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The port of nakhodka

A commercial port Nakhodka is situated in Nakhodka Bay, in the NW part of the Japan Sea.

From the beginning of January to March the Nakhodka Bay is usually covered with thin ice which can easily be broken by vessels and driven out into the sea by favourable winds.

The port is open for navigation all the year round.

The most dangerous wind for vessels lying in the Nakhodka Bay is the strong southern wind of long duration caused by typhoons. The wind usually gives rise to the water level and produces waves of up to 3 m height in the Bay.

Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels irrespective of nationality and ownership with the exception of the local coasters.

The berths of cargo handling Port Area No.1 have depths alongside from 8.6 m up to 10.2 m and are equipped to handle grain, equipment, cables, wire ropes, metals, phosphorus, etc.

The berths of cargo handling Port Area No.2 have depths alongside from 9.1m up to 10.2m and are equipped to handle grain, coal, cement, foodstuff and general cargoes.

The berths of cargo handling Port Area No.3 have depths alongside from 8.8 m up to 11.8 m and are equipped to handle timber, sawn timber, equipment, machinery and other cargoes.

Passenger vessels are handled at two berths with depths alongside 8.8 m and 6.1 m.

Electric cranes of up to 41 tons capacity are operated on the quays. There are also floating cranes with lifting capacity of up to 300 tons and other cargo handling equipment, intra-port transport included.

2 grain handles available rate 300 tonnes/ hour each.

Loading and/or unloading is usually done in accordance with conditions and rates stipulated by C/Ps and Sales Contracts.

4. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. Порт расположен в северо-восточной части Черного моря.

2. Навигация открыта круглый год.

3. Лоцманская проводка обязательна.

4. Причалы оборудованы современными грузообрабатыващими устройствами.

5. Для обработки генерального груза в порту есть краны грузоподъемностью от 20 до 50 тонн.

6. В порту есть плавучие краны от 20 до 100 тонн грузоподъемностью.

7. Глубины у причалов нефтяного терминала от 4.5 до 19 м.

8. Все необходимые услуги, включая стивидорные работы, предоставляются в порту.

9. В порту перерабатываются такие навалочные грузы, как зерно, уголь, руда.

10.Ежегодно в порту загружается от 500 до 600 морских судов.

5. Ask your freind about:

  1. location of the port of Nakhodka;

  2. weather conditions to be needed for entering the port of Novorossiysk;

  3. navigation in the port of Murmansk;

  4. number of berths in the port of Archangel;

  5. specialization of the port of Sochi;

  6. division (parts) of the port of Kholmsk;

  7. equipment of the berths in the port of St.Petersburg;

  8. types of cargoes to be handled in the port of Kholmsk;

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Unit 9. Great britain

(Geographic and economic survey)

1. Read the text:

Great Britain is the largest island of Europe. England, Scotland and Wales are situated on this island. They constitute one country, which is called Great Britain. Great Britain and Northern Ireland form the United Kingdom.

The area of the United Kingdom is about 224,000 sq. kilometers with a population of about 52.5 million. Great Britain is one of the most densely populated countries in the world.

Great Britain is surrounded by sea on all sides and is separated from the continent of Europe by the North Sea and the English Channel.

Owing to the Gulf Stream, which washes the western and northern coasts of the country, the climate of Great Britain is rather mild but very damp. There is much rain and fog in winter. The cool wind from the sea makes the summer in England cooler than on the continent. Spring is the best season in Britain.

There are many harbours and ports on the British coast. The most important cities and ports in Great Britain are London, Liverpool, Hull, Manchester, Southampton and Glasgow.

Thousands of British ships transport to Britain wheat, butter, meat, fruits, sugar, tea and various raw materials from different countries and ports of Europe, Asia, Africa, America and from Australia.

Water transport is highly developed in Britain. There are many rivers in the country but none of them are very long. The rivers in Great Britain are much shorter than those in Europe. The longest river is the Severn. It flows south-west into the Irish Sea.

Many rivers are joined by means of canals through which ships can carry passengers and goods from one end of the island to the other. The rivers in England never freeze.

The largest city and port of Great Britain is London, the capital of the United Kingdom. It is situated on the river Thames, which runs in an easterly direction and flows into the North Sea. London is a large industrial and commercial city.

Britain is an industrial country. Shipbuilding and motor-building are highly developed here. Most of the industrial and shipbuilding regions are around Glasgow and Newcastle.

Glasgow is situated on the river Clyde along whose banks there stretch the largest shipbuilding yards in the country.

The chief cotton-manufacturing town is Manchester, which is connected by a canal with the port of Liverpool.

One of the large mining districts in Britain is Wales, where the towns and villages are populated by thousands of miners.

  1. Answer the questions:

1. What can you say about geographical position of Great Britain? 2.What are the most important ports on the British coast? 3.What cargoes do British ships transport to Britain? 4. What can you say about British rivers? 5. What are shipbuilding regions in Britain?

  1. Read about the port of London.

Facsimile equipment – факсимильное оборудование

Certain restrictions – определенные ограничения

Passenger landing stage – пассажирский терминал

Repair jetty – ремонтный пирс

Heavy duty trucks – погрузчики для тяжелых грузов

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