

Cargo Officer-грузовой помощник

Catering staff – персонал камбуза






Chief -главный


Crane operator-крановщик

Customs Officer-таможенник

Medical Officer-санитарный врач

Crewmen – члены экипажа

Hull – корпус судна

Engine Department – служба технической эксплуатации

To be responsible for– отвечать за

2. Read and translate the text. Ship’s crew

All people who serve on board a ship are ship’s crew. Master is the head of the ship. He is responsible for ship, her cargo and crew. He has three assistants: the Chief Mate, the Second Mate, the Third Mate. Each of them has his own duties.

There are three departments on board. They are: Deck, Engine and Catering Departments.

Deck Department consists of navigators, boatswain and sailors. The head of the Deck Department is the Chief Mate. Deck Department deals with safety of navigation and safe transportation of cargo.

Boatswain and sailors keep the ship’s hull, tackle and cargo spaces in good condition. They wash and scrub decks, do painting, clean and wash cargo holds and tanks after discharging and prepare them before loading. Proper preparation is essential. The holds and other compartments must be clean, dry and well aired. Boatswain must supervise the sailors’ work.

On board ship the Cargo Officer (or the Second Officer) is responsible for the safe and efficient handling and stowage of cargo. He sees to preparations for loading. Under his supervision the crewmen also get ready the ship’s winches, derricks and cranes.

The Third Mate is responsible for navigational charts. He plots course, takes bearings and defines ship’s position.

Engine Department is the Engine-Room. It is the heart of the ship. Main propulsion power plant, auxiliary mechanisms are in the Engine-Room. The head of the E\R is the Chief Engineer. He has three assistants: the Second Engineer, the Third Engineer, the Fourth Engineer. They maintain E\R machinery and ensure safe operation of main engine.

Catering Department is galley and messroom for officers and ratings. The Head of this department is the Chief Cook.

To ensure safety of the ship the crewmen must keep watch. Engineers keep watch in the Engine-Room. Navigators keep watch on the navigating bridge. They relieve each other every 4 hours. They may not leave the bridge during watchkeeping.

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